Das Betreuerteam 2015/16

Auf dieser Seite stellen sich unser Faculty Advisor und die Tutoren vor, die in den vergangenen Jahren selbst bei NMUN mitgemacht haben und nun noch einmal die Erfahrungen als NMUN-Tutor mitnehmen m?chten. Mit viel Enthusiasmus bereiten sie uns w?chentlich auf unsere gro?e Herausforderung in New York vor. 


Victoria Deutesfeld

Name: Victoria Deutesfeld

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Political Science, 6th semester

Function as a tutor: Faculty Advisor

Motivation: NMUN is a remarkable experience. I got to be part of last year’s delegation, representing Israel. The program was enriching on so many different levels and it was clear to me that I would want to pass on the skills and knowledge to the next generation. I am thankful to be part of the team again, being able to place value and point towards our common vision of becoming a successful team- successful in the sense that our main goal is not the mere accumulation of awards, but the broadening of our perspectives and potential.

Life Motto: “To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what
you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.” –Kofi Annan

Florian Schwarz

Studies (incl. semester): B. Sc. European Economic Studies, 6th semester

Organizational team: Vice Faculty,tutoring the PR – Social Media Team

Motivation: Since NMUN has been an unforgettable time for me, I wanted to give something to the project. Therefore, I wanted to hand over my knowledge to the next delegation and help them to succeed in New York.

Life Motto: Per Aspera ad Astra

Fabian Landes

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Political Sciences, 6th Semester

Function as a tutor: Vice-Faculty Advisor

Motivation: Having made this experience of being a delegate two years ago, I could not resist to engage with this project once more. I learned so many things from my participation and I want to share this knowledge with the new delegation. I really love looking at the project from a tutor’s perspective and hope we have another successful and fun semester.

Life Motto: chose a job you love, and you don’t have to work another day in your life.

Livia Helbing

Studies: Political Science, BA (6th Semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the press team

Motivation: As participating in the project really fascinated me two years ago, I would now like to use the opportunity to stay part of the project and hand over my experience to new motivated delegates.

Life Motto: Always stay optimistic, always keep faith and never forget to have fun!


Marlene Kn?rr

Studies (incl. semester): Master European Economic Studies (3rd semester)

Function as a tutor: Organisation of the guest lecture, assisting with the simulation conferences

Motivation: Assisting the new delegation in experiencing diplomatic work and debating with people from different cultures and continuing the NMUN tradition at the University of Bamberg

Life Motto: Never trust a motto.

Jonas Kindler

Studies (incl. semester): MA. International Business Administration (2nd Semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutoring ;)

Motivation: After experiencing an awesome NMUN 2016 I’m looking forward to helping making NMUN2017 great – again!

Life Motto: Just do it!

Steffen Keller

Studies (incl. semester): European Economic Studies, M. Sc. (5th semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutor of the Press Team

Motivation: The NMUN project of the University of Bamberg offered me so much that I want to do my share in helping other delegates to enjoy the project as much as I did.

 Life Motto: If winning isn’t everything, why do they keep score?


Dorothée Franzen

Studies (incl. semester): Political Science BA, (5th semester)

Function as a tutor: annoying everybody with a camera

Motivation:  trying to be of help giving another group of people the chance to have the same amazing experience we had, knowing that, that is only possible when alumni work together


Johannes Fritz Geiger

Studies: Philosophy (7th Semester)

Function as a Tutor: Tutoring the Social Media Team

Motivation: Participating in the NMUN project heavily contributed to shaping the person I am today. As a tutor, I want to provide others with the same opportunities for close friendships and personal growth that I was given.

Life Motto: I strive to be the best possible version of myself – no motto needed.

Tina Stanzel

Studies: Medien Ethik Religion

Function as a Tutor: Tutoring the Press Team

Motivation: I am looking forward to make the preperation time the same instructive, exiting and enjoyable as "my" tutors did for me.

Life Motto: Change the way you look at things, and the things look at change.

Quynh Vu-Hoang

Studies (incl. semester): Business Administration, MA (4th semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the sponsoring team

Motivation: After having had such a wonderful time as a delegate last year, I feel the urge to share my knowledge and support with the new delegation in order to make their NMUN experience as thrilling and enriching as mine was.

 Life Motto: When something goes wrong in your life, just yell “PLOT TWIST” and move on.