Guest lecture of Ralph Cibis (CEO & Backend Development) and Christopher Wood (DevOps & Frontend Development)

Web Apps in Real Life

We would like to invite you to a talk given by our guest researchers on Thursday, November, 9th at 16:15 o?clock in our lecture room (WE5/00.019).

abstract: Rakete 7 is a company that builds web applications for location-based services and the Internet of Things. Their tech stack includes various server-side technologies and different single page application frameworks.
The guest lecture will focus on both backend and frontend architecture and give a real-life insights on how to build a modern web-based application. The covered tech stack includes topics like cloud providers, SQL vs. Object storage, Firebase vs.
DIY backends, Angular JS, Vue JS, Ionic, Typescript and a lot of other buzzwords and technologies used to built state-of-the-art software. In the end, our audience shall have an overview on what’s used in real-life applications and have a basic understanding on how such an architecture can look like.
Speakers: Ralph Cibis (CEO & Backend Development), Christopher Wood (DevOps & Frontend Development)