Annotated Link Directory focused on Women and Computer Science
Initiatives to attract more women to computer science and initiatives for female computer science students who are taking a closer look at their degree programme as well as the gender aspects.
- European Institute for Gender Equality
Detailed information on gender mainstreaming, statistics and more. Elevating female/non-binary voices in AI
In order to promote the diversity of voices participating in the discourse on how algorithms and artificial intelligence impact society, a list of German-speaking female and non-binary individuals who are experts on algorithms and the ethics of algorithms is presented.- Stories from NSA's Computing Women - a women’s technology history project.
- Women in Computer Science
This page collects activities (within and outside Europe) to increase and support the involvement of women in computer-science-related areas. - Klischee-frei (Cliché-free)
Fact sheets and background information on career and study choices. - Cybermentor
Mentors inspire girls for STEM! - Netzwerk Frauen-Inform
Frauen-Inform is a moderated email network of women in computer science and mathematics. It is mainly focused on the German-speaking region. - Ada-Lovelace-Projekt
Ada Lovelace, assistant to Charles Babbage, inventor of the Analytical Engine (1840), was the world's first programmer. The Ada Lovelace Project is a mentoring network to encourage girls and women to take up science and technology.
Students of technical and scientific courses of study and women in technical apprenticeships inform, advise and mentor schoolgirls. They go to schools and organise project days at universities. They provide information about study and training opportunities and tell the schoolgirls about their own biographies, which are often typically characterised by phases of uncertainty and discouragement. -
Detailed, structured introduction to the various aspects of computer science.
Introduction to outstanding women in the mathematical sciences and presentation of their problems in their time. - Kompetenzzentrum Technik – Diversity – Chancengleichheit
The Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V. (Competence Centre for Equal Opportunities in Technology) (kompetenzz) promotes equal opportunities for women and men throughout Germany. It bundles expertise from research and practice for the recognition of diversity as a principle of success in business, society and technological development.
- Frauen in der Informatik
The specialist group "Women's Work and Computer Science" of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.). advocates for a design and application of information technology that is oriented towards the interests of women.
- Informatica Feminale Summer University for Women in Computer Science
Every year, the Informatica Feminale offers compact teaching on computer science for students of all higher education institutions and for women interested in further education. The summer university at the University of Bremen is a place of experimentation to find new concepts for studying computer science. The focus is equally on entry into the degree programme, staying in the degree programme, career transition and lifelong learning at higher education level.