PD Dr. Eva Harasta

short biography

  • 1977 born in Vienna (Austria)
  • 1995-2001 Theology Studies in Vienna, Jerusalem und Heidelberg
  • 2004 PhD at the University of Heidelberg, Book title: "Lob und Bitte. Eine systematisch-theologische Untersuchung über das Gebet" ("Praise and Petition: A systematic-theological Inquiry about Prayer"), PhD advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Welker
  • since September 2004 research associate/ lecturer at the Chair of Systematic Theology and Contemporary Theological Issues at the University of Bamberg
  • since April 2005 research on an ecclesiological "Habilitation" - project about the relation between the unity of the true invisible church and its visible plurality
  • since October 2005 responsible for this homepage
  • April 2006 - September 2009 member of the "Fachbereichsrat" of the Faculty "球探足球比分" (one of two representatives of the non-professorial teaching staff)
  • January-June 2007 "Bonhoeffer Visiting Teaching Fellow", Union Theological Seminary in New York City
  • May 2007 John Templeton Award for Theological Promise
  • since September 01, 2009: assistant editor of the journal "Evangelische Theologie" (Gütersloher Verlagshaus)
  • July 14, 2010 "Habilitation" by the Theological Department of Erlangen University; title "Privatdozentin" ("PD")
  • September 2011-September 2013: "Fast Track" Scholarship for up-and-coming women in academia, Robert-Bosch-Stiftung
  • since September 2011 candidate for ordained ministry in the Lutheran Church of Austria, parish: Lutherische Stadtkirche Wien



  • Lob und Bitte. Eine systematisch-theologische Untersuchung über das Gebet, Neukirchener Verlag, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 2005 ("Praise and Petition: A systematic-theological Inquiry about Prayer")
  • as editor: Mit Gott klagen. Eine theologische Diskussion, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 2008
  • as editor, with Brian Brock: Evoking Lament: A Theological Discussion, T&T Clark/Continuum Press, London, 2009


  • Glaube, Liebe, Geist. Zur Unterscheidung zwischen fides qua creditur und fides quae creditur, EvTh 65 (2005), 428-443 ("Faith, Love, Spirit: The relation between fides qua creditur and fides quae creditur")
  • Gemeinsam in Christus. Die "Einheit" von N?chstenliebe und Gottesliebe nach Augustin und Karl Barth ("Together in Christ: The "Unity" of Love of Neighbour and Love of God according to Augustine and Karl Barth"), NZSTh 48 (2006), 445-459
  • Einleitung, in: Harasta, ed., Mit Gott klagen. Eine theologische Diskussion, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 2008, vii-xiv (Introduction to "Mit Gott klagen")
  • Gekreuzigtes Lob und auferstandene Klage ("Crucified Praise and Resurrected Lament"), in: Harasta, ed., Mit Gott klagen. Eine theologische Diskussion, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 2008, 216-230
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffers Ethik als ekklesiologischer Entwurf? ("Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ethics as an Ecclesiological Project?"); Wiener Jahrbuch für Theologie 7 (2008), 111-125
  • Karl Barth, a Public Theologian? The One Word and Theological ‘Bilinguality’, in: International Journal of Public Theology 3.2 (2009) 184–199
  • with Brian Brock: Introduction, in: Harasta/Brock, eds., Evoking Lament: A Theological Discussion, T&T Clark, London, 2009, 1-11
  • Crucified Praise and Resurrected Lament, in: Harasta/Brock, eds., Evoking Lament: A Theological Discussion, T&T Clark, London, 2009, 204-217
  • Augustinus: De trinitate, in: Rebekka A. Klein/ Christian Polke/ Martin Wendte, eds, Hauptwerke der Systematischen Theologie. Ein Studienbuch, UTB (Mohr Siebeck), 2009, 31-48
  • Petition and Subordination: Karl Barth’s Interpretation of Prayer, Sino-Christian Studies Issue 8 (2009), 9-30 (SCSJ Website)
  • Pluriform Unity in Christ: Lutheran Ecclesiology and the Challenges of Religious Pluralism, in: Karen L. Bloomquist, ed., Transformative Theological Perspectives (Theology in the Life of the Church, Bd. 6), Lutheran World Federation/ Lutheran University Press, Minneapolis (Minn.), 2009, 139-153
  • Gottes Gegenwart in Christus: Calvins Deutung der Personeinheit Christi, in: Georg Plasger, ed., Calvins Theologie für heute und morgen. Beitr?ge des Siegener Calvin-Kongresses 2009, Foedus-Verlag, Wuppertal, 2010, 177-185 ("God's Presence in Christ: Calvin's Interpretation of the Hypostatic Union")


    • Weissenberg, Timo, Die Friedenslehre des Augustinus. Theologische Grundlagen und ethische Entfaltung (Stuttgart 2005), ThLZ 131 (2006), 933-934
    • Hoye, William J., Demokratie und Christentum: Die Christliche Verantwortung für Demokratische Prinzipien (Münster 1999), International Journal of Public Theology 3.1 (2009), 131-132

    research interests

    • prayer as a systematic-theological theme
    • lament
    • Augustine, Jean Calvin, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    • the theology of images (images of God, humanity as imago Dei, idolatry, "iconic turn")
    • ecclesiology (the pluriform truth of the church as "body of Christ" and community of the Holy Spirit)


    • April 25, 2007: "One Body: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on the Church's Existence as Sinner and Saint at once", Union Theological Seminary, New York City, NY, USA
    • May 14, 2007: "The Pluriform Truth of the Church", Symposium connected to the John Templeton Award for Theological Promise 2007 Ceremony, Heidelberg, Germany
    • December 13, 2007: "Calvins Kritik der Bilder" (Calvin's Critique of Images"), Department of Theology, University of Erlangen, Germany
    • January 08, 2008: "Bonhoeffers Ethik als ekklesiologischer Entwurf?" ("Bonhoeffer's Ethics - an Ecclesiological Project?"), Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of Vienna, Austria
    • July 25, 2008: "Ist die Rede von den beiden Naturen Christi erledigt? Ein Einspruch gegen Schleiermacher" ("Christology without the Two Natures? Reconsidering Schleiermacher's critique of the Chalcedonian Confession"), at the research colloquium "Theologie heute? Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte aus der Systematischen Theologie in der Diskussion" ("Theology Today? Contemporary Research Projects in Systematic Theology"), University of Zurich, Switzerland
    • November 09, 2008: "Zensur aus Leidenschaft für das Wort Gottes. Die reformatorische Bilderpolemik bei Johannes Calvin" ("Censorship in the Name of the Word: Jean Calvin's Polemic against Religious Images"), at the interdisciplinary research colloquium about censorship, University of Bamberg, Germany
    • November 20, 2008: "Die Zeugen der Vers?hnung: Karl Barths Deutung des Zusammenhangs von Glaube, Liebe und Hoffnung in der Vers?hnungslehre (§63, §68 und §73)" ("Reconciled Witnesses: Karl Barth's interpretation of Faith, Love and Hope in his doctrine of reconciliation"), Theological Seminary, University of Berne, Switzerland
    • Dezember 17, 2008: "Vinculum Caritatis. Augustins Deutung der Trinit?t als Gottesliebe" ("Vinculum Caritatis: Augustine's Interpretation of the Trinity as Love of God"), Theological Seminary, Humboldt-University, Berlin
    • January 29, 2009: "Geistgemeinschaft: Die Wirklichkeit der Kirche bei Johannes Calvin", University of Hamburg
    • January 30, 2009: "Die Wirklichkeit des Auferstandenen: Bonhoeffers christologische Ekklesiologie nach den Ethikfragmenten", University of Heidelberg
    • March 09, 2009: "Spiritual Community: Jean Calvin and the Reality of the Church" and "Petition and Subordination: Karl  Barth’s notion of prayer", picture(177.1 KB): LWF website)
    • April 15, 2009: "The mechanics of community and the living breath of God in Bonhoeffer's Sanctorum Communio " and April 16 2009: "In what sense is Dietrich Bonhoeffer's ecclesiology Lutheran?", University of Pretoria, Faculty of Theology (Department of Dogmatics and Christian Ethics), South Africa
    • April 17, 2009: "In what sense is Dietrich Bonhoeffer's ecclesiology Lutheran?", University of Stellenbosch, Faculty of Theology (Department of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology), South Africa
    • April 28, 2009: "Petition and Subordination: Karl Barth's notion of prayer" and "Das dreieinige Bild: Augustin und Calvin  zur Gottebenbildlichkeit des Menschen" ("The triune image: Augustine and Calvin on the human inago Dei"), Debreceni Református Kollégium, Reformed University of Debrecen, Magyarország/Hungary
    • May 13, 2009: "Confessing Community: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's ecclesiology in the Ethics", ?bo Akademi, Turku/?bo, Finland
    • May 25, 2009: "Confessing Community: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's ecclesiology in the Ethics", Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Trondheim, Norway
    • August 12, 2009: "Between Prayer and Action: The Psalms as Orientation and Formation of Dogmatic Thinking", at the International Conference "Beyond Biblical Theologies", Alfried Krupp Kolleg Greifswald (Conference program(61.6 KB, 2 Seiten))
    • September 04, 2009: "Gottes Gegenwart in Christus. Calvins Deutung der Personeinheit Christi" ("God's Presence in Christ: Calvin's Understanding of the Hypostatic Union"), at the congress "Calvin heute. Die Relevanz der Theologie Calvins für Kirche und Gesellschaft", University of Siegen, Germany
    • September 11, 2009: "Auferstehungswirklichkeit unter dem Kreuz: Bonhoeffers ekklesiologische Ontologie", at the Annual Meeting of the International Bonhoeffer Society/ German Section, Eisenach, Germany
    • November 09, 2009: "The hidden Christ among us: Bonhoeffer's Lutheran ecclesiology as a basis for responding to religious pluralism", at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Group), Montreal, Canada
    • April 21, 2010: "Die Bewahrheitung der Kirchen durch Jesus Christus. Eine christologische Ekklesiologie" ("Jesus Christ's Verifying Work on the Churches: A Christological Ecclesiology"), Department of Theology, University of Erlangen
    • February 7, 2011: "The new Adam: Christological Hermeneutics to Original Sin", Department for Divinity and Religious Studies, Aberdeen University, Scotland (U.K.)


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