Advanced Topics in Public Economics: Climate protection and public economics

Prof. Dr. Florian Herold

Dr. Stefanie Schmitt

In this seminar, we focus on climate protection and public economics. After an introduction, students will study, present, and critically assess current research articles. We expect students to discuss possible extensions of models, analyze modeling approaches, and/or analyze consequences for public policy.

  • The seminar paper (12 pages +/- 10%) can be written in English or German.
  • Each student will give one presentation (~30 minutes, the presentation has to be in English; send a pdf version of your slides to stefanie.schmitt(at) 24h before your presentation).
  • All students have to read all “discussion papers” – after each presentation, students will be drawn randomly to start the discussion with a co-presentation.


  • First meeting: October 17, 10.15 am, room: F21/02.55
  • Binding registration: October 21 9 am
  • Introduction to scientific working: October 24, 10.15 am
  • Presentations: probably January 23 and January 24


For questions, please contact Stefanie Schmitt (Stefanie.schmitt(at)

Examplary topics:


Recommended background reading:

Nordhaus, W. (2019):"Climate Change: The Ultimate Challenge for Economics,"American Economic Review, 109, 1991-2014.

IPCC website: