Profile and structure of the study program

The two-year Master's program in European Economic Studies (EES) usually builds on a previous three-year Bachelor's program. The core subject of the program is economics, which deals with the description and explanation of societal phenomena at the micro and macro levels. The Master's program in EES provides students with in-depth knowledge of economics and methodology in a theoretical and applied manner. The theoretical approach of economics makes extensive use of mathematical and statistical methods. This does not mean, however, that only true 'math crackers' can successfully complete this course of study. However, the prerequisite is the willingness to deal with and apply mathematical methods.
In addition to a variety of elective options, practical relevance and international orientation, this degree program places particular emphasis on interdisciplinarity with regard to neighboring social science and economics curricula. Language instruction in a foreign business language and numerous specialization options round out the degree program. A semester abroad and/or an internship abroad are possible but not obligatory. The focus of the EES master's program is on developing your individual academic profile.
Study objectives
- Learning and application of economic theories as well as (advanced) quantitative methods from the fields of mathematics, statistics and econometrics.
- Introduction to ongoing research in the field of economics.
- Ability to analyze and evaluate economic interrelationships in society as a whole
- Deepening of language skills
- Relevant professional qualification for activities in national as well as international institutions and companies
Study structure
The basic program serves to deepen economic and methodological knowledge. The range of foreign business languages includes English, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian and German. In the specialization area, students can choose from a wide range of modules.
Depending on the student's preference, up to 24 ECTS credits can be freely taken in other disciplines, such as business administration, political science or sociology. The Master's degree can be studied predominantly in English; therefore English at level B2 is compulsory.
For a successfully completed EES Master's program, the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at the University of Bamberg awards the degree "Master of Science" (M. Sc.).
In the module group "MAEES1 Core Curriculum: Economic Theory and Methods" a total of 24 ECTS credits must be earned through the following modules:
- MAEES1.1 Advanced Microeconomics
This course covers the introduction to modern microeconomic theory and the application of standard microeconomic tools at an advanced level of mathematical concepts. - MAEES1.2 Advanced Macroeconomics
The course includes an examination of contemporary macroeconomic issues and an introduction to the methodological tools of macroeconomics in order to understand the dynamics of complex systems. - Optionally one of the two modules SuStat-014-M Advanced Econometrics or SuStat-013-M Introduction to Econometrics.
Both modules aim to acquire basic knowledge of modern econometrics procedures and the ability to correctly apply statistical methods, evaluate them and interpret their results. Detailed information on the contents of the respective modules can be found in the Module Handbook EES. - Mathe-M-01 Advanced Mathematical Methods
The main focus of the lecture is to teach methods for the description and analysis of dynamical systems and optimization problems.
In the Master's program EES, one "Foreign Business Language" (12 ECTS) is mandatory (another language can be taken in "Specialization" - see below). There are currently four foreign business languages to choose from:
A non-binding placement test of our Language Center will give you a recommendation for your starting level (B1-C1) in the Business Language.
- Foreign students may choose Business German as foreign business languages upon application to Dr. Stübben.
- If you have no previous knowledge in one of the foreign business languages, you can also take one of the languages at geninner level (A1-A2) upon application to Dr. Stübben.
- In any case, please attach a transcript of records of your bachelor's degree and your school certificate to your application email to Dr. Stübben.
For more information on the foreign languages, please visit the pages of the language center.
In the elective area "Specialisation", modules from the module groups MAEES3 to MAEES10 amounting to at least 36 ECTS - and up to 60 ECTS - must be taken.
- MAEES3 International Economics
- MAEES4 Empirical Microeconomics
- MAEES5 Public Finance
- MAEES6 Economic Policy
- MAEES7 Economic Theory
- MAEES8 Applied Economic Research
- MAEES9 Labour, Regional and Migration Studies
- MAEES10 Statistics and Econometrics
More detailed information on the individual modules of the module groups can be found in the module handbook EES.
Up to 24 ECTS credits are freely selectable in module group "MAEES11 Interdisciplinary Specialisation" from modules of other Master's programs:
- Business management
- Political science
- Sociological,
- Statistical and
- Law modules (each at the master's level).
- Master's modules in the history of business and innovation and
- Business foreign languages according to the appendix of the examination regulations.
- SuStat-014-M Advanced econometrics (if not already taken).
Accordingly, a total of 60 ECTS credits must be earned in the elective area "Specialisation".
You will usually complete the five-month thesis (24 ECTS) in the fourth semester of your studies at the University of Bamberg.
Information on how to register for the Master's Thesis can be found on the pages of the examinations office.
As a rule, you will choose a representative of the economics department to supervise your thesis. However, upon application to the examination board, the Master's thesis can also be written by a Bamberg representative from a department other than economics (e.g. business administration, sociology, politics). To do so, you must obtain the approval of the "external" supervisor and enclose it with the application to the examination board. The application can be made informally by e-mail.
It is also possible to prepare the thesis in a company, ministry, institute, etc. The student's supervisor carries out the initiation and coordination of this. In this case, the supervising chair is responsible for initiating and coordinating the process.
Please note: The Master's Thesis must be supervised by representatives of the Bamberg faculty in any case!