Research Colloquium Cognitive Systems

General Information

The research colloquium of the CogSys group is a forum for scientific discussion between lecturers and doctorate, diploma and master students. Talks cover concepts and results of theses as well as current research in the field cognitive systems. Furthermore, current subjects of more general interest can be presented and discussed. Sometimes external researchers are invited.

If you want to be informed about current talks, please sign up for the course in the virtual campus.

In some semesters, we participate in the Monday Afternon Club (MAC) which is a joint colloquium of the groups of theory (Mendler), programming languages (Lüttgen) and cognitive systems.

Talks WS 11/12

Kolloquium am Mo., 23.1.2012, 14:00 s.t., F 125

Michael Kleber: Problems with the ACT -R Environment

The task for a bachelor-project in the discipline of cognitive modeling was to establish a connection of the ACT-R-Environment with inductive programming, especially the IGOR II-algorithm. During this project we discovered some problems concerning to the ACT-R-Environment. Most problems are from the perspective of computer science, but a serious problern in the field of psychology is the loss of the goal stack, which in older versions of ACT-R was present as an important control structure. Although it is clear that the human brain is not able to save unlimited sub-goals, it needs further discussion as to whether the removal of the goal stack is correct. The presentation will focus attention on this problem. Regarding on the problems in the field of computer science for the further development of ACT-R to work closely with the applied computer science is recommended.


Colloquium Archive

You find information on past talks in the Colloquium Archives [SS 11]  [WS 10/11]  [SS 10]  [WS 09/10]  [SS 09]  [WS 08/09]   [SS 08]   [WS 07/08] and the colloquium archive (old)