New Releases 2020
Kolloquium Forschende Frauen 2019 : Beitr?ge Bamberger Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen / hg. von Astrid Sch¨¹tz, Renata Szczepaniak und Mona Hess
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Forschende Frauen in Bamberg ; 11)
Online edition only
Die Beitr?ge dieses Sammelbandes reichen von der mythischen Fr¨¹hzeit Roms ¨¹ber Hexenverh?rprotokolle des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts bishin zu journalistischen Twitter-Bots. Was alle vereint? Sie zeigen auf, dass gesellschaftlicher Wandel Sprache ver?ndert und Sprache gleichzeitig die Macht hat, Gesellschaft zu ver?ndern, das Bewusstsein von Menschen zu sch?rfen, f¨¹r Themen zu sensibilisieren oder auch von Missst?nden abzulenken. Wer Macht hat, kann Sprache nutzen, um noch m?chtiger zu werden. ?sprache macht gesellschaft¡° lautete daher der Titel des Forschungskolloquiums ?FORSCHende FRAUEN 2019¡°, in dessen Rahmen dieser Sammelband publiziert wird.
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Digitale Methoden und Objekte in Forschung und Vermittlung der medi?vistischen Disziplinen : Akten der Tagung Bamberg, 08.-10.November 2018 / Herausgegeben von Martin Fischer
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger interdisziplin?re Mittelalterstudien ; 15)
Price: 20,00 €
Der vorliegende Band pr?sentiert die Vortr?ge einer Bamberger Tagung aus dem Jahr 2018 zu Fragen der Digital Humanities in der germanistischen Medi?vistik. Zwar sind digitale Methoden und Objekte schon jetzt integraler Bestandteil medi?vistischer Forschung und Lehre; doch stellen Probleme zum Beispiel der Optimierung von Datenbanken, der Langzeitarchivierung und Verf¨¹gbarhaltung von Projektdaten und ¨Cstrukturen oder die Erstellung multifunktionaler Editionen in Verbindung mit der Dokumentation der ?berlieferungsgeschichte die Forschung vor gro?e Herausforderungen ebenso wie die unverzichtbare Intensivierung der Kooperation zwischen (medi?vistischen) 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften und (Kultur-)Informatik, wie die hier versammelten Beitr?ge renommierter Expertinnen und Experten aus Deutschland, ?sterreich und der Schweiz dokumentieren.
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"Im Allgemeinen bin ich sehr gegen Diebstahl. Aber ..." : Die Bewertung (un)moralischer Handlungen in Detektivgeschichten f¨¹r Jugendliche am Beispiel von TKKG / Lotta Mayer
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Medien ; 32)
Price: 16,00 €
Even though detective stories are one of the most consumed genres in young-adult literature, studies from a literature perspective are very rare and mostly feature genre analysis. This research shows that especially the question of (im)moral acting in detective stories for young adults constitutes an aspect that can?t be ignored. Therefore it interlinks methods of narrative theory and philosophical, sociological and psychological approaches to ?morality¡®. Most notably the conception of the characters needs to be in focus to answer the question why the detectives are acting like they to; imbedded in the analysis of the motivation to act morally or inmorally and the ration of such acting.
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Mit klarem Profil durch den Wandel : 2010 - 2020 / Herausgeber: Godehard Ruppert. Redaktion: Monica Fr?hlich, Martin Beyer, Samira Rosenbaum
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Schriften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 5)
Online edition only
Die Universit?t ver?ffentlicht j?hrlich einen Rechenschaftsbericht, in dem sie Auskunft gibt ¨¹ber die wichtigsten Ereignisse und Neuerungen des betreffenden Haushaltsjahres. Doch was sich in einem l?ngeren Zeitraum an gr??eren Entwicklungen und ¨¹bergeordneten Ver?nderungen ereignet hat, wird darin in der Regel nur andeutungsweise sichtbar.
Die Idee hinter der hier vorgelegten Publikation, die den Zeitraum 2010 bis 2020 abdeckt, ist daher die eines Entwicklungsberichts. Die Publikation zeigt wichtige Kennzahlen und Entwicklungslinien sowie den Umgang der Universit?t Bamberg mit gesellschaftlichen Ver?nderungen wie Globalisierung und Digitalisierung.
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Traumreiche und Utamakura : Literarische Schwellenkonfigurationen in Marion Poschmanns Roman "Die Kieferninseln" / Philipp Schl¨¹ter
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Medien ; 31)
Price: 19,00 €
Momente einer existenziellen Ver?nderung oder Krise, die den Alltag aus seiner Vertrautheit herausheben und den Zustand des Gewohnten ersch¨¹ttern, scheinen das menschliche Verlangen nach fernen Orten, fremden Kulturen und unbekannten Landschaften zu beg¨¹nstigen. Versierte iterarische Strategien verm?gen einen Zugang f¨¹r die Komplexit?t unterschiedlicher Weltbilder zu vermitteln. Da die Dichtung f¨¹r die vielfach ausgezeichnete Schriftstellerin Marion Poschmann ?vorallem ein Medium der Wahrnehmung? ist, arbeitetet sie in ihren Texten mit Erz?hltechniken, die Wahrnehmungsmuster hinterfragen und aufbrechen. Dieses poetologische Moment bestimmt auch die Struktur von Die Kieferninseln. Japan, das sich aus der Wahrnehmungsperspektive des Westens immer wieder als ein Palimpsest exotischer, eskapistischer und stereotyper Zuschreibungen pr?sentiert, wird hier zum erz?hlerischen Ort der Abweichung. Der 2017 erschienene Roman sch?rft den Blick f¨¹r die sich st?ndig reproduzierende, westlichen Wahrnehmungsmuster auf die japanische Kultur und l?sst diese ¨¹ber Matsuo Bash¨s Auf schmalen Pfaden durchs Hinterland (1702) mit topologisch zentralen Orten der japanischen Dichtung (Utamakura) in einen literarischen, interkulturellen Dialog treten. F¨¹r den Reiseroman spielt die Idee der romantisch-wesenserweiternden Naturbetrachtung eine zentrale Rolle. Nicht zuf?llig bildet Novalis¡¯ Heinrich von Ofterdingen einen literarischen Bezugspunkt des Textes. Marion Poschmanns poetologische ?berlegungen in Mondbetrachtung in mondloser Nacht (2016) tragen weiterhin zu einer gewinnbringenden Untersuchung von Die Kieferninseln bei.
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Satyrae / Francisco Botelho de Moraes e Vasconcelos. Estudio, edici¨®n cr¨ªtica y traducci¨®n de Christian Juan Porcar Bataller
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger Editionen ; 17)
Price: 35,00 €
The work "Satyrae" of the Portuguese writer and scholar Francisco Botelho de Moraes e Vasconcelos (1670-1747) represents a high point of the imitation of classical Latin satire in the 18th century. Therefore, it was necessary to recover it through a critical edition (reference text: December 1742) and an annotated translation that reflect the history of the text, contextualize it, and reveal the network of connections between the characters of the time. In the five poems constituting the work, written in the form of Latin hexameters, the closeness to Quevedo¡¯s universe becomes patent and its reading may serve as a starting point for comparing it with the literary productions of other European authors, especially satirists. In its several editions, this work has always been published accompanied by the Latin comments of the scholar Gonz¨¢lez de Dios from Salamanca, which also have been translated and critically edited here.
Francisco Botelho de Moraes e Vasconcelos, a native of Torre de Moncorvo (Bragan?a), spent most of his life in Spain, where he developed his literary career, which culminated in his appointment as honorary member of the Real Academia Espa?ola in 1738. With regard to his four main works, written in Spanish and Latin, Botelho's polychrome talent oscillates between the epic pomp and solemnity of "El Nuevo Mundo" or "El Alfonso" and the humorous and scathing criticism of his "Historia de las cuevas de Salamanca" or "Satyrae". He also wrote some works in Portuguese. Among these, one stands out as a notable source of historical references and news about the life of the author and his fellow countrymen: the essay in the form of an epistle entitled Discurso pol¨ªtico, hist¨®rico e cr¨ªtico, posthumously published in 1752.
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Multiplikatives Verst?ndnis f?rdern : Entwicklung und Evaluation eines F?rderkonzepts in differenten Rahmenbedingungen / von Xenia Lamprecht
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 35)
Price: 39,00 €
Guter gemeinsamer Mathematikunterricht f¨¹r Kinder mit unterschiedlichen Voraussetzungen stellt in der Praxis f¨¹r Lehrkr?fte eine gro?e Herausforderung dar. Vor dem Hintergrund der Inklusionsforderung wird in dieser Arbeit ein Konzept zum Multiplikativen Verst?ndnis in der zweiten Jahrgangsstufe entworfen, das in der Einzelf?rderung sowie im Klassenverband eingesetzt und evaluiert wird. Das Design der Test- und Aufgabenformate basiert auf Forschungsergebnissen und bereits vorliegender Konzeptionen zur F?rderung im Inhaltsbereich Multiplikation. Bei der Aufgabenentwicklung spielen Grundvorstellungen wesentlicher Aspekte der Multiplikation und der Wechsel von Darstellungsformen sowie das Verst?ndnis der Eigenschaften der Operation eine besondere Rolle.
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Komplexit?t und Diversit?t des kulturellen Erbes : Forschungsbeitr?ge aus dem Institut f¨¹r Arch?ologische Wissenschaften, Denkmalwissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte / Wolfgang Brassat (Hg.)
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Forschungen des Instituts f¨¹r Arch?ologische Wissenschaften, Denkmalwissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte ; 10)
Price: 35,00 €
In dem vorliegenden Sammelband pr?sentieren Vertreter*innen verschiedener Disziplinen des Instituts f¨¹r Arch?ologische Wissenschaften, Denkmalwissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg Ertr?ge ihrer Forschungen. Dabei zeichnet sich in mehreren Beitr?gen ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal des Instituts ab, das gemeinsam mit dem ihm verbundenen, 2016 gegr¨¹ndeten Kompetenzzentrum f¨¹r Denkmalwissenschaften und Denkmaltechnologien (KDWT) ¨¹ber eine umfangreiche Ger?teausstattung auf neuestem technischem Stand verf¨¹gt. Mehrere der hier versammelten Aufs?tze rekurrieren auf Ergebnisse entsprechender naturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen, w?hrend andere sich in den Bahnen klassischer geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen bewegen. Die arch?ologischen Beitr?ge befassen sich mit Ergebnissen und Perspektiven der ?Feld-, Wald- und Wiesenach?ologie¡° (Rainer Schreg) und dem nordsyrischen Pilgerzentrum Resafa mit seiner ehemaligen ?transkulturellen Urbanit?t¡° (Michaela Konrad). Die Beitr?ge der Denkmalwissenschaften reflektieren Wertma?st?be und Zielvorstellungen des st?dtischen Denkmalschutzes (Gerhard Vinken) und behandeln die Herausforderungen, die sich dem Fach mit den von der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen 2015 verabschiedeten Sustainable Development Goals stellen (Paul Bellendorf). Die kunstgeschichtlichen Beitr?ge pr?sentieren die Ergebnisse einer gemeinsam mit der Bauforschung vorgenommenen eingehenden Untersuchung der Querhausportale der Pariser Kathedrale (Stephan Albrecht, Stefan Breitling) und befassen sich mit Hans Baldung Griens Die Sintflut, einem Hauptwerk der Staatsgalerie in der Neuen Residenz in Bamberg (Wolfgang Brassat).
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K?nigs Wege zum Heil : Ehe und Enthaltsamkeit in deutschen Texten des hohen und sp?ten Mittelalters / von Christiane Then-Westphal
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger Germanistische Mittelalter- und Fr¨¹hneuzeit-Studien ; 2)
Price: 22,00 €
Dynastic continuity is of very high importance not only for aristocracy, but also for the strong continuance of medieval political systems: The purpose of noble marriages and a sign of the grace of God is to be blessed with children.
On the other hand, the church propagates sexual abstinence as a vital virtue of Christian saints. This thesis analyzes, how medieval texts deal with the existence of celibacy and childlessness in the high nobility. Models of marriage and dynastic concepts were researched on the basis of the married couples of ?King Rother¡° and ?M¨¹nchner Oswald¡° as well as of the literary constructs of the historical emperor Henry II. and empress Cunegund in Ebernand¡¯s of Erfurt ?Keisir unde Keisirin¡°, landgrave Louis and Elizabeth of Thuringia in a German Vita of Elizabeth. These texts allow to draw conclusions on contemporary discussions about the controversial topic of marriage and chastity. By analyzing the shaping of the paths of life and how the propagated life models have been legitimated, the monograph shows which traditions of discourse were the basis for the perceptions that were picked up and developed in these texts.
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?Ein ewiges R?thsel bleiben will ich mir und anderen¡° : Mediale Repr?sentationen der Kaiserin Elisabeth von ?sterreich und des K?nigs Ludwig II. von Bayern /
Marina Willinger
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Medien ; 30)
Price: 20,00 €
Sisi and Ludwig II have become two oft he most famous modern myths in the German-speaking world in the past century. The medial representations of the historical material plays a decisive role in the development of historical figures into mythical figures. Films like Marischkas SISSI trilogy or Viscontis LUDWIG II. are classics that can be seen regularly on television for years. In this work, films about Elisabeth of Austria and Ludwig II of Bavaria are examined on the aspects of influencing and developing myths and their influence on social trends. On the one hand, the aim is to find out how the historical figures themselves contributed to their own myth development with the help of consistent image work and self-presentation during their lifetime. On the other hand, it should be shown how modern myths establish themselves, adapt to the prevailing zeitgeist and thus move away from the historical model and grow into an artificial figure. The aim of the work is to find out to what extent the myths about Sisi and Ludwig II have changed in the past decades and how they have adapted to the zeitgeist in order to show in an exemplary manner how mythical figures as offers of identification, role models and bearers of hope continue to enrich people's lives in the 21st century.
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Witwen und Bibel in Tansania : Eine leserinnenorientierte Lekt¨¹re von 1 Tim 5,3-16 / Stefanie Beck
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bible in Africa Studies ; 27)
Price: 20,00 €
After the death of their husbands African women, who are living in patriarchal societies, experience cruel mourning and purification rituals, which they have to undergo and they are often stigmatized and accused of being witches. In this fatal situation, God is often their only anchor, God, who already appears in the Bible as
the protector and father of widows and orphans.
In the Old Testament, two book are named after widows, the Book of Rut and Judit, and in the New Testament there are numerous widow stories, primarily in Luke, which are all characterized by a special relationship with God.
However, the reality in the ancient world was as follows: there was a large number of widows, working in the churches, which displeased the officials of the communities. They didn't only takeover charitable activities, but they missionized and were even paid for it. 1Tim 5:3¨C16, which categorizes widows, was read and interpreted by widows in Tanzania. It is demonstrated how they deal with a text, which was written for them as widows. They didn't allow themselves to be influenced by restrictions, in fact they drew out positive results. It is also highlighted how the widows interpret 1Tim on their cultural background, how they position themselves and see themselves as brides of Christ.
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Entwurfs- und Konstruktionsprinzipien des sp?tgotischen Netzgew?lbes der Kirche St. Peter und Paul in der Lutherstadt Eisleben / Olaf Huth
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Forschungen des Instituts f¨¹r Arch?ologische Wissenschaften, Denkmalwissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte ; 4)
Price: 23,00 €
From the Roman time up until the end of the Middle Ages and during Historicism, vaults are representing very complex structural elements in the architecture of sacral buildings and secular constructions because of their functionality, their diversity of the possible design and aesthetic ambiences, as well as their characteristic static loading behavior and very different kinds of their construction methods and materiality. The exact knowledge, after which principles the vaults haves been designed and constructed, constitute not only the important basis for their adequate conservation. The design and shaping of the vaults, the construction technologies but also the current structural behavior can be traced back on certain assumptions. As a result, the decision-making procedures for design and planning can be understood and furthermore, plans and sketches, notations and surveys can be interpreted in a more specific way.
In this volume, the possibilities of precisely deducing the vault design principles using methods such as tachymetry and 3D-laserscanning is shown on the example of the reticulated vault of the late Gothic church St. Peter and Paul in the Lutherstadt Eisleben. At first, in a comprehensive literature study, a general overview about the design and constructions principles of the vaults is presented and reviewed. Afterwards, on the basis of the applied measurements of the geometric properties, the reticulated vault essential design criteria are carved out at many different applications. It can be observed that some vault segments deviate strongly from the deduced design rules but finally this fact is representing a powerful response of craftsmanship to these deficiencies of the planning and construction process.
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A Commentary on Quintus of Smyrna, Posthomerica 13 / Stephan Renker
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Medien ; 29)
Price: 20,00 €
The Posthomerica by Quintus of Smyrna, a Greek epic in fourteen books from the 3rd century AD, recounts the story of the Trojan War by covering the events between Hector¡¯s burial and the departure of the Greeks after the destruction of the city. In book 13, we read about the sack of Troy, including famous episodes such as the death of Priam and Astyanax, the enslavement of Andromache, the escape of Aeneas, and the rape of Cassandra.
Stephan Renker offers the first full-scale commentary on Posthomerica 13. He introduces each episode with a discussion of the relevant literary tradition and Quintus' potential models. The following line-by-line commentary yields insights into aspects of language, literary technique, realia, and the main issues of interpretation. Thus, the reader is provided with an important tool for further investigations into this fascinating, yet understudied piece of Imperial Greek poetry.
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Von Herodot bis Hotelportal : Die Reise-App als digitales Format im Reisejournalismus / Friederike Nerad
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger Beitr?ge zur Kommunikationswissenschaft ; 12)
Price: 22,00 €
What are travel apps and what added value do they offer compared to traditional formats of travel journalism? Apps are a young phenomenon and although applications for mobile devices are already being used regularly by a large number of recipients, they lack scientific research. The dissertation approaches the topic of travel apps descriptively in order to determine an inventory of the current situation and to shed light on problems of the new format. An overview of the development of travel reporting and its narrative forms serves as an introduction to travel journalism and is supplemented by a look at the functions, communicators and problems of the genre. The core of the dissertation is a sample analysis of 13 travel apps that provides insights into communicators, functions, added value, problems and target groups of the new digital format.
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Einsatz einer App zur mathematischen Fr¨¹hf?rderung : Effekte auf die Entwicklung mathematischer Basiskompetenzen / Laura Birklein
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 34)
Price: 23,00 €
Today's digital world opens new doors and opportunities to support mathematical activities in early childhood settings. Application methods and effectiveness of ICT use need to be explored. From a mathematics education perspective, this study contributes some results by investigating the implementation of an app (MaiKe) in early mathematics education.
The evaluation in two different settings helps to identify adequate framework conditions for the app use. A pre- and post-test design with control group is used to compare the development of mathematical competencies of the groups. In the realm of perception and determination of quantitites of sets the quantitative results are enhanced by qualitative analyses.
The results are discussed in an interrelated integrative manner. The findings indicate that using an app (like MaiKe) has some positive effects on the development of mathematical abilities in certain settings. Although ICT use cannot replace but complement an engaging playing and learning environment for children.
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Religion and Social Marginalization in Zimbabwe / edited by Lovemore Togarasei, David Bishau & Ezra Chitando
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bible in Africa Studies ; 26) (Exploring Religion in Africa ; 5)
Price: 20,00 €
Marginalization means being disregarded, ostracized, harassed, disliked, persecuted, or generally looked down upon. Marginalized people often include women and children, the poor, the disabled, sexual, religious, or ethnic minorities, refugees. The marginalized are those who are socially, politically, culturally, or economically excluded from main-stream society. In history, the Church in Zimbabwe has played a role in improving the lives of the marginalized, but what is religion, especially Christianity, doing for the marginalized now? Although religion is also implicated in marginalisation, the contributions in this volume did not address this angle as they focused on the role that religion can and should play to fight marginalization. The chapters come from two conferences (2012, 2014) that were held under the flag of ATISCA. The contributions have been updated to include later developments and publications.
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vremeder lande site : Konstruktionen von Fremdheit in den mittelalterlichen Bearbeitungen des Tristan-Stoffes / von J?rg Stahlmann
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger Germanistische Mittelalter- und Fr¨¹hneuzeit-Studien ; 3)
Price: 21,00 €
Wo endet das Eigene, wo beginnt das Fremde? Das ?berschreiten von Grenzen ist ein best?ndiges Thema mittelalterlicher Literatur, und Tristan ist ein Held, der nicht nur Grenzen unterschiedlichster Art ¨¹berschreiten, sondern sie auch aufbauen kann, um seine Beziehung zu Isolde zu sch¨¹tzen. Beim Vergleich der Tristan-Bearbeitungen von franz?sischen, deutschen, englischen und altnordischen Verfassern und ?bersetzern werden ?hnlichkeiten und Unterschiede deutlich, wie die Grenzen zwischen Eigenem
und Fremdem in der Literatur markiert werden k?nnen. Dazu dienen 球探足球比分, Sprache, Kultur, Erscheinungsbild, vor allem aber gesellschaftliche Strukturen, die wiederum von manchen Autoren genutzt und von anderen beiseite gelassen werden.
Es entsteht gleichzeitig auch ein Panorama der in diesem Umfeld g?ngigen Muster von Fremdheitswahrnehmung. Ist das Fremde feindlich oder begehrenswert, will man sich davon abgrenzen oder es in sein Selbstverst?ndnis integrieren? Die verschiedenen Texte geben darauf, bei aller ?hnlichkeit der Handlungsstruktur, unterschiedliche Antworten und tragen zu einem differenzierten Verst?ndnis, wie die jeweiligen Autoren Identit?t konstruieren, bei.
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Studienqualit?t: Begriffe ? Modelle ? Analysen / Sebastian Kempgen
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Schriften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 4)
Price: 17,00 €
Der Band entwickelt einen begriffskritischen Zugang zur Qualit?t in Studium und Lehre, stellt das Bamberger Studiengangssystem koh?rent mit seinen Eckpunkten dar und bietet einige weitere Detailanalysen und Konzeptionen zu diesem Komplex, u.a. zum Teilzeitstudium, zu Studienabbruch und Studiengangswechsel, zur internen Akkreditierung und nicht zuletzt zu einer Bologna-konformen leistungsorientierten Mittelverteilung.
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Nationalismus und Globalisierung : Spannungsfelder der Gegenwart / Herausgegeben von Alexander Brand, Annika Schubert, Daniel Schubert, Jakob Wiesinger
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Studentische Schriften zu den Sozialwissenschaften ; 2)
Price: 18,00 €
Societies are finding themselves increasingly more often caught up in tensions between a resurgence of nationalism on the one hand and the emergence of global challenges on the other side. This volume includes a selection of contributions from Bamberger students dealing with nationalism and globalisation. The chapters address various societal challenges (climate change, nationalism, welfare state), several scales (national, European, global) and come from different scientific disciplines (adult education, political science, sociology). As such, the contributions mirror the wide range of topics that are of interest to junior social scientists.
The first part of this volume contains three theory-driven investigations dealing with the evolution of welfare states in the context of technical innovations, an educational concept to promote sustainability and a new form of imperialism inherent in global structures. Part two encompasses three empirical studies analysing the influence of religion on concerns about climate change, the role of social, economic and political insecurity for the evaluation of the own nation and factors leading to support for further European integration.
The publications series Studentische Schriften zu den Sozialwissenschaften is dedicated to make outstanding student papers available to a broader readership. Moreover, it offers students the opportunity to gain experience with the scientific publication process.
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Religion and Development in Africa / edited by Ezra Chitando, Masiiwa Ragies Gunda & Lovemore Togarasei. In cooperation with Joachim K¨¹gler
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bible in Africa Studies ; 25) (Exploring Religion in Africa ; 4)
Price: 23,00 €
What is development? Who defines that one community/ country is ¡°developed¡±, while another community/ country is ¡°under-developed¡±? What is the relationship between religion and development? Does religion contribute to development or underdevelopment in Africa? These and related questions elicit quite charged reactions in African studies, development studies, political science and related fields. Africa¡¯s own history, including the memory of marginalisation, slavery and exploitation by global powers ensures that virtually every discussion on development is characterised by a lot of emotions and conflicting views. In this volume scholars from various African countries and many different religions and denominations contribute to this debate.
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Bewegende Pause : Der Einfluss einer Bewegungsintervention auf die kognitive Leistungsf?higkeit im Arbeitskontext / Sabine Buuck
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 33)
Price: 21,00 €
Stetig wachsender Innovations- und Wettbewerbsdruck, die konsequente Entwicklung hin zu wissensintensiven und bewegungsarmen T?tigkeiten, sowie die Auswirkungen einer alternden Belegschaft setzen Unternehmen unter Druck, die kognitive Leistungsf?higkeit ihrer Mitarbeiter nachhaltig aufzubauen und langfristig zu st?rken. Diese Forschungsarbeit zeigt auf, dass k?rperliche Aktivit?t - strategisch eingesetzt - die kognitive Leistungsf?higkeit von Mitarbeitern in innovationsrelevanten Dimensionen verbessern kann. Auf dieser Grundlage wurde ein betriebliches Bewegungstraining im Format der traditionellen Bewegungspause neu interpretiert und weiterentwickelt. Die Ergebnisse lassen darauf schlie?en, dass das entwickelte 15-min¨¹tige Bewegungsprogramm aufgrund seiner Zeiteffizienz und seiner Wirksamkeit auf kognitive F?higkeiten eine wichtige Ma?nahme f¨¹r moderne Wirtschaftsunternehmen repr?sentiert. Durch die kurzen, gezielten Bewegungsabl?ufe k?nnen spezielle Teilbereiche der h?heren geistigen F?higkeiten kurz- und mittelfristig gesteigert werden. Diese Brisanz legt also nahe, die positiven Wirkungen k?rperlicher Aktivit?t langfristig im Arbeitskontext zu reflektieren und als strategischen Faktor f¨¹r Pr?vention und F?rderung kognitiver F?higkeiten einzusetzen.
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Data Structure Identification from Executions of Pointer Programs / Thomas Rupprecht
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 41)
Price: 32,00 €
Reverse engineering of binaries is tedious, yet mandatory when program behavior must be understood while source code is unavailable, e.g., in case of malware. One challenge is the loss of low level type information, i.e., primitive and compound types, which even state-of-the-art type recovery tools, such as Howard, often cannot reconstruct with full accuracy. Further programmers use high level dynamic data structures, e.g., linked lists. Therefore the detection of data structure shapes is important for reverse engineering. A recent approach called Data Structure Investigator (DSI), aims for detecting dynamic pointer based data structures. While DSI is a general approach, a concrete realization for C programs requiring source code is envisioned as type casts and pointer arithmetic will stress test the approach.
This dissertation improves upon the state-of-the-art of shape detection and reverse engineering by (i) realizing and evaluating the DSI approach, including contributions to DSI¡¯s theory, which results in a DSI prototype; (ii) opening up DSI for C/C++ binaries to extend DSI to reverse engineering, resulting in a DSIbin prototype; (iii) handling data structures with DSIbin not covered by some related work, e.g., skip lists; (iv) refining the nesting detection and performing type merging for types excavated by Howard.
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The Benefit of Inter-religious Co-operation : Examples of European and global transformation processes / Martin Affolderbach
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger Theologische Studien ; 39)
Price: 17,00 €
Many societies, shaped by culture, religion and tradition that have grown over centuries, are transforming into multi-cultural and multi-religious societies. Logically, religious communities are also strongly affected by these demographic and cultural developments. Co-operation between different religions and confessions becomes increasingly important.
The articles in this volume take a closer look at a number of developments in inter-religious co-operation. What challenges and opportunities do such collaborations offer? What are the benefits of interfaith dialogues and common actions?
This collection of four essays addresses those questions using different scales of analysis and specific examples of inter-religious initiatives and dialogue. The articles are intended to provide an overview for interested readers and for those who are already involved in this field as well as information, contacts and opportunities to connect.
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Mobility in a Globalised World 2019 / Jan Werner ; Niels Biethahn ; Reinhard Kolke ; Eric Sucky ; Wilfried Honekamp (Hg.)
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Logistik und Supply Chain Management ; 23)
Price: 23,00 €
The term mobility has different meanings in the following science disciplines. In economics, mobility is the ability of an individual or a group to improve their economic status in relation to income and wealth within their lifetime or between generations. In information systems and computer science, mobility is used for the concept of mobile computing, in which a computer is transported by a person during normal use. Logistics creates by the design of logistics networks the infrastructure for the mobility of people and goods. Electric mobility is one of today¡¯s solutions from an engineering perspective to reduce the need of energy resources and environmental impact. Moreover, for urban planning, mobility is the crunch question about how to optimize the different needs for mobility and how to link different transportation systems. In this publication we collected the ideas of practitioners, researchers, and government officials regarding the different modes of mobility in a globalised world, focusing on both domestic and international issues.
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K?rper und Medium im Spiegel Sozialer Netzwerke / Franziska Wotzinger
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Medien ; 28)
Price: 20,00 €
This dissertation focuses on the tension between body and medium, which, especially with the advent of Web 2.0 and social media, has become the connective starting point of the other. The user's body plays a decisive role in front of and on the screen. Based on the basic assumption that all people have a body, that everything that this body consciously perceives is medially conveyed and that each medium in turn targets precisely this body, it is not only important to describe the similarity of body and medium, but also at the same time to think of mediality from a bodily basis. For this purpose, the body is divided into three parts, medially induced and physically felt, into an offline, an online and an onlife body. This shows that a development is currently taking place in which the originally intended areas body and medium are increasingly merging with one another, resulting in a new type of postal body or postal media. The operator providing perspective is the human body and its function as the basis for shaping and media processes. The work also sees itself as a plea for more openness regarding the boundary between offline and online, the essential meaning of the body and a (psycho) somatic media theory, the effects of which need to be determined with a direct focus on society.
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African Pentecostalism, the Bible, and Cultural Resilience : The Case of the Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa / Kudzai Biri
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bible in Africa Studies; 24) (Exploring Religion in Africa ; 3)
Price: 20,00 €
This volume, based on a PhD thesis submitted to the University of Zimbabwe, investigates the resilience of Shona religion and culture among ZAOGA Pentecostal Christians. Whereas the Pentecostal ideology suggests that ¡®old things¡¯ have passed away, it appears that ¡®old things¡¯ continue to have high significance for the ¡®new¡¯. The book demonstrates how belief in avenging spirits, witches and witchcraft, value of words spoken prior to death, the role, status and significance of women, belief in unnatural events, liturgy and salvation have remained relevant to the lives of ZAOGA Shona converts. The patterns of continuity, discontinuity, extension, collaboration, contradiction, re-interpretation and rejection between Shona traditional religion and culture and ZAOGA are explored, challenging the framing of African Pentecostalism as a mere imitation and parroting of US theology. The conclusion is that while ZAOGA self-consciously presents itself as a sophisticated, trans-national and progressive Pentecostal movement, members continue to wrestle with Shona indigenous beliefs and practices. An African womanist framework is adapted to challenge ZAOGA to promote the well-being of women.
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Joseph Heller und die Kunst des Sammelns : Ein Verm?chtnis im Herzen Bambergs / Franziska Ehrl und Eveliina Juntunen. Verantwortlicher Herausgeber: Wolfgang Brassat
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Forschungen des Instituts f¨¹r Arch?ologische Wissenschaften, Denkmalwissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte ; 9)
Price: 28,50 €
Born in 1798, Joseph Heller, the child of a Bamberg merchant family, was orphaned at an early age. After an apprenticeship in Nuremberg, to which his guardian had sent him, Heller did not pursue any further the profession his parents had intended him for. Instead, he lived as a privateer in his hometown Bamberg and invested his inherited fortune in his steadily growing passion for books and art, especially graphic prints and hand drawings. Hence, when he died in 1849 at the age of only 50 years, he bequeathed a unique art collection of considerable size. Alongside stained glass, coins, medals, oil paintings and printing plates, about 50,000 sheets highlight that graphic arts were the focus of Heller¡¯s collection. Furthermore, his keen intellectual curiosity was reflected in a reference library comprising about 6000 volumes. His plethora of letter concepts and corresponding replies, notes for and on publications as well as translations of foreign language works and transcripts of rare works constitute a wealth of knowledge. Due to a lifelong friendship with Joachim Heinrich J?ck, Director of the Royal Library of Bamberg (now Bamberg State Library), the library inherited his complete book and art collection as well as his written records. As part of the Bamberg State Library, the significant collection is being preserved and remains open to the public until today.
In the present publication three essays introduce the collector himself, the structure of his collection and the DFG-project ¡°Joseph Heller¡¯s Graphics Collection at the Bamberg State Library ¨C Visualisation and Integration of a Collection Structure¡± (2017¨C2020). Then the intention and task of the Heller estate are explained. Finally, by using selected objects from the Heller Collection as examples, current and former students of art history at the University of Bamberg will shed light on the research potential hidden in Bamberg State Library.
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?Ausgerechnet Wolkenkratzer?¡° : Zum Verst?ndnis von Moderne, Bild und Architektur am Beispiel von Borsig in Berlin-Tegel / Sintje Guericke
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 33)
Price: 26,50 €
Industrial architecture has been described and dealt with as an ¡°ideal modern type¡± in the discussion of the history of building like no other form of construction. This building task was to be realized in pure form in keeping with the demand for functionality and the absence of representative design additions. The discourse concerning modernism in architecture has in the meanwhile been suspended from the pure stylistic debate. In the case of industrial construction, however, such a differentiation has only taken place to a limited extent. Despite the theoretical prominence, its diversity often went unrecognized.
The first true skyscraper in the capital city of Berlin was the so-called Borsig Tower built for the Tegel plant of the Borsig locomotive manufacturer. Based on this iconic structure, it will be demonstrated how industrial buildings with their pictorial reproductions that do not correspond to the canon of the avant-garde are nevertheless to be interpreted as an illustration of modernism.
This study consequently does not focus solely on architecture but also in particular to the media-based staging of work, plant life and building culture. With the help of comparisons ¨C for example with the competing Baldwin Locomotive Works near Philadelphia and the Henschel plant in Kassel ¨C it is possible to detect patterns within the creative self-representations of industrial enterprises that differentiate and expand the art historical discourse concerning modernist industrial architecture.
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Verrat in den eigenen Reihen? Hern¨¢n Vald¨¦s¡¯ literarische Produktion als Kritik an der chilenischen Linken im Kalten Krieg / Katharina E. Scheffner
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Romanische Literaturen und Kulturen ; 11)
Price: 21,50 €
Seit Oktober 2019 gehen die Menschen in Chile wieder auf die Stra?e, um gegen die aktuelle politische und wirtschaftliche Lage zu demonstrieren. Es sind die gr??ten Demonstrationen seit dem Ende der chilenischen Diktatur (1973¨C1990). Die Demonstrationen sind auch eine der Nachwirkungen der Diktatur, die tiefe Spuren in der ideologisch und ?konomisch gespaltenen Gesellschaft hinterlassen hat.
Der chilenische Autor Hern¨¢n Vald¨¦s (*1934) wurde zu Beginn der Diktatur gefangen genommen und gefoltert: Diese Erfahrung schrieb er in seinem Testimonialtext Tejas Verdes (1974) nieder und wurde quasi ¨¹ber Nacht weltber¨¹hmt, sein Text zum Beweisst¨¹ck f¨¹r die grausamen Verbrechen des chilenischen Milit?rs. Der nachfolgende Roman A partir del fin (1981) behandelt autofiktional die chilenische Gesellschaft vor und nach dem Putsch, kritisiert aber auch den demokratisch gew?hlten Pr?sidenten Salvador Allende und sein Regierungsb¨¹ndnis Unidad Popular (1970¨C1973).
In dem vorliegenden Band werden diese Ver?ffentlichungen Vald¨¦s? im Wechselspiel von literarischer und empirischer Welt analysiert und miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Im Rahmen des Aufarbeitungsprozesses widmet sich diese Forschung der Rezeptionsgeschichte von Tejas Verdes und A partir del fin sowie ihren gesellschaftlichen Implikationen. Der fr¨¹here Text machte den Autoren in der Opposition zu Pinochet ber¨¹hmt, der zweite dagegen, der eine nuancierte Kritik am eigenen politischen Lager darstellt, erschwert weiterhin die Wahrnehmung und Diskussion des Romans in einer ideologisch tief gespaltenen Gesellschaft. In dieser Studie wird der Zusammenhang von Literatur, Rezeptionsgeschichte und Kanonisierung exemplarisch untersucht sowie die Verbindung von Literatur und gesellschaftlichen Aufarbeitungsprozessen dargestellt.
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Afanasij Nikitin: Reise ¨¹ber drei Meere (Xo?enie za tri morja, 1468-1474) ; Band 1: Facsimiles - diplomatische Edition - Karten - Bibliographie / Sebastian Kempgen
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2020
(Bamberger interdisziplin?re Mittelalterstudien ; 14)
Price: 29,00 €
The monograph presents the first-ever diplomatic edition of the so-called Troickij spisok of Afanasy Nikitin's "Voyage beyond three seas" and the first full facsimile of the so-called Etterov spisok of the same text, along with a new transcription of the text. In addition, it contains a large section on maps of Nikitin's journey, and a chronological bibliography.
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