Neuer Artikel in Bernoulli

Anne Leucht und Michael H. Neumann (FSU Jena) schlagen ein neues Zeitreihenmodell für Z?hldaten vor.

A log-linear model for non-stationary time series of counts

Abstract: We propose a new model for non-stationary integer-valued time series which is particularly suitable for data with a strong trend. In contrast to popular Poisson-INGARCH models, but in line with classical GARCH models, we propose to pick the conditional distributions from nearly scale invariant families where the mean absolute value and the standard deviation are of the same order of magnitude. As an important prerequisite for applications in statistics, we prove absolute regularity of the count process with exponentially decaying coefficients.

Anne Leucht,Michael H. Neumann. "A log-linear model for non-stationary time series of counts." Bernoulli 31 (1) 709 - 730, February 2025.