International Week 2022: 4 - 8 July

During the first week of July, the University of Bamberg will apply its focus to international issues and aspects of various academic fields. All events are open to the public. In addition to subject-specific seminars and lectures, a movie night and a potluck party, the programme also boasts a series of events and workshops specifically for students and scholars that will provide information on international study and internship opportunities, double degrees, international research strategies, and intercultural competence.

We would like to thank all our fellow collaborators for their numerous contributions, and we wish all students, colleagues and guests an informative and inspiring international week!


Monday, 4. July 2022

Images of the Old West: From Paintings to Photos to Moving Pictures
As part of the practical training course ?The American West:ern: Exploring the Myth, the Place, the Genre“
Dr. Nicole K. Konopka, American Studies
12:15 - 1:45 p.m., room SP17/00.13, Schillerplatz 17

Independence Day Party: American Barbecue, Potluck and Sports
The event is part of the American Studies team’s Bamberg Buddies Programme for international students from the United States, Canada and countries around the world. The Independence Day Party is a cooperation between the American Studies department, the Language Centre and the University of Bamberg’s students and exchange students. You are very welcome to bring food typical for the various regions of Canada, the USA and from around the world to the potluck!
We will meet at approximately 5 p.m at the Jahnwiese (Hainpark)
Please visit the
American Studies website for further information!

?Reconquista? oder ?Convivencia?? Die Deutung christlich-islamischer 球探足球比分e auf der Iberischen Halbinsel im Wandel
(?Reconquista? or ?Convivencia?? The Shifting Analysis of Christian-Muslim Contacts on the Iberian Peninsula) Lecture in German
Mats Pfeifer, Medieval History
Guest lecture as part of the lecture course ?Iberian Studies? by Prof. Dr. Enrique Rodrigues-Moura
6:15 - 7:45 p.m., room U2/02.04, An der Universit?t 2 (west wing)

Tuesday, 5. July 2022

Land und Freiheit: Die internationale Perspektive auf den spanischen Bürgerkrieg im Spielfilm
(Land and Freedom: International Perspectives on the Spanish Civil War in Film) Lecture in German
Marc Puszicha, Romance Literary Studies: Hispanic Literatures
Guest lecture as part of the seminar ?Manuel Chaves Nogales? by Prof. Dr. Enrique Rodrigues-Moura
8:30 - 10:00 a.m., roomU2/00.26, An der Universit?t 2 (east wing)

Thinking out of the west – How happiness and well-being is perceived in non-west cultures.
As part of the seminar “Happiness and Well-being in Psychology and Economics”
M.Sc. Namho Kim, Ph.D. student in the interdisciplinary Human Sciences
4:15 - 5:45 p.m., room WE5/01.067, An der Weberei 5

Double degrees in the master’s degree programmes of the Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration Faculty
Dr. Tobias Kaufmann, Assistant to the International Coordinator of the Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration faculty
12:15 p.m., room K?7/01.09, K?rntenstr. 7

Internationale Mobilit?t strategisch denken
(Global Mobility Strategies) Workshop in German
The workshop is part of the TRAc qualification programme
Dr. Julia Kinzler – EU Research Coordinator, Z/FFT; Dr. Marion Hacke – Academic Career Advisor (PhD) Graduate Centre TRAc; Dr. Martin Rehfeldt and Dr. Antonia Widmer-Leitz – Academic Career Advisors (Postdoc), Graduate Centre TRAc
10:00 (s.t.) a.m. - 12:00 p.m., please register via TRAc’s website!

Representing Moms in Photography and TV/Film
As part of the seminar ?American Mother“
PD Dr. Eva-Sabine Zehelein, American Studies
12:15 - 1:45 p.m., roomU5/01.17, An der Universit?t 5

Postcolonial Novels and Novelists from South Asia
Touhid Chowdhury
6:15 - 7:45 p.m., room MG1/01.02, Markusstra?e 8 a (building 1)

The Stonewall Riots and the Gay Liberation Movement
As part of the lecture ?Police Brutality in US History and Culture“
PD Dr. Georgiana Banita, Trimberg Research Academy
6:15 - 7:45 p.m., room MG1/00.04, Markusplatz 8a

WORKSHOP (in the “Speed-Dating” or World Café Format)
Introduction to the world of (international) research // (International) Research 101
Research Working Group (?AK Forschung“): Non-professorial Academic Staff Council
Robert Craig, Kerstin-Anja Münderlein, Johannes Rabold, Caroline Seiferth, Mareike Spychala, Forschungsnetzwerk Research Network
2:00 & 4:00 p.m., room U7/01.05, An der Universit?t 7

Wednesday, 6. July 2022

Information evening on studies and internships abroad
International Office
8:00 p.m. s.t. (duration 1.5 to 2 hours), room MG1/00.04 (large lecture hall), Markusstra?e 8 a (building 1)

Interkulturelle Kompetenz
(Intercultural Competence) Workshop in German
The workshop is part of the TRAc qualification programme
Kerstin Sommer, FAU
9:00 (s.t.) a.m. - 12:00 p.m., please register via TRAc’s website!

Taster courses, counselling, lectures, etc. - see programme (85.0 KB)
10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., ERBA grounds; see programme for exact times and places.

The Economics of External Debt, Sovereign Default and Sanctions
As part of the Financial Macroeconomics M.Sc. lecture course
Prof. Dr. Christian R. Proa?o, Empirical Economics
12:00 - 2:00 p.m., room F21/03.01, Feldkirchenstra?e 21

Kevin Willmott’s The Only Good Indian (2009)
As part of the media session ?The American West“
Dr. Nicole K. Konopka, American Studies
8:00 p.m., room U5/00.24, An der Universit?t 5

Thursday, 7. July 2022

Bamberg Teacher Education for a Global World (BaTEG) seminar day on school systems worldwide 2022
Lecturers: Various
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., room U11/00.16, hybrid access: please register via the BaTEG website!

War in Asian American Literature and Culture
As part of the seminar ?‘East Goes West‘: Tracing Developments in Asian American Literature and Culture“
Mareike Spychala, M.A., American Studies
10:15 - 11:45 a.m., room U5/02.22, An der Universit?t 5

LUNCH TALK (grab a snack and join)
The TPTP World - Infrastructure for Automated Reasoning  
As part of the blockseminar AISE: Automated Theorem Proving and the TPTP
Prof. Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami
12:00 - 1:45 p.m., room WE5/05.003, An der Weberei 5

Narrating Space
Dr. Susan Br?hler
4:15 - 5:45 p.m., room U9/01.11, An der Universit?t 9

The STEM Gender-Equality Paradox: Further Evidence from a Within-Country Analysis
Joint Guest Lecture BAGSS Pillar 2+3 & LIfBi Department 2
Prof. Yariv Feniger, Dept. of Education, Ben-Gurion-University of the Negev
5:00 p.m., room FG1/00.08 (BAGSS), Feldkirchenstra?e 21

International Weeks 2020 und 2021

The International Weeks 2020 and 2021 unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Previous Programmes

About the International Week

The University of Bamberg’s International Week was first established as a “week of international teaching” in 2009.

During the first week of July, instructors, students, student groups and various University of Bamberg institutes will invite interested participants from within and outside the University to participate in a wide-ranging programme of lectures, information sessions and cultural events addressing various international topics.

  • Within the framework of university courses, workshops on specific international topics or lectures in English will be offered throughout the week.
  • Representatives of various academic fields, members of the International Office and current students will provide information on studying abroad.
  • Lecturers and guest lecturers will report on cooperative endeavours and experiences abroad.
  • Lecturers from the Language Centre will offer introductory language courses.
  • Theatre groups will stage foreign-language plays.
  • Cultural evenings will feature performances from a variety of countries and cultural regions.
  • Scholars will offer insights into international research projects.