The Chair of Marketing has the aim to regularly publish research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to transfer knowledge from its research projects to business practice through publications in journals and books.
Leading international journals, which recently published articles (co-)authored by Bj?rn Ivens(444.2 KB):
- Journal of Business Research
- Psychology & Marketing
- Industrial Marketing Management
- Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
- International Journal of Electronic Commerce
- European Journal of Marketing
- Academy of Marketing Science Review
- Journal of Marketing Management
- Marketing Theory
- Technological Forecasting & Social Change
- Die Betriebswirtschaft
- Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft
- Marketing ZFP
- Recherche et Applications en Marketing
- Revue Francaise de Gestion
An overview of the past publications of Prof. Ivens are available in the publications list(444.2 KB).