Publications, lectures and other projects
Diversity: Linguistic, Cultural and Literary Perspectives. Conference Proceedings (AT). Ed. Susan Br?hler and Kerstin-Anja Münderlein, Bamberg UP, forthcoming 2025.BaST series.
"When men are unprepared and look not for it". In Memoriam Christoph Houswitschka. Ed. Susan Br?hler and Kerstin-Anja Münderlein, Bamberg UP, October 2024. Schriften der Fakult?t GuK, vol. 52. Full text see here:
Crime Fiction, Femininities and Masculinities: Proceedings of the Eighth Captivating Criminality Conference. Ed. Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. Bamberg UP, 2024. BaST series, vol. 38. Full text see here:
Rethinking Gothic Transgressions of Gender and Sexuality. Ed. Sarah Faber and Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. Routledge, March 2024.
Genre and Reception in the Gothic Parody. Framing the Subversive Heroine. Routledge, 2022.
Final Frontiers: Exploring, Discovering, Conquering in the Age of Enlightenment. Ed. Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. WVT, 2021.
Co-editor (with Fiona Peters and Stewart King) of Crime Fiction Studies, Edinburgh UP ( (since 2024, assistant editor 2021-2024)
Editor of themes issue of Journal of the Study of British Cultures, 33.2 (2026) “Crime Fiction(s) and Nostalgia in British Culture”
Editor of themed issue Crime Fiction Studies 5.1: Gender in Crime, March 2024.
Essays and chapters
“I was beheld with wonder and admiration”: Ridiculing the Ball in the Gothic Parody.” Conference proceedings LAPASEC 2023. Ed. Christian Feser and Anjali Rampersad, WVT, forthcoming 2025/26, n.pag.
"Women Reprimanding Women: The Gothic Parody and its Social Criticism." The European Journal of American Studies, vol. 19, no. 3, ed. Nele Sawallisch, autumn 2024. Women Reprimanding Women: The Gothic Parody and its Social Criticism (
With Theresa Summer. “Fostering Critical Gender Literacy through Lyrical Texts: A Focus on Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night.” Impulses for Teaching Poetry and Song Lyrics: From Shakespeare to Pop Music. Ed Pascal Fischer and Theresa Summer. Winter, November 2024, pp. 133-158. a&e series.
“From Deficient to Radical: Criticising the Female Guardian in the Gothic Parody.” "When men are unprepared and look not for Ii". In Memoriam Christoph Houswitschka. Ed. Susan Br?hler and Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. U of Bamberg P, October 2024, pp. 337-351.
“Excessive Fainting and Parodic Bending: Analysing Socio-political Criticism through the Heroine’s Gendered and Sexualised Body in the Gothic Novel and the Gothic Parody.” Rethinking Gothic Transgressions of Gender and Sexuality: New Directions in Gothic Studies. Ed. Sarah Faber and Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. Routledge, 2024, pp. 22-34.
With Sarah Faber: “Introduction: Gothic and Transgression." Rethinking Gothic Transgressions of Gender and Sexuality: New Directions in Gothic Studies. Ed. Sarah Faber and Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. Routledge, 2024, pp. 1-10.
With Sarah Faber: “Part I: Gothic in the Long Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.” Rethinking Gothic Transgressions of Gender and Sexuality: New Directions in Gothic Studies. Ed. Sarah Faber and Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. Routledge, 2024, pp. 11-21.
With Sarah Faber: “Part II: Gothic from the World Wars to the Present.” Rethinking Gothic Transgressions of Gender and Sexuality: New Directions in Gothic Studies. Ed. Sarah Faber and Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. Routledge, 2024, pp. 95-103.
With Sarah Faber: “Gothic Prospects: Ancient Monsters and New Anxieties.” Rethinking Gothic Transgressions of Gender and Sexuality: New Directions in Gothic Studies. Ed. Sarah Faber and Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. Routledge, 2024, pp. 244-247.
“Whose Body in the Library? Why Gender Matters in Crime Fiction.” Crime Fiction, Femininities and Masculinities: Proceedings of the Eighth Captivating Criminality Conference. Ed. Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. Bamberg UP, 2024, BaST series, vol. 38, pp. 1-11.
"Parody in William Beckford: Exploring Eighteenth-Century Socio-Political Subversion" Final Frontiers: Exploring, Discovering, Conquering in the Age of Enlightenment. Ed. Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. WVT, 2021. 113-127.
"Introduction." Final Frontiers: Exploring, Discovering, Conquering in the Age of Enlightenment. Ed. Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. WVT, 2021. 1-4.
"'To boldly discuss...: Socio-political discourses in Star Trek: Discovery fanfiction." Fighting for the Future: Essays on Star Trek: Discovery. Ed. Sabrina Mittermeier and Mareike Spychala. Liverpool UP, 2020. 165-185.
"Trauma in the poetry of the Great War: Vera Brittain and the language of gender equality." Kolloquium Forschende Frauen 2019. Beitr?ge Bamberg Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen. Ed. Astrid Schütz, Renata Szczepaniak, and Mona Hess. U of Bamberg P, 2020. 51-71.
"'Perhaps some day the sun will shine again': The (In)ability of Processing War Trauma in Vera Brittain's Poetry." War and Trauma in Past and Present: An Interdisciplinary Collection of Essays. Ed. Chiara Manghi, Mareike Spychala and Lina Strempel. WVT, 2019. 79-90.
"Media, Genre, Reception and Frame: Putting Terms in Relation." Intermediality and the Circulation of Knowledge in the Eighteenth Century. Ed. Hans-Peter Wagner. WVT, 2019. 7-19.
"Gothic Space or Gothicised Space?" JEZIK, KNJI?EVNOST, PROSTOR. Ed. Vesna Lopi?i? and Biljana Misi? Ili?. Nis University Press, April 2017.
"Certainty, Death and Time in the Poetry of the Great War." JEZIK, KNJI?EVNOST, VREME. Ed. Vesna Lopi?i? and Biljana Misi? Ili?. Nis University Press, April 2016.
Book Reviews
Staging Disgust: Rape, Shame, and Performance in Shakespeare and Middleton by Jennifer Panek, 2024. Reviewed for Shakespeare Jahrbuch, forthcoming.
Textual and Critical Intersections by Melvyn New, 2023. Reviewed for The Scriblerian, forthcoming,
Travel, Travel Writing, and British Political Economy. "Instructions for Travellers," Circa 1750-1850 by Brian P. Cooper. Routledge, 2022. Reviewed for Studies in Travel Writing, vol. 26, no. 4, August 2024.
Fear and Clothing. Dress in English Detective Fiction Between the First and Second World Wars by Jane Custance Baker. Bloomsbury, 2023. Reviewed for Crime Fiction Studies 5.1: Gender in Crime, March 2024.
Fan Fiction Genres: Gender, Sexuality, Relationships and Family in the Fandoms "Star Trek" and "Supernatural" by Julia Elena Goldmann. Transcript 2022. Reviewed for Amerikastudien / American Studies 68.3, October 2023.
The Bloomsbury Handbook to Agatha Christie, edited by Mary Anna Evans and J. C. Bernthal. Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. Reviewed for English Studies, March 2023.
Lectures and conference papers
“The English Country House in Interwar Crime Fiction: Where Gothic and Golden Age Overlap.” Part of the “Special Session: Uncanny Spaces in Domestic Places: Haunted Houses in Women's Detective Fiction” (organised with Keli Masten, Leonard Casuto and Gill Plain). New Orleans, USA, MLA Annual Conference 2025, 9 January 2025.
“Of Superior Sleuths, Incongruent Incidents, and Relieved Readers: Humour in English Crime Fiction.” Lausanne, 17th ESSE conference, 28 August 2024.
Panel “Fictional Criminality and Humour”, co-organised by Kerstin-Anja Münderlein and Zsofia Anna Toth. Lausanne, 17th ESSE conference, 28 August 2024.
“‘There is no detective in England equal to a spinster lady of uncertain age’: Anti-Ageism in Agatha Christie.” Captivating Criminality 11: Genre and Hybridisation, Eger, Hungary, 28 June 2024.
Keynote: “‘She’s a woman, and women act in a silly way’: Policing and (Re-)Negotiating Acceptable Femininity from the Golden Age to Syd Moore.” Women and Crime Fiction: Workshop at the University of Zurich, organised by Dr. Alan Mattli and Dr. Olivia Tjon-A-Meeuw, 7 June 2024.
“Why do we like to read detective fiction: a literary-historical perspective.” The Fascination with the Unlawful. The Portrayal of Crime and the Role of Media. Online Event of the Criminology Reading Group. University of Edinburgh, 7 May 2024 (digital).
“Quantitative Methods in Literary Studies.” University of Pécs, Hungary, 10 April 2024.
“Xenophobia and nationalism in William Beckford and Sarah Green.” Bordeaux, LAPASEC: Strangers and foreigners: hospitality and hostility in Britain, France, and Germany, 1680-1850, 5 April 2024.
"Intercultural Competence via Pop Culture: Using Doctor Who and Star Trek in the Classroom" (with Dr. Mareike Spychala), International BaTEG Summer School 2023. Bamberg, 19 September 2023.
"Syd Moore's Rosie Strange and E.S. Thomson's Jem Flockhart: Debunking stereotypes, re-evaluating the protagonist in contemporary crime fiction." Captivating Criminality 10: Celebrating Crime Fiction. Corsham, 31 August-02 September 2023.
Keynote: "'I was beheld with wonder and admiration': Ridiculing the Ball in the Gothic Parody." LAPASEC Conviviality and Sociability in the Long Eighteenth Century: Restoration to Romanticism. Essen, 03-05 March 2023.
"The English Country Mansion: A Gothic Locus in Golden Age Crime Fiction". Captivating Criminality 9: Intersections of Crime and the Gothic. Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University, 02-04 March 2023 (hybrid event; online presentation).
"Noel Coward and Eugene O‘Neill: Giants on the UK and US Stage." University of Bamberg, Seminar: Gender, Race, and Nationality: Transatlantic Literature and Culture from the 18th to the Early 20th Century (Dr. Mareike Spychala). 9 February 2023.
"Vom genialen Detektiv zum b?rbei?igen Abenteurer: Das Werk Sir Arthur Conan Doyles." VHS Coburg, 25 January 2023.
"The Golden Age of British Crime Fiction." PhD Research Seminar 2022. Szeged, 29 September 2022 (digital presentation).
Panel "Comic Women and Theories of Humour", co-organised by Kerstin-Anja Münderlein, Franziska Quabeck and Zsofia Anna Toth. Mainz, 16th ESSE conference, 31 August 2022.
"She’s funny because she’s not: Austen’s Catherine Morland and Green’s Margaret Marsham. Sneering at the young na?ve?" Mainz University, 16th ESSE conference, 29 Aug - 02 Sept 2022.
"Fashion, delusion and radicalism: the female guardian in the Gothic parody." Crones, Crime and the Gothic, Falmouth University, 10-11 June 2022.
"Die Grande Dame des Kriminalromans: Agatha Christie. Raffinierte Handlungen und verschrobene Helden." VHS Coburg, 18 May 2022.
"Shakespeare and music: Analysing and adapting lyrical texts in Twelfth Night." Workshop together with Theresa Summer. Theme Day and Symposium: From Poetry to Song Lyrics: Analysing and Teaching Verse. Bamberg University, 4-5 February 2022.
"Excessive fainting and parodic bending: analysing socio-political criticism through the heroine’s body in the Gothic novel and the Gothic parody." 15th Biennial HUSSE Conference. Budapest (ditigal event), 27-29 January 2022.
"Women Reprimanding Women: The Gothic Parody and Its Social Criticism." Funny Women. München (digital event), 6-8 May 2021.
“The representation of feminism and sexism in contemporary fanfiction.” FORSCHEnde FRAUEN Kolloqium, University of Bamberg, 23 June 2020.
"Parody in William Beckford: Exploring 18th-century socio-political subversion." Final Frontiers: Exploring, Discovering, Conquering in the Age of Enlightenment (LAPASEC 2019). Bamberg University, 27-29 September 2019.
"Mass hysteria in true crime fiction: Mary Bellow Lowndes' The Lodger and Arthur Miller's The Crucible." Captivating Criminality 6. Pescara, Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio," 12-15 June 2019.
"Trauma in the poetry of the Great War: Vera Brittain and the language of gender equality." FORSCHEnde FRAUEN Kolloqium, University of Bamberg, 04 June 2019.
"Political and Social Issues in Gothic Parodies versus Gothic Novels." Krosno State College, 25 March 2019.
"Gothic Parodies: Shifting the Frames of Genre and Reception." Jagiellonian University Krakow, 20 March 2019.
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural: Insiders Outside or Outsiders Inside?" Captivating Criminality 5. Corsham, Bath Spa University, 27 - 30 June 2018.
"The Invasion of the Working Class: The Victorian Detective." Captivating Criminality 4. Corsham, Bath Spa University, 30 June - 2 July 2017.
"The Media Triangle: Genre, Reception and Frame Theory in Gothic Parodies." LAPASEC. Saarbrücken, 8-10 June 2017.
"Gothic Space or Gothicised Space?" Conference: Language, Literature, Space. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ni?, 28-29 April 2017.
"Warum es in England keinen Barock gab." VHS Coburg, 19 October 2016.
"Merlin lives! The Wizard, the Internet and Fanfiction." Conference: Tradition or Myth? The Reception of Medieval European Topics in the Anglo-American and European Spheres, Bamberg, 18-20 July 2016.
"Certainty, Time and Death in the Poetry of the Great War." Conference: Language, Literature, Time. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ni?, 22-24 April 2016.
"Female Independence in Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte." Ca'Foscari University Venice, 12 December, 2015 and 29 September 2016.
"The Reception of Dante Alighieri in Victorian Poetry." University of Bamberg, 22 June 2015.
"Shakespeares Trag?dien." VHS Coburg, 16 October 2014.
"Shakespeares Kom?dien." VHS Coburg, 8 October 2014.
Miscellaneous and creative projects
Guest on Lena Mattheis' "Queer Lit" Podcast: Episode "Gothic Transgressions" with Sarah Faber. 2024. See here:
Audio book narrator of Laurenz Volkmann, Michael Meyer and Nancy Grimm. Teaching English. Narr, 2022.
Screenplay Lady Susan, or A Tale of Two Post Offices. A serial adaptation of Jane Austen's Lady Susan. Bamberg University English Drama Group, 2021. 21 episode. See here on YouTube.
Music composed for the Bamberg University English Drama Group: Twelfth Night, or Hotel Illyria (digital play, 2020; see here on YouTube); The Impossible Room (short film, 2022; see here on YouTube)
Music and voice-over for The Criminal and Gothic History of Bamberg (short film, 2021), see here on YouTube.
"William Shakespeare, der Sommernachtstraum und der gebührende Ernst." ETA Hoffmann-Theater Bamberg, playbill, June 2018.