The Humanities Faculty Office of the Dean

Deanery officer

Sandra Ther

Administrative and budgetary matters, habilitation procedures, faculty council, appointment procedures

An der Universit?t 11, room 00.18
Tel. 0951 / 863-2301
E-Mail: dekanat.guk(at)

Dean's secretary

Silvia Friedrich

Teaching assignments, Dean's appointments, inaugural and farewell lectures, UnivIS, homepage, room management, lending of projectors and notebooks

An der Universit?t 11, EG, Room 00.18
Tel. 0951 / 863-2301

Dean's office employee

Tanja Hofmann

Times: Wednesday and Thursday afternoon

An der Universit?t 11, EG, Room 00.17 b
Tel. 0951 / 863-2301
E-Mail (Dekanatsverwaltung): dekanatsverwaltung.guk(at)

The Faculty Foreign Exchange Coordinator

Dr. Katharina Scheffner

Am Kranen 12, Raum 03.01
Tel. 0951/863-1176
E-Mail: studium-international.guk(at)

The faculty foreign exchange coordinator participates in selection processes and provides counsel for students who have completed stays abroad in matters concerning the recognition and transfer of credits earned during such stays.

The coordinator undertakes the transfer process for credit earned abroad.

He is responsible for supporting foreign students with general advisory services and for coordinating their learning agreements.

More information (German only)

FlexNow Coordinator

Nina Paulus

Fischstra?e 5, Raum 02.30
Tel. 0951/863-2275

Email: flexnow.guk(at)

The FlexNow coordinator provides assistance and organizational support in the implementation and administration of the FlexNow examination and credit management system. He acts as a coordinator between the office of examinations, the programmers and academic departments.

His responsibilities comprise organizing and conducting system training courses for faculty staff, answering students’ and staff members’ queries, passing suggestions for improvement and problem notification on to the appropriate parties, and assisting in locating the correct contact persons.