
Focus Areas

Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur and English late medieval literature and culture
Medieval reception in film and literature
Law and literature of the late 18th century (e.g. John Thelwall, High Treason Trials of 1794)
English literature and culture of the 20th century (e.g. cultural transfer and migration, Europeanisation)
Kindertransport and Holocaust literature
Contemporary Jewish-British literature
Rewriting War: The Paradigms of Contemporary War Fiction in English (with Departament de Filologia Anglesa, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
Literature and bio-technology

Conferences at the University of Bamberg

September 27-29, 2019: together with Dr. Kerstin-Anja Münderlein. LAPASEC Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference: Final Frontiers: Exploring, Discovering, Conquering in the Age of Enlightenment (financed by Université Franco-Allemande)

October 5-8, 2017: together with Prof. Dr. Pascal Fischer and the German Society for English Romanticism: The Politics of Romanticism (et al. funded by DFG)

July 18-20, 2016: together with Prof. Dr. Ingrid Bennewitz and The Centre for Medieval Studies (ZEMAS): European Myths retold. Tradition or Myth? The Reception of Medieval European Topics in the Anglo-American and European Spheres (et al. funded by DFG)

September 18-21, 2005: together with Anja Müller organisation of the Annual Meeting of the German Anglist Association ("Anglistentag") in Bamberg

June 3-4, 2005: together with Prof. Dr. Dina De Rentiis a conference on the "Erl?ser und Heiler: literarische und filmische Rezeption und Transformation von mittelalterlichen und sp?tantiken Erl?ser- und Heilerfiguren" with the support of the DFG, the Bavarian Ministry of Science, Research and Art and the University of Bamberg

June 2004: Annual meeting of the German Society of Contemporary Drama in English (CDE) on the topic "Staging Displacement, Exile, and Diaspora" with the support of the DFG, the Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and Arts, the University of Bamberg, the Universit?ts-Bund association, the American Consulate Munich, the British Council and donations from the Industry

June 2003: International Conference on the Topic "Fashioning Childhood: Age and Identity in Eighteenth-Century Europe" with the support of the DFG, the Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and Art, the University of Bamberg, the Universit?ts-Bund association and donations from the Industry


Courses taught at the University of Bamberg

SS 2021

V: Jews in England: From William the Conqueror to Oliver Cromwell and Beyond

HS: Daniel Defoe

HS: Science Fiction Genres

?: Forschungsseminar und Betreuungsübung

WS 2020/21

V: History of the English Novel I

HS: The Bronte Sisters

HS: Reading Theory

?: Forschungsseminar und Betreuungsübung

SS 2020

V: History of English Poetry III

HS: Contemporary Jewish Women's Writing

HS: New Lines and Movements: Post-War English Poetry

?: Forschungsseminar und Betreuungsübung

WS 2019/20

V: History of English Poetry II

HS: Borders in Exile, Migration and War

HS: Metaphysical Poets

?: Forschungsseminar und Betreuungsübung

SS 2019

V: History of English Poetry I

HS: The Novel in the 1790s

HS: Spectre of Defeat: Post 9/11War in Contemporary British Drama

?: Forschungsseminar und Betreuungsübung

WS 2018/19

V: History of the Novel II

HS: The Novel of Sense(s): Reason, Sentiment, and Subjectivity

HS: Antisemitism in English and American Literature and Culture (zusammen mit Pascal Fischer)

?: Key Texts in Literary Theory (zusammen mit Chiara Manghi)

?: Forschungsseminar und Betreuungsübung

SS 2018:

V: History of the Novel I

HS: Frankenstein

HS: How Criseyde became Cressida: From Middle English Chaucerian romance to Early Modern English Shakespearean Drama (zusammen mit Gabriele Knappe)

?: Forschungsseminar und Betreuungsübung

WS 2017/18:


SS 2017:

V: Jewish-British Culture

HS: 20th-Century British Poetry

HS: John Milton's Paradise Lost

?: Forschungsseminar und Betreuungsübung

?: Key Texts in Literary Theory

WS 2016/17:

HS: Contemporary British Jewish Literature

HS: Pre-Raphaelite Literature and Art in Victorian Britain

?: Forschungsseminar und Betreuungsübung

?: Key Texts in Literary Theory

SS 2016:

V: History of the Novel (II)

HS: British Auteur Cinema

HS: British Migration Literature and Modernity

HS: Beyond Migration and Diaspora: The New Mobility Paradigm (zusammen mit Christine Gerhardt)

?: Forschungsseminar und Betreuungsübung

?: Key Texts in Literary Theory (zusammen mit Chiara Manghi)

WS 2015/16

V: History of the Novel (I)

HS: Middle English Romances (zusammen mit Gabriele Knappe)

HS: Revolution in the Works of Tom Stoppard and Twentieth-Century British Literature

?: Forschungsseminar und Betreuungsübung

?: Key Texts in Literary Theory (zusammen mit Chiara Manghi)

SS 2015:

V: History of English Drama (II)

HS: British Modernist Novel

HS: British Political Drama

OS: Forschungsseminar

WS 2014/15:

V: History of the English Drama (I)

HS: Thomas Malory (zusammen mit Gabriele Knappe)

HS: Henry Fielding

OS: Forschungsseminar

SS 2014:

V: History of English Poetry (II)

HS: Easters European Writers in English

PS: Huxley and Orwell: Two views on English Literature Between the Wars

OS: Forschungsseminar

WS 2013/14:


SS 2013:

V: History of English Poetry (I)

HS: Postwar and Contemporary Jewish British Literature

OS: Forschungsseminar

WS 2012/13:

V: History of the English Novel (II)

HS/?: Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" (zusammen mit Gabriele Knappe)

OS: Forschungsseminar

SS 2012:

V: History of the English Novel (I)

HS: Charles Dickens

HS/OS: Contemporary Cultural and Literary Theory: Ecocriticism

OS: Forschungsseminar

WS 2011/12:

V: History of Drama (II)

HS: Escape to Life: Deutsche Literaten in englischsprachigen Exil

HS: The Bronte Sisters

OS: Oberseminar für Masterstudierende und Promovierende

OS: Forschungsseminar

SS 2011:

V: The History of Drama (I)

HS: Victorian Poetry

HS: Literary Definitions of the Human

HS: Recent Short Stories from the UK and Ireland

OS: Forschungsseminar Migrantenliteratur

WS 2010/11:

The History of Poetry (II)

HS: The Love Story of Troilus and Criseyde in Chaucer, Henryson and Shakepeare (zusammen mit Gabriele Knappe)

HS: Recent British and Irish Drama

OS: Forschungsseminar Migrantenliteratur

SS 2010:

V: The History of English Poetry I

HS: Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary British Drama

HS: Law and Literature in the Eighteenth Century

?: Forschungsseminar Literaturwissenschaft

WS 2009/10:

V: The History of the English Novel II

HS: Central and Eastern European Immigration in British and Irish Literature

HS: Theatre and Drama in the Long Eighteenth Century

?: Forschungsseminar Literaturwissenschaft

SS 2009:

V: The History of the English Novel I

OS: What Comes After Postcolonialism?

HS: London in Literature Through the Ages

?: Forschungsseminar Literaturwissenschaft

WS 2008/09:


SS 2008:

HS: Representations of the Orient in British Literature

VL: The History of Drama (I)

?: ?bung zum Staatsexamen in Englischer Literaturwissenschaft

PS I: Introduction to English and American Literature

OS: Forschungsseminar Migrantenliteratur

WS 2007/08:

HS: George Bernard Shaw

HS: Holocaust Literature

HS: The Eighteenth-Century English Novel

?: Migrantenroman (Projekt)

?bung zum Staatsexamen in Englischer Literaturwissenschaft

SoSe 2007:

HS: European History in Contemporary British and Irish Novels

OS: Towns and Landscapes in English Literature (zs. mit Anja Müller)

Exkursion nach Südengland

?: Migrantenroman (Projekt)

PSI: Introduction to English and American Literature

WS 2006/07:

HS: Oscar Wilde's Works and Trials

OS: Der englische und franz?sische Migrantenroman


PSI: Introduction to English and American Literature

SoSe 2006:

HS: T.E. Lawrence

WS 2005/06 :

VL: The History of the English Novel II

HS: Alternative Histories in Contemporary British Drama

HS: Literature and Biology (zs. mit Heiner Bus)

PSI: Introduction to English and American Literature

SoSe 2005

VL: The History of the English Novel I

?bung: Central Europe in Contemporary English Literature HS: Catholic Writers in Great Britain

OS: Constructing Identities in 18th-century English Literature

HS: Fantasy and Reason (zs. mit Anja Müller)

WS 2004/05:

VL: The History of English Theatre and Drama II

PSI: Introduction to English and American Literature

PSII: Percy B. Shelley

HS: American and English Literatures of Immigration (zs. mit Heiner Bus)

SoSe 2004:

VL: The History of English Theatre and Drama I

PSI: Introduction to English and American Literature

OS: Eighteenth-Century Woman Writing

HS: Victorian Poetry

WS 2003/04:

VL: History of English Poetry II

zs. mit Kollegen VL: Mittelalterrezeption im Film

HS: Literature of the Caribbean Contact Zones (zs. mit Heiner Bus)

HS: British and Irish Drama and Theatre in the 1990s

PS: Introduction to English and American Literature

SoSe 2003:

VL: History of English Poetry I

PSII: Arthur Koestler

HS: Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur

OS: Reading Literary Theory

WS 2002/03:

VL: Contemporary British and Irish Drama and Theatre

HS: Cross-Atlantic Transfers

PSII: The Holocaust and After in British and American Literature

PSI: Introduction to English and American Literature

SS 2002:

VL: Englische Literatur und Kultur des 18. Jahrhunderts

(Professur in Bamberg) HS: Crime and Literature

HS: English Satire

PS: The Modern Novel in English

Courses taught at the University of Freiburg (Substituting Prof. Monika Fludernik)

WS 2001/2002:

VL: Der englische Roman des 18. Jahrhunderts

W?: Der englische Roman des 18. Jahrhunderts

HS: The Holocaust and After in British Literature

HS: Thomas Malory Morte Darthur

Courses at the PH Dresden and the TU Dresden

SoSe 2001:

HS: Oscar Wilde's Works and Trials

PS: From Heptarchy to Devolution (Gro?britannienstudien)

W?: English Literature of the Seventeenth Century

Introduction into English Literature

WS 2000/2001:

2x Introduction into English Literature

PS: Culture and Law in 18th-century England (Gro?britannien-studien)

PS: Elizabethan History Dramas (class page im Internet)

SoSe 2000:

PS: Holocaust Poetry

PS: From Frankenstein to Dolly: Literature and Bio-Engineering

Beide Seminare mit class page im Internet:

WS 1999/2000:

Introduction into English Literature

PS: Chapbooks and the Legal Culture  

SoSe 1999:

W?: Victorian Poetry

PS: H.G. Wells

HS: Victorian Poetry (in Vertretung von Prof. B?ker)

WS 1998/99:

Introduction into English Literature

PS: Literature and Science

SoSe 1998:

PS: Definitions of the Human in Literature and Film (1896-1996)

PS: Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries in Late 18th-century English Literature

WS 1997/98:

Introduction into English Literature

PS: Modern British Novel

SoSe 1996:

PS: Restoration Comedy

PS: Detective Theory and Fiction

WS 1995/96:

PS: Eighteenth-Century British Drama and Theatre

PS: British Short Stories

SoSe 1995:

PS: The Use of History in Contemporary British Drama

W?: Modern and Contemporary English Poetry

WS 1994/95:

PS: Crime and Law in Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Centuries Novels

PS: Post-war British Drama and Theatre

SoSe 1994:

PS: Daniel Defoe

W?: English Literature of the Seventeenth Century

WS 1993/94:

PS: John Milton's Paradise Lost

W?: English Literature of the Eighteenth Century

SoSe 1993:

PS: English Romanticism

Introduction into English Literature

WS 1992/93:

2x Introduction into English Literature

SoSe 1992:

2x Introduction into English Literature

WS 1991/92:

2x Introduction into English Literature

Courses taught at the University of Northern Iowa

Herbst 1996:

Twentieth-Century British Novel

2x Dystopian Novel (General Education)

Courses taught at the University of Regensburg

SoSe 1991:

Chaucers Canterbury Tales

Einführung in die Englische Literaturwissenschaft

WS 1990/91:

William Blake

Shakespeares Historien

SoSe 1990:

Englische Literatur des 15. Jahrhunderts

Einführung Englische Literaturwissenschaft

WS 1989/90:

Metaphysical Poetry

Einführung Englische Literaturwissenschaft

SoSe 1989:

Shakespeares Richard II

Einführung Englische Literaturwissenschaft

WS 1988/89:

Thomas Malorys Morte Darthur

Courses abroad and at institutions outside of university

Courses abroad

seit 2005: Adjunct Professor an der Jiaotong University in Xi'an (VR China)

Courses at insitutions outside of university:

a) Lehrveranstaltung an der Sommerakademie der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes

in Rovinj (Kroatien) vom 16.-29. September 2001 zum Themenbereich des SFB, Teilprojekt N "Institutionalisierung und Transfer rechtskultureller Normen in England": "Kriminalit?t, Strafe und Moral in der Literatur am Beispiel des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts" (zusammen mit Dr. Helmut Mottel, Germanistik, Dresden)

b) Lehrveranstaltungen in der berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildung (BBW)

Programm des S?chsischen Ministeriums für Kultus zur Weiterbildung vor allem ehemaliger Russischlehrer

August/ September 1995 Introduction into English Literature

M?rz/April 1995 PS: Contemporary British Drama

August/September 1994 Introduction into English Literature