Social Media Marketing in research
Social Media Marketing
Watching funny movies at YouTube, twittering the latest thougths, liking the photos of your friends at Facebook and “check in” at your holiday place or “gruschel” the new girlfriend at MeinVZ. Afterwards checking at Wikipedia what Social Media Marketing actually means and adding the latest research results. We all using nowadays Social Media and will in the future.
When we are using the internet in our leisure time marketing managers also try to present their brands to us. YouTube channels and viral marketing campaigns, Fanpages at Facebook or corporate blogs are just a few examples of the various possibilities the new media offers for marketing managers.
This is a good reason to examine this new way of communication in detail!
Research Questions are: What are the benefits and drawbacks of transferring intended or involuntarily the brand management tasks to the users? What are potential reactions for shitstorms or trolling? What and when should a brand post which content? Are active social media user a lucrative target group? And: How much more revenue does a brand generate, when spending one euro for social networks?
These Questions are content of our various studies that are obtained through seminars, examination papers and other research projects. As well we work together with companies in the field of Social Media research.
Current Press Releases:
Nur keine Hemmungen: ?ber Facebook, Youtube & Co. knüpfen Personalmanager schneller als je zuvor 球探足球比分 zu jungen Talenten. Aber wer in sozialen Netzwerken auch erfolgreich rekrutieren will, der muss Zeit und Grips investieren. [...] Eine neue Studie der Universit?t Bamberg zeigt, dass nur etwa neun Prozent der Uni-Absolventen auf den Fanseiten der Unternehmen bei Facebook recherchieren. "Viele Nutzer fürchten, dass ihre Daten auf der Plattform nicht ausreichend geschützt sind" [...] (Handelsblatt WOCHENENDAUSGABE, 9./10./11.03.2012, Nr. 50, S. 67)
Radio Andernach (Link folgt)
A selection of abstracts of our publications:
Rauschnabel, P.A., Ivens, B. S., Mau, G. (2012): Social Media Marketing: An Exploratory Study on How Personality Traits Affect Brand Related Behavior, in: 41st EMAC Proceedings, 2012.
There is increasing interest in the role of online social networks as marketing platforms. However, only a small number of users in social networks such as Facebook are actively using brand related content (e.g., by posting brand related pictures or discussing with other brand fans). Little research has been done about the personality profiles of those “brand engagers”. In this study, we analyze the effects of the “Big Five” personality traits on several usage-dimensions of Facebook. Results show that especially openness to experience and conscientiousness affect several brand related activities when fans show high involvement. Theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.
Rauschnabel, P., Praxmarer, S. , Ivens, B. S. (2011). Effects of Design Features on Liking of Brand Postings on Facebook, in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Berlin, Germany, forthcoming.
Fan pages as marketing tools on Facebook contain postings that marketers create to promote their brand. Previous research demonstrates that design features (e.g., the size, the amount of text) determine receivers’ awareness and liking of print advertisements. However, little is known about how marketers should design online postings in social networks. This paper studies the effects of design features on consumers’ liking of online postings and uses real data of Facebook users. The study shows that the size of the posting, the number of media elements included, and an invitation to respond increase liking, whereas the amount of text decreases liking.
Ivens, B. S., Rauschnabel, P. (2011): Fan-Insights – die Grundlage moderner Markenkommunikation bei Facebook. Erkenntnisse aus der Bamberger Marketingforschung. Vortrag auf dem Online Marketing Forum Düsseldorf, 4. Mai 2011.
Rauschnabel, P., Ivens, B. S. (2011). Tatort Facebook. Fanpages als Marketing-Instrument im Web 2.0. in: Uni.vers Forschung - Digital Humanities., pp.48-51.
Facebook hat sich innerhalb der letzten Jahre in der Unternehmenspraxis als Plattform für innovatives Marketing etabliert. Dennoch mangelt es Social Media Managern an generalisierbarem Wissen und Erkenntnissen zu Wirkungszusammenh?ngen. Der Lehrstuhl für Marketing widmet sich dieser Thematik unter wissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten und hat am Beispiel von ?Tatort“ herausgefunden, wie Facebook-Nutzer mit Fanpages umgehen. Die Ergebnisse k?nnen Marketing-Spezialisten helfen, dieses Tool zielgerichteter einzusetzen.
Rauschnabel, P., Ivens, B. S. (2011). Marketing 2.0 - Erkenntnisse aus der Facebook-Forschung. in: bdvb aktuell 112, pp.30-32
Rauschnabel, P. (2011): Facebook-Insights. Oder: Insights aus dem Poesiealbum 2.0. Vortrag auf der Social Media Night, Stuttgart, 6. Juni 2011.
Social Media Studies of the Chair (6.2 MB)
Momentan arbeiten wir daran, wie sich Erfahrungsberichte im Internet auswirken. Inwieweit beeinflussen diese denn tats?chliches Kaufverhalten? Was sagt ein Erfahrungsbericht über eine Hausverwaltung aus, was über eine Uni, was über einen Arbeitgeber? Oder wirkt das ganze nur bei Restaurants und Hotels (z.B. Holidaycheck)