Kognitive Modellierung/Cognitive Modelling (WS 2020/2021)
General Information
- For a general course description please read the corresponding pages from the WIAI module guide.
- You find administrative information at UnivIS.
- Participants should sign up for the course in the virtual campus.
- It is strongly recommended that students have already a background in AI, especially Prolog.
- Until winter holiday, the course is held as lecture plus practice, afterwards, student will work on a small cognitive modeling project in teams.
Recommended Reading / Links
- Sun, R. (Ed., 2008). The Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology. CUP.
- W?rterbuch der Kognitionswissenschaft, hrsg. von G. Strube et. al., Stuttgart 1996, Klett-Cotta.
- Müsseler, J. (2008). Allgemeine 球探足球比分 (2. Auflage). Springer.
- Cognitive Science Society
- Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft
- Fachgruppe Kognition im FB KI der GI
- Clarion
- Soar
Lecture Notes
- Introduction: Cognitive Systems and Cognitive Models [pdf]
- Cognitive Architectures [pdf]
- Empirical Research Methods [pdf]
- Semantic Memory and Knowledge Representation [pdf]
- Implicit and Explicit Learning [pdf]
- Language Processing
- Analogical Reasoning [pdf]
- Application 1: Cognitive Modeling for Cognitive Engineering
- Application 2: Intelligent Learning Environments [pdf]
Practice Part
- Empirical Research Methods (Tutorial Slides see VC-course)
- Example Architectures Demo: ACT-R [pdf], Psi [pdf]
- Analogy Models: [LISA], SME, AvA (details see VC-course)
Course Archive
[WS 10/11] [WS 11/12] [WS 12/13] [WS 13/14] [WS14/15][WS15/16] [WS16/17] [WS17/18] [WS18/19] [WS 19/20]