Cooperation opportunities for companies

Why cooperate?

  • Our faculty has the highest percentage of female students of all German computer science faculties.
  • Excellent rankings for the computer science courses (top group) and information systems courses (1st place) in current CHE rankings.

The following cooperation opportunities will give you the chance to get to know the interdisciplinarity and application orientation of the Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences:

Download the information brochure

We are looking forward to your inquiry (careercenter.wiai(at)

Career Day WIAI

Every summer semester, the faculty WIAI organizes an IT-related career day. The students of the faculty WIAI have the opportunity to get to know IT companies from the region, but also internationally operating companies.

As an exhibitor, you have the opportunity to present your company to students as a potential employer.

In addition, you can offer a workshop or presentation in which students can learn more about specific company areas or the processes involved in an application, for example.

More about the Career Day WIAI

Corporate Internship Program

We are constantly looking for cooperation partners who offer four to six month internships in an (international) IT context to give our WIAI students the opportunity to gain experience in an (international) IT company.

Interested companies should agree to provide a certain number of internships per year.

More Information about the Corporate Internship Program

Workshops for pupils

In order to attract more students, the WIAI Faculty has been offering regular workshops for pupils of different age groups since 2005.

The programs are very popular and have helped more than 600 students to discover their talents for computer science:

  • BIT – Bamberger Informatik Tag: A whole day full of workshops to inform and try out for pupils from elementary school to high school
  • MUT – M?dchen und Technik: Workshops especially for girls of all school types from 10-14 years
  • Girls'Day: Workshops especially for girls of secondary schools from grade 8
  • I4Kids: Workshops for pre-school and primary school children
  • make IT: Pupils of Q11 experience computer science courses at the Faculty WIAI supported by student mentors

The faculty does not have a budget available for the application and implementation of the different workshops. The supervision of the workshops is carried out on an honorary basis by the scientific staff of the Faculty WIAI.

In order to be able to continue the program to the usual extent and quality, the faculty is dependent on additional donations and sponsors. Of course, the supporting companies are mentioned on all advertising material of the workshops.

More Information about the workshops for pupils

WIAI.PraxisReport of the

The e. V. is the network of alumni and active members of the faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences.

The organizes the WIAI.PraxisReport several times a semester. At these practical lectures with subsequent discussion companies from the region present themselves and introduce the entry possibilities with the enterprise. The event offers the opportunity to make first contacts between practitioners and students in a relaxed atmosphere.

More about the

Job Portal "Jobb?rse WIAI"

We are happy to publish your offers for jobs, internships, working student activities and events in the Faculty's job portal "Jobb?rse WIAI". Publishing offers is subject to a fee.

Your advantages:
The Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences (WIAI) of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg sets accents in excellent research and teaching: The faculty's computer science and information systems degrees continuously achieves top marks in the CHE University Ranking and are among the best in Germany.

Via the job portal you can establish exclusive contacts to students in the phase of their studies that is of interest to you and thus draw attention to your company as a potential employer. Here you can publish classic advertisements for jobs, working student activities and internships online. With our job portal you can reach students of all study courses of the faculty WIAI and in all phases of their studies without wastage. Our job portal is well known among all students at the Faculty WIAI and is highly frequented.

General conditions:
You become a "member" for one year and can publish job advertisements (e.g. direct entry, trainee etc.) and further offers (e.g. company events) within one year. You will be sent an invoice for the fee of publication. We offer various pricing models for publishing that differ in the number and duration of publications.

Please contact us by mail for further information.

Living Lab Bamberg

The "Living Lab Bamberg" is an open research and development environment for sensor-based applications in the domain "Smart Cities". With the innovation laboratory sponsored by the ZD.B, student projects can be carried out within the framework of the TechnologieAllianzOberfranken with companies, non-profit institutions and authorities as well as in cooperation with other universities.

More information about the Living Lab Bamberg

Further education opportunities

The Faculty WIAI offers a wide range of further education opportunities for companies, in which interested parties are supported in the challenges of digitalisation and digital competences are trained.