Das Betreuerteam 2018/19

Auf dieser Seite stellen sich unser Faculty Advisor und die Tutoren vor, die in den vergangenen Jahren selbst bei NMUN mitgemacht haben und nun noch einmal die Erfahrungen als NMUN-Tutor mitnehmen m?chten. Mit viel Enthusiasmus bereiten sie uns w?chentlich auf unsere gro?e Herausforderung in New York vor. 

Hintere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Dominik Bruckner, Luisa Beland, Jürgen Dela Cruz Hermann, Philip Lehmann

Vordere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Ying Liu, David Beck, Alexander Bausenwein

Dominik Bruckner

Studies (incl. semester): M.Sc. European Economic Studies (4th Semester)

Function as a tutor: Faculty Advisor

Motivation: The NMUN Bamberg project offered me a once in a life time chance to experience the life of a diplomat. By supporting the next generation of Bamberg delegates, I want to make sure that they will have the same opportunity. To see how students develop an amazing team-spirit, enhance their rhetorical and negotiating skills is a fulfilling task to accompany. 

Life Motto: Do one thing that scares you every day.

David Beck

Studies (incl. semester): M.Sc. Survey Statistics (1st semester) 

Function as a tutor: Organizing the BaMUN conference, speech training tutorials, tutoring the press and final report teams.

Motivation: The experience as a delegate was exceptional and has really helped me develop as a person, not to mention the incredible people I got to know through this project. This is what has motivated me to stay engaged with NMUN Bamberg as a tutor for the next delegation.

Life Motto: The path is the destination.

Alexander Bausenwein

Studies (incl. semester): M.Sc. Survey Statistics (1st semester)

Function as a tutorTutoring the Sponsoring Team, chairing at MiniMUN and BaMUN and giving assistance whenever it is needed.

Motivation: After the experience I made with this wonderful project last year, I knew that I wanted to become part of this year’s tutor team. I want to help the new delegation to enjoy the NMUN project as much as I did last year and to see them growing with every part of the process.

Life Motto: The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible.

Luisa Beland

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Business and Economic Education (5th semester)

Function as a tutor: Position Paper tutorial and tutor of the Sponsoring Team.

Motivation: Helping our delegates develop knowledge about International Relations as well as growing individually. As a tutor, I will try to make this experience for our delegates as rewarding as it was for us. 

Life Motto: “I can resist everything but temptation.” – Oscar Wilde


Jürgen Dela Cruz Hermann

Studies: B.A. English Studies & Political Science (6th semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the Social Media team, teaching the "Rules of Procedure" of a MUN conference and accompanying the delegation on their trips to Berlin and Erfurt. 

Motivation: Having taken part of the project as a delegate and now as a tutor, gives me the opportunity to not only see the progress of the current delegation but also to advise, support and teach them, either as individuals or as a team, in order to make their exposure with NMUN one that they won?t forget.

Life Motto: Live life to the fullest, make friends, do exciting things, do what you love, make mistakes but remember to never stop learning, to appreciate the people around you and to smile because you made it all happen.


Philip Lehmann

Studies (incl. semester): Research Associate/PhD Candidate 

Function as a tutor: Advising this year?s tutor team and delegation for the challenge ahead. 

Motivation: Involved since 2010 – (short interruption) – can?t stop now!

Life Motto: Stay hungry. Stay foolish. 

Ying Liu

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Business Computing (6th semester) 

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the Sponsoring Team and assisting whenever  and wherever it is needed.

Motivation: Last year as delegates, we not only practiced the knowledge of being a qualified diplomat, but also harvested precious personal growth and friendship. This year, participating the project as tutor offers us the chance to pass down the torch of Bamberg NMUN tradition, and to make sure the new delegation will have the same fun as we had.

Life Motto: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.



Prof. Dr. Monika Heupel

Position: Junior Professor for International and European Politics

Function: I teach the seminar “National Model United Nations – How the UN works”

Motivation: When I was a student, I missed the opportunity to be a part of a NMUN delegation. Teaching the seminar now gives me the opportunity to be part of NMUN, albeit in a different position. Plus, I have always been a big fan of the UN, despite its problems and shortcomings. Discussing the UN with students is therefore something I value immensely.