Neuerscheinungen 2025
Designing Complex Software Architecture : Guidelines on Pattern Selection and Microservice Identification Methods / Vincent Georg Lauber
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2025
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 44)
Preis: 26,00 €
Designing enterprise software systems requires careful selection of architectural styles and patterns that align with both technical and organizational requirements. This research proposes a selection framework that integrates these criteria, providing structured guidance for both pattern selection and the design process.
Effective architectural style selection necessitates a nuanced evaluation of organizational compatibility, rooted in a comprehensive understanding of relevant quality criteria. Assessing the organizational fit of design approaches within a selected architectural style ensures alignment with the organization¡¯s specific preconditions and objectives. Throughout this process, quantifying the fulfillment of quality criteria establishes a consistent, quality-centered approach from initial selection to implementation.
This study examines the strategic considerations involved in adopting complex architectural patterns within software engineering, with a particular focus on the challenges of contemporary architecture design. It identifies critical decision-making factors and quality attributes that guide architectural choices, synthesizing these insights into a framework that inform architectural choices and support effective design decisions.
A taxonomy of architectural design strategies, emphasizing microservices, is introduced. This taxonomy systematically assesses microservice design approaches, detailing each step from data collection to service identification. It also highlights suitable quality metrics to embed quality criteria into the design process, ensuring alignment with the foundational principles of pattern selection.
Additionally, this research presents the Microservice Architecture Design Framework, a structured evaluation tool to guide organizations in selecting optimal design approaches. By applying this framework, the research provides insights into archetypal patterns within microservice architecture design and establishes best practices.
In presenting a structured, quality-centric approach to pattern selection, architectural design and service identification, this work offers a practical guide for software architects, enabling informed decision-making that aligns with technical specifications and strategic business objectives. As a consultative resource, this research offers actionable guidelines for practitioners, bridging the gap between theoretical foundations and practical applications in complex enterprise environments.
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Religion, Gender and Masculinities in Africa : Essays in Honour of Ezra Chitando / herausgegeben von Molly Manyonganise, Masiiwa R. Ragies und Linda Naicker; in Kooperation mit Joachim K¨¹gler
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2025
(Bible in Africa Studies ; 44) (Exploring Religion in Africa ; 17)
Preis: 34,00 €
Since many years, Professor Ezra Chitando is an excellent scholar and dedicated activist, whose personal experiences, cultural and religious influences, and commitment to justice and partnership, shape his work on religion, gender, and African masculinities. Chitando has made meaningful contributions to social justice and academic scholarship in various disciplines. His scholarship transcends the confines of academia, bringing about positive change and lasting impact in Church and society. In this Festschrift, more than forty authors (family members, friends, and colleagues) from Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Malawi, Germany, and Botswana honour Chitando¡¯s academic and societal achievements, and carry on his struggle for redemptive gender roles and justice for all.
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