Please note:

As soon as your submitted application for double degree studies has been processed, you will be able to see this change for the applicable semester in the online services when you print out a new enrolment certificate.

A change to double degree studies will only be visible in FlexNow at the beginning of the respective semester due to the later semester rollover in this program!

Double Degrees

To be admitted to studies in two degree programmes, you have to apply with the Registrar¡¯s Office within the enrolment/re-registration deadlines for the respective semester.

For the summer semester 2025, the deadline is from January 13th until March 28th 2025.

Permission to enrol in two degree programmes with restricted admission is granted only if there is a particular professional, academic or artistic interest in concurrently studying in programmes with restricted admission (Art. 87 Para 1 Sentence 3 BayHIG).

Application form(292.6 KB)


Die Aufnahme eines Doppelstudiums muss von Beginn der R¨¹ckmeldung bis Einschreibeschluss  des jeweiligen Semesters postalisch in der Studierendenkanzlei beantragt werden.
Die Immatrikulation in zwei zulassungsbeschr?nkten Studieng?ngen ist nur zul?ssig, wenn ein besonderes berufliches, wissenschaftliches oder k¨¹nstlerisches Interesse am gleichzeitigen Studium in den zulassungsbeschr?nkten Studieng?ngen besteht (Art. 87 Abs. 1 Satz 3 BayHIG).

F¨¹r das Sommersemester 2025 ist die Frist vom 13.01.2025 bis 28.03.2025.


    Zum Antragsformular(292.6 KB)

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