EUGAIN - European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics
Women are underrepresented in Informatics at all levels, from undergraduate and graduate studies to participation and leadership in academia and industry. The main aim and objective of EUGAIN is to improve gender balance in Informatics at all levels through the creation of a European network of colleagues working on the forefront of the efforts for gender balance in Informatics in their countries and research communities.

Professor Ute Schmid has been a member of the #SheTransformsIT initiative since 05/2021 and is thus actively advocating for more women in digitalisation:

MINTvernetzt is the central service and contact point for STEM education in Germany. MINTvernetzt supports STEM stakeholders through networking spaces, transfer offers and innovation impulses to provide innovative and sustainable STEM education offers and to address even broader and more diverse target groups. This includes girls and young women in particular.
Community platform: Shaping education together
The nationwide STEM community thrives on exchanging ideas, sharing knowledge and learning from and with each other. On the community platform, you can network with each other and with organizations and find inspiration or experts on specific topics in your area.
Women in Logic

Women in Logic (WiL) aims to provide a forum that brings together women working on logical issues, from foundations of computer science to philosophy, including mathematical logic, logics for AI and logical approaches to language. Our goal is to enhance the experience of women in logic and closely related areas, making achievements of women in logic known to these communities, and thereby increasing the number of women in logic.
Professor Isolde Adler (Professorship of Algorithms and Complexity Theory) is involved in this network.
Women in Mobility

Women in Mobility are committed to improving the visibility of women in the mobility industry: in management positions and project management, as speakers at conferences or as experts in specialist media.
Whether decision-maker or doctoral candidate, leader or founder, scientist, student or employee - Women in Mobility offers women from companies and start-ups, organizations and associations, the media and politics a platform for networking, joint projects, cooperation and exchange.
Professor Daniela Nicklas (Chair of Mobile Systems) is involved in this network.

German Informatics Society (GI) - Section Women and Computer Science
The Specialist Group Women and Computer Science of the GI is committed to equal participation of women in information technology, real equal opportunities in professional life, in terms of salary, career and working conditions, and making the high competence of female computer scientists more widely known in the professional world and among the general public. As role models, the members of the expert group would like to awaken the interest of girls and young women in computer science. In addition, the specialist group offers opportunities for networking and providing women-related information.

Informatics Europe - WIRE
Informatics Europe represents the academic and research community of informatics in Europe. It brings together higher education departments and research laboratories and creates a strong common voice to ensure and shape the quality of research and education in informatics in Europe. With over 140 member institutions in 33 countries, Informatics Europe promotes common positions and acts on shared priorities.
Until 2020, Informatics Europe's activities on gender balance in informatics were coordinated by the Women in Informatics Research and Education (WIRE) working group. Currently, members of the WIRE working group hold leadership positions in the COST action EUGAIN and are part of its core group.

"Komm' mach MINT" - National Pact for Women in STEM Professions
The National Pact for Women in STEM Professions Komm, mach MINT is the only nationwide network initiative that inspires girls and women to take up STEM courses of study and professions.
The Pact already connects more than 370 partners from politics, business, science, social partners, media and associations and translates the dialogue on the topic of women and STEM into innovative measures.

Women in Data Science
The Women in Data Science (WiDS) initiative aims to inspire and educate data scientists worldwide, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field. WiDS began as a one-day technical conference at Stanford in November 2015. Five years later, WiDS is a global movement that includes a number of worldwide initiatives.