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Feeling Special, Feeling Happy: Authenticity Mediates the Relationship Between Sense of Uniqueness and Happiness

Selda Koydemir; Omer Faruk Simsek; Tubanur Bayram Kuzgun; Astrid Schütz



Uniqueness is a fundamental aspect of individual identity, yet commonly used conceptualizations of uniqueness are based on the contrast between an individual and other people, an understanding that is not congruent with person-centred definitions from humanistic approaches. This study is based on the idea that uniqueness is concerned with the acceptance of one’s existence and uses ?imsek and Yal?n?etin’s (2010) conceptualization, namely, a personal sense of uniqueness. Relying on both self- and observer reports, we examined the mediating role of authenticity in the relationship between a personal sense of uniqueness and happiness. This study also provides an extension of previous research by furthering the understanding of how dimensions of authenticity are linked to well-being. In line with our hypotheses, we found that a personal sense of uniqueness was positively related to authentic living and negatively related to self-alienation. Our results also showed a negative correlation between self-alienation and happiness and a positive correlation between authentic living and happiness. Self-alienation, a core dimension of authenticity, mediated the relationship between a personal sense of uniqueness and happiness.