3rd International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
August 25-26, 2016
After two conferences in Bamberg (August 2013) and Mardin (October 2014), the 3rd International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics (ICKL) will take place at the University of Amsterdam on August 25-26, 2016. The event is jointly organized by the Department of General Linguistics at the University of Bamberg and the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication.
The conference serves as a forum of scientific exchange for linguists working on any aspect of Kurdish, including the interactions with its neighboring languages. Accordingly, we welcome contributions which address these issues from the perspectives of various subdomains of linguistics, such as sociolinguistics, descriptive and typologically-oriented analyses of phonology and morphosyntax, formal approaches to the grammar, grammaticalization and historical development, pragmatics, language acquisition, language contact, and corpus linguistics.
Keynote speaker: Don Stilo (MPI Leipzig, now retired)