Das Betreuerteam 2014/15

Auf dieser Seite stellen sich unser Faculty Advisor und die Tutoren vor, die in den vergangenen Jahren selbst bei NMUN mitgemacht haben und nun noch einmal die Erfahrungen als NMUN-Tutor mitnehmen m?chten. Mit viel Enthusiasmus bereiten sie uns w?chentlich auf unsere gro?e Herausforderung in New York vor. 

hintere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Mareen Esmeier, Christine Hierer, Maximilian Begovic, Sviatlana Martsinkevich

vordere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Fabian Müller, Caroline Seidel, Erik J?ger


Seminarleiter Thomas D?rfler, M.A.

Profile Thomas D?rfler

Position at the University: Research Fellow, Chair of International Relations, PhD Candidate, Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)

Studies: Political Sciene, Bachelor (University of Bamberg); Political Science, Master (Universtity Leiden, The Netherlands); 

Function as Faculty Advisor: Faculty Advisor and instructor of the NMUN-Seminar "How the UN works" for NMUN delegates.

History with NMUN: I was a former delegate for the University of Bamberg at NMUN 2007 representing Zambia in the African Development Bank (AfDB) committee. In 2008, I organized the project as Faculty Advisor and supported the delegations work in New York. For their achievements the delegation was awarded with an "Outstanding Position Papers" Award. Since 2011 I support the project as Faculty Advisor in my position as Research Fellow at the Chair of International Relations.

Maximilian Begovic

Profile Maximilian Begovic

Studies: Business Administration, Bachelor (6th Semester)

Functions as a tutor: Tutoring the Finance Team

What did I learn from NMUN 2014? NMUN allows to get an idea of how to look at the big picture.

Why did I become a tutor for NMUN 2015? Based on my gratitude for having experienced an amazing project I am very pleased to have the opportunity to support this year's delegation.

My motto in life: There is no such thing as coincidence

Profile Mareen Esmeier

Studies: Political Science, B.A. (5th Semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the Head Delegate

What did I learn from NMUN 2014? 

Having the privilege to access higher education does not only offer new possibilities but also brings responsibilities in improving the lives of others. 

Why did I become a tutor for NMUN 2015? 

After I have been given the opportunity to take part in NMUN myself I feel obliged to allow other students to make this great experience. 

My motto in life: Don't spend too much time on planning your life or you will miss the day.

Profile Christine Hierer

Studies: Communications, Political Science, European Ethnology

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the Press Team

What did I learn from NMUN 2014? I improved my skills, my ability to work under pressure and I learned how to discuss and negotiate with people from all over the world. Furthermore I experienced six month of working in a wonderful team.

Why did I become a tutor for NMUN 2015? Since NMUN has been an unforgettable time for me, I wanted to stick to the project and this time experience it from the angle of a tutor and hand over my knowledge to the upcoming delegation.

My motto in life: The whole is a book. If you don't travel you only read a page.


Profile Eric J?ger

Studies: Political Science, B.A. (5th Semester)

Functions as a tutor: All around Tutor

What did I learn from NMUN 2014? Meeting and working together with people from all over the world and experiencing this great time, for from the usual everyday bare necessities.

Why did I become a Tutor for NMUN 2015? I want to ensure that our successors can be successful and have a great time I share with them.

My motto in life: He, who has found the "Why" of his life, can arrange with almost any "How".

Profile Sviatlana Martsinkevich

Studies: European Economic Studies, Master (5th semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the Social Media Team and Final Report Team

What did I learn from NMUN 2014? Due to the preperation for the conference I've got both more specific and broader understanding of many global problems. Negotiating, promoting particular interests and working out ideas in groups on NMUN was an outstanding experience for me.

Why did I become a tutor for NMUN 2015? NMUN Bamberg was an marvellous part of my life in 2014 and I want to experience it once again, sharing the knowledge that I accumulated last year. 

My motto in life: Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Caroline Seidel

Caroline Seidel

Studies: Teaching degree & Bachelor in History, Political Science and Social studies (7th semester)

Functions as a tutor: Tutor for the Sponsoring Team

What did I learn from NMUN 2012? NMUN is great project to get to know students from all over the world. The exchange was great!

Why did I become a tutor for NMUN 2013? I have been a part of the delegation 2013/2014 and it was an amazing experience. This project lives from the participation of students. I want to pass my knowledge and would like to assist this years delegation on their way to New York.

My motto in life: The ship is safe in harbor - but that is not what a ship is built for (William H.Shedds)