New Releases 2023

Spatial monitoring of the Bremen Cog : Long-term preservation of archaeological wooden ships in museums / Amandine Colson

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 46)

Price: 29,00 €

This research was conducted as part of a three-years-doctoral fellowship funded by the German Maritime Museum (DSM), Leibniz Institute for Maritime History, in Bremerhaven (Germany). The goal set up by the institution was ¡°to investigate the possibilities and limits of non-invasive documentation technologies to study long-term behaviours of large-scale museum objects; in cooperation with the engineering research field and the industry, in order to answer conservation-restauration issues.¡±
Using 3D technologies to look at the deformation(s) on the Bremen Cog, 14th century-wooden vessel on display at the DSM, is an original idea from the author alone. After several years of ¡®standstill¡¯, the question of building an adequate support for the ship came back into the foreground and was discussed during a workshop organised by the museum in November 2013. All experts present agreed that nothing could be proposed without knowing more about the object¡¯s current conservation state. The structural weaknesses had to first be identified and understood in order to design the new support. Since wood can be considered as a ¡®living¡¯ entity, the question of deformation was essential, to slow down crack formation and anticipate breakage. Monitoring the geometry would help to understand all types of deformations involved in the process, for example seasonal changes as well as more linear and continuous deformation jeopardizing the structure over the long-term. This is how the journey began.
But it took several months for the idea to take root and become reality. Thanks to the participation of Dr. Ursula Warnke, former DSM director, the author was invited in early 2014 to the COST-Action ¡°Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage¡± COSCH. This platform became an extraordinary opportunity to gain access to specialists and knowledge in the field of 3D technologies, and to be exposed to new ideas. The role of the COSCH in this project is significant and provided the impulse for the doctoral research. In September 2014, the Bremen Cog became a case study to test on three methodologies for acquiring the ship¡¯s deformation(s). Based on the feedbacks from several specialists attesting the scientific relevance of deformation monitoring on an archaeological ship, a doctoral fellowship was funded by the DSM between March 2016 and June 2019.

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Smart in the City : eine ethische Handreichung f¨¹r die Digitalisierung der Stadt /  Martin D¨¹chs, Christian Illies, Tomoki Sakata (Hg.)

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 47)

Price: 10,00 €

This book summarizes the result of the project ¡°Smart City Ethical Toolbox,¡± which was conducted as a satellite project of ¡°Smart City Research Lab¡± in the University Bamberg between 2019 and 2022. The purpose of our ¡°manual¡± is to accompany and optimize the digitalization of cities (esp. Bamberg) in such a manner that its chances and risks can be precisely conceived. In order to develop Smart Cities in a fair way, we must strive to introduce digital improvements in close cooperation between the academic and public sector. Theoretically, we focused on the concept of human dignity as an inviolable value, from which other values can be derived.
In the first part, this ethical approach is extensively elucidated and roughly sketched out. The second part is given over to detailed analyses, where the value of autonomy and justice as well as the domain of nature (sustainability) are closely examined. Also, the section contains a case study, in which the implementation of e-scooters, which is often observed in Smart Cities, is evaluated using our toolbox. In the last part, we first raise awareness of various cultural contexts in which digitalization takes place.
Then, we contend in the conclusion that in the future more ethical reflections need to be initiated and promoted both through digital apps as well as in intersubjective dialogs. Because only this way can the human-machine-interaction be constructed on the basis of mutual trust.

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Bridging the Gap : Bilinguale Bilderb¨¹cher als interkulturelle Br¨¹ckenbauer in einer multiethnischen Gesellschaft / Jasmin Wieland

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Medien ; 35)

Price: 19,00 €

Multiethnische Gesellschaften sind in Zeiten von Globalisierung und weltweiter Migration aufgrund von Kriegen und Krisen die Normalit?t. Der 球探足球比分 unterschiedlicher Kulturen und Sprachen stellt die Gesellschaften dabei vor Herausforderungen, die zugleich Chancen sind. Der interkulturelle Dialog ist f¨¹r das Gelingen eines harmonischen Zusammenlebens unterschiedlicher Kulturen zentral. Werte wie Offenheit und Toleranz werden dabei gro? geschrieben. Bilinguale Bilderb¨¹cher stellen ein Medium dar, Interkulturalit?t zu f?rdern und so Br¨¹cken zwischen Kulturen zu bauen.
Diese Studie untersucht in einem interdisziplin?ren Ansatz aus Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft sowie P?dagogik, inwiefern bilinguale Bilderb¨¹cher zwei oder mehrere Kulturen verbinden und so einen interkulturellen Austausch anregen k?nnen. Schwerpunkm??ig werden die Kategorien ?Mehrsprachigkeit¡®, ?visuelle Codes¡® sowie ?Thematiken¡® beleuchtet. Die multiethnische Gesellschaft Deutschlands und die in ihr gesprochenen Sprachen dienen als Ausgangspunkt f¨¹r die Untersuchung, ebenso die Verlagsprogramme der mehrsprachigen Kinderbuchverlage des deutschsprachigen Buchmarkts. Ein Blick in die p?dagogische Praxis wird in der Analyse einer qualitative Umfrage geworfen, bei der mehrsprachig erziehende Eltern sowie P?dagog:innen der fr¨¹hkindlichen Erziehung und der Primarstufe zum Einsatz bilingualer Bilderb¨¹cher befragt wurden.

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Mittelalterbilder und Denkmalpflege : Leitbilder und Bildproduktion der Denkmalpflege am Beispiel mittelalterlicher Sakralbauten / Nathalie-Josephine von M?llendorff, Verena Ummenhofer (Hg.)

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Forschungen des Instituts f¨¹r Arch?ologische Wissenschaften, Denkmalwissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte ; 14)

Price: 35,00 €

Der Umgang mit dem kulturellen Erbe, die Art es zu deuten, zu tradieren und zu erhalten, verr?t viel ¨¹ber die Vorstellungen, Bed¨¹rfnisse und Weltanschauungen einer Zeit. Dies gilt auch f¨¹r die theoretische und praktische Arbeit der institutionellen Denkmalpflege. Um 1900 begr¨¹ndete das Fach den Anspruch, sich etwa von einer ?sthetischen Wertung vorausgegangener Epochen distanziert zu haben und stattdessen dem Konservieren oberste Priorit?t einzur?umen. Dennoch pr?gen bis heute regelm??ig zeitspezifische Vorstellungen das Ergebnis denkmalpflegerischer Auseinandersetzung mit dem historischen Erbe. Ein beredtes Beispiel hierf¨¹r ist die fachliche Mittelalterrezeption w?hrend der letzten 200 Jahre, also seit der beginnenden Institutionalisierung der Denkmalpflege. Die Autoren dieses Bandes widmen sich mit facettenreichen Ans?tzen der Sicht unterschiedlicher Generationen auf das Mittelalter. Dabei wird deutlich, dass Denkmalpflege bei allem Bem¨¹hen um Objektivit?t und Wissenschaftlichkeit stets eine zeitgebundene Kulturtechnik bleibt.

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Sankofa : Liberation Theologies of West African Women (Circle Jubilee Volume 1) / edited by Seyram B. Amenyedzi with Yosi Apollos Maton and Marceline L. Yele

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bible in Africa Studies ; 39) (Exploring Religion in Africa ; 13)

Price: 27,00 €

BiAS 39 is an essay collection on women¡¯s Liberation Theology in West Africa, issued as one of three regional volumes commissioned in preparation of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians¡¯ (CIRCLE) return to Ghana, its place of birth, after 35 years. The volumes rose within the context of preparing the meeting in July 2024 by remembering the founding members of the CIRCLE. The three regional volumes focus on exploring South (BiAS 41), East/Central (BiAS 40) and West African (BiAS 39) womanist/feminist Liberation Theology generated since the launch of the CIRCLE in 1989. The contributions on the lives and works of groundbreaking African women in the Theology of Liberation constitute an international, interreligious, and interdisciplinary compendium for redemptive theological research. The book is dedicated to Rabiatu Deinyo Ammah, the first Muslim woman in the CIRCLE and one its founding matriarchs.

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Men of the House : the Construction of Masculinity in British Period Drama Television Series Since 2010 / Henriette-Juliane Seeliger

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Medien ; 37)

Price: 27,00 €

As current debates in Western societies show, traditional gender roles are changing fast, and we see ourselves confronted with questions that transcend the division of roles between men and women, questioning the binary division of gender and even of biological sex. Yet, while old ideas of masculinity and femininity are losing their relevance and foundations, the allegedly conservative genre of the period drama is at least as popular as ever ¨C if not more, as the global success of series like Downton Abbey shows. This book sets out to answer the question whether the most recent representatives of this genre, namely Downton Abbey (2010-2015), Mr Selfridge (2013-2016) and Upstairs Downstairs (2010-2012), nostalgically idealize times of seemingly clear-cut gender divisions, or whether they propose new conceptualizations of masculinity for the future. Several discursive strands that explicitly thematise masculinity run through all three series: The home and the role of the patriarch as ¡®man of the house,¡¯ the role of war, the body, and trauma for masculinities, the role as breadwinner and entrepreneur, and the relationship between the sexes as well as fatherhood. These are analysed using the methods of (multimodal) critical discourse analysis and social semiotics, combined with elements of spatial and subject theory. The results of this detailed analysis show the extent to which our current understanding of historical masculinities is used to either deconstruct or affirm modern masculinity.

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Kunstgeschichte(n) : Festschrift f¨¹r Stephan Albrecht / Herausgegeben von Katharina Christa Sch¨¹ppel und Magdalena Tebel

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 44)

Price: 28,00 €

Wie viele Kunstgeschichten gibt es? Eine vielstimmige Antwort auf diese Frage bieten die im vorliegenden Band, der Festschrift f¨¹r Stephan Albrecht anl?sslich seines 60. Geburtstags, versammelten Beitr?ge.
Siebenundzwanzig Autorinnen und Autoren geben Einblick in ihre aktuelle Forschung. Gegenst?nde und Methoden sind vielf?ltig: die Materialit?t des Artefakts, das Portal als liminaler Ort oder die Kontextwechsel und kulturellen Neuzuschreibungen mittelalterlicher Objekte in nachmittelalterlichen Gesellschaften. Die Beitr?ge verstehen sich als Einladungen zum interdisziplin?ren Gespr?ch. Und sie antworten auf die Forschungen Stephan Albrechts, indem sie ¨C 60 Jahre nach dem trait¨¦ d¡¯amiti¨¦ franco-allemand ¨C deutsch-franz?sische Perspektiven einnehmen, sich mit der Kunst der Kathedralen auseinandersetzen, mit der gebauten Stadt und mit Geschichte als Konstrukt.

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Einf¨¹hrung in die Geomorphologie, Geochronologie und Bodengeographie - ein Lernskript in 2 Teilen : Teil II: Exogene Dynamiken und Bodengeographie / Gerhard Schellmann

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Geographische Schriften - Sonderfolge ; 16)

Price: 36,80 €

Der vorliegende Band ist der zweite Teil eines Lernskriptes zur Einf¨¹hrung in die Geomorphologie, Geochronologie und Bodengeographie. Inhaltlich behandelt er ausgew?hlte Grundlagen der allgemeinen Geomorphologie und Bodengeographie von Prozessen der Verwitterung und Bodenbildung bis hin zur reliefwirksamen Arbeit exogener Kr?fte wie Schwerkraft, Wasser, Eis, Wind und Gezeiten. Es behandelt h?ufige Reliefformen auf der Erde und deren Entstehung sowie wichtige Bodenentwicklungen auf verschiedenen Ausgangsgesteinen in Deutschland. Zielgruppe des Lernskriptes sind Lehramt- und Bachelor-Studierende der physischen 球探足球比分, aber durchaus auch der Quart?rgeologie und Arch?ologie. Das Skript soll kein Lehrbuch sein, sondern durch die gestellten Fragen und Aufgaben motivieren, Lehrb¨¹cher in das extrem wichtige Selbststudium st?rker einzubinden.

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Einf¨¹hrung in die Geomorphologie, Geochronologie und Bodengeographie - ein Lernskript in 2 Teilen : Teil I: Endogene Dynamiken und Geochronologie / Gerhard Schellmann

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Geographische Schriften - Sonderfolge ; 15)

Price: 31,00 €

Der vorliegende Band ist der erste Teil eines Lernskriptes zur Einf¨¹hrung in die Geomorphologie, Geochronologie und Bodengeographie. Inhaltlich behandelt er ausgew?hlte Grundlagen der allgemeinen Geologie vom Schalenbau der Erde bis hin zu Vulkanismus und Erdbeben sowie zudem einige relative und numerische Methoden der Altersbestimmung (Geochronologie) vor allem in der j¨¹ngeren Erdgeschichte des Quart?rs. In einem Exkurs wird unter dem Aspekt Oberfl?chengesteine eine knappe Einf¨¹hrung in das Thema ?L?ss und Pal?ob?den als Umweltarchiv in Deutschland¡° gegeben.
Zielgruppe des Lernskriptes sind Lehramt- und Bachelor-Studierende der physischen 球探足球比分, aber durchaus auch der Quart?rgeologie und Arch?ologie. Das Skript soll kein Lehrbuch sein, sondern durch die gestellten Fragen und Aufgaben motivieren, Lehrb¨¹cher in das extrem wichtige Selbststudium st?rker einzubinden.

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Framing der ?vierten Gewalt¡° : wie Hollywood investigative Journalisten inszeniert / Nicolas Hagene

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Beitr?ge zur Kommunikationswissenschaft ; 19)

Price: 19,00 €

Investigativer Journalismus ist untrennbar mit dem Begriff der ?vierten Gewalt¡° verbunden. Ob der Berufsstand dieser Betitelung ¨¹berhaupt gerecht werden kann, wird schon lange diskutiert. Dennoch bleibt die tats?chliche Macht der 球探足球比分 als ?ffentlichkeitsbil-dende Kraft unserer Gesellschaften unbestritten, weshalb sie sich Tag f¨¹r Tag an hohe moralische Standards messen lassen muss. In diesem Kontext ist die Frage, wie Investigativ Journalisten im Film dargestellt werden, von besonderem Interesse. Das Medium ist stets ein Spiegel der Themen, Ideen und Tr?ume der ?ffentlichkeiten gewesen, in denen es produziert wurden. Gleichzeitig kultivieren Filme viele Vorstellungen und Stereotype in ihren Zuschauern, selbst ¨¹ber die 球探足球比分.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beleuchtet nicht nur die philosophische Frage nach der Rolle der ?vierten Gewalt¡° und ihrer filmhistorischen Repr?sentation, sondern analysiert dar¨¹ber hinaus mithilfe eines Einstellungsprotokolls auf f¨¹nf Ebenen (vgl. St?ber, 2008) die Darstellung der 球探足球比分 in drei ausgew?hlten Filmen: ?All The President¡¯s Men¡° (1976), ?State Of Play¡° (2009) und ?The Post¡° (2018). Von authentischen Portraits ¨¹ber knallharte Antihelden bis hin zu strahlenden Lichtgestalten der Meinungsfreiheit decken sie ein breites Spektrum dessen ab, was sich manch ein Journalist in seinem Beruf ertr?umen mag ¨C und sind dabei m?glicherweise sch?dlicher denn n¨¹tzlicher f¨¹r eine in j¨¹ngster Zeit so unter Druck stehende Moralinstanz.

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Identity and Socio-Economic Relations in Luke¡¯s Gospel : The Sermon on the Plain (Lk 6:20-49) and Greco-Roman Panegyrics / Louis Ndekha

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(BIble in Africa Studies ; 38)

Price: 20,00 €

The book's central argument is that the best way to interpret the Sermon on the Plain in Luke 6 is to read it as a Greco-Roman panegyric, whose function was the integration of new members and the inculcation of commonly held values. The Sermon's makarisms and woes and their juxtaposition of poverty and richness, and exhortation are Luke's attempt to construct a new socio-economic identity of Christ-followers by supplanting the values of the dominant culture with a new set of values adopted from the status of destitution for both the rich and the poor. This results in their common dependence on the Lord for their daily provisions. Such reliance on the Lord allows for the koinonia between the rich and the poor among the first-century Christ-followers. This socio-economic motif is replicated throughout the Third Gospel and typifies Luke's concept of salvation as a holistic one.

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Kulturelle Bildung in Schule und Unterricht : Interdisziplin?re Perspektiven f¨¹r die Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung / Herausgegeben von Benjamin Reiter, Adrianna Hlukhovych, Barbara Drechsel, Konstantin Lindner, Annette Scheunpflug, Sabine Vogt und Johannes Weber

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Forum Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung ; 13)

Price: 22,00 €

Als Sinnstiftungssysteme pr?gen Kulturen das Handeln und Denken von Individuen, werden aber auch aktiv von ihnen gestaltet. Das Kompetenzfeld ?kulturelle Bildung¡° fokussiert dabei das Hineinwachsen und Orientieren in sowie das kritische Reflektieren und die Teilhabe an Kultur bzw. Kulturen. Es geh?rt zu den wesentlichen Aufgabengebieten von Schule und Unterricht und fokussiert die systematische und reflexive Unterst¨¹tzung Lernender in ihrem kompetenten Umgang mit Kultur(en) und kultureller Vielfalt.
Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sind dabei zentrale Akteure, denn sie bieten kulturelles Wissen an und unterst¨¹tzen beim Ein¨¹ben kultureller Praktiken. Dadurch f?rdern sie Lernende in ihrer F?higkeit zum kompetenten Umgang mit Kultur. Gleichzeitig stehen Lehrkr?fte vor immensen Herausforderungen: Im Kontext fortschreitender Digitalisierung und Globalisierung wird der Traditionsbestand der Sinnstiftungssysteme zunehmend infrage gestellt. (Angehende) Lehrkr?fte ben?tigen Kompetenzen zur (De-)Codierung von Kultur(en), um u. a. Sch¨¹lerinnen und Sch¨¹ler im diversit?tssensiblen Umgang mit den Sinnstiftungssystemen zu best?rken und so ihre Orientierungs- und Handlungsf?higkeit im Kontext kultureller Vielfalt zu f?rdern.
Im Verbund mit den Bildungswissenschaften leisten gerade die Geistes-, Kultur- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften einen elementaren Beitrag zu diesen Aufgaben. In vorliegendem Sammelband werden Perspektiven geb¨¹ndelt, die die Professionalisierung von Lehrkr?ften im Kompetenzfeld kultureller Bildung beleuchten und Herausforderungen, Potentiale und Standards fachbezogen und ¨¹berfachlich diskutieren. Der interdisziplin?re Band fokussiert dadurch auf mehreren Ebenen die Kontexte kultureller Bildung in Schule und Unterricht und er?rtert die Herausforderungen sowie die M?glichkeiten einer kulturellen Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung.

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Grundlegende Kompetenzen sichern: Lernende und Lehrende im Blick ; Tagungsband des AK Grundschule in der GDM 2023 / hg. von Anna Susanne Steinweg

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Mathematikdidaktik Grundschule ; 12)

Price: 17,00 €

The Proceedings of the 2023 Conference of the Research Group on Primary Mathematics Education (Arbeitskreis Grundschule in der GDM) focus on the current question of how mathematics teaching in primary school can enable all children to acquire fundamental competencies, which are essential in the further learning process, and ensure long-term learning effects. Additionally, workings groups on the research areas arithmetic, geometry, modelling, as well as groups on early mathematics education, communication & co-operation, ICT education, and last not least on teacher education offered discussions on further current research issues.

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Lexical anaphora : a corpus-based typological study of referential choice / Nils Norman Schiborr

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Beitr?ge zur Linguistik ; 22)

Price: 25,00 €

Whenever speakers refer to entities or events, they are tasked with making a series of decisions: which entity to refer to, how to embed it into syntactic structures, and which type of expression to use for the reference. This study concerns itself with the last of these decisions, the selection of the linguistic exponents of reference, or referential choice. While it is well known that languages differ greatly in their preference for either pronominal (*she*, *this*) or zero anaphora (ellipsis) to refer back to previously mentioned discourse referents, the overall rates of occurrence of lexically-headed anaphora (*the woman*, *Jane*) in monological discourse turn out to be remarkably stable across languages.
This study examines the circumstances in which speakers opt for the more informative but less econominal choice of lexical references over reduced alternatives. It does so from a typological and comparative angle, charting the cross-linguistic stability of certain classes of explanatory factors and the parametricization of others across languages. Rather than adopting a specific theoretical framework in its approach to the question, it instead explores a number of empirical bottom-up approaches, deriving complex analytical categories from multiple levels of relatively basic annotations. Where earlier research on referential choice has been focused predominantly based on written data, or else on small data sets of spoken language from English and other overrepresented languages, this study addresses issues of typological representativity by employing spoken corpora from a diverse set of ten languages, many of which are understudied and endangered.

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Journalism Education in the Context of Development and Digital Transformation : A Cross-National Comparative Analysis of Academic Journalism Degree Programs in Cambodia and Vietnam / Eira Martens-Edwards

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Beitr?ge zur Kommunikationswissenschaft ; 18)

Price: 33,00 €

This dissertation forms part of international journalism research, which has witnessed an upsurge in global comparative studies since the late twentieth century. A new wave of scholarship reflects the need to expand theoretical approaches and research initiatives beyond national borders. The PhD research contributes to the field as a cross-national, intra-regional comparative study of academic journalism training in the context of human development and digital transformation. Based on structural, functional and normative theories of journalism research, secondary analysis of local framework conditions and primary data collection in the two focus countries Vietnam and Cambodia, the author develops a multi-level model and an indicator system for the evaluation of journalism degree programs on the basis of specific quality criteria. This new approach allows for a systematic assessment of academic journalism education within the context of digitalization and development. In doing so, this project not only contributed to international comparative journalism research, but also provides useful approaches to practitioners in the field of journalism training and education in the Global South.

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Strategisches Lernen in der Studieneingangsphase, eine Herausforderung f¨¹r Studierende? : Eine Untersuchung im Fachbereich der Erziehungswissenschaften / Simone Antje Goppert

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 41)

Price: 24,00 €

The transition from school to university is a challenge for some students due to the new demands placed on them by the university learning environment (e. g. more freedom in organizing their own learning). Self-regulated learning can be seen as significant for overcoming this challenge in the introductory phase of studies. It is characterized by the competence areas of cognition, metacognition and motivation. Since it can be assumed that self-regulated learning is promoted by teachers during school lessons, students should enter university with corresponding competences. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to investigate self-regulated learning (including learning strategy use, metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive monitoring, time investment, and study engagement), motivational attitudes (self-efficacy, optimism), and demographic background (age, gender, prior achievement) of undergraduate students from the educational sciences. The focus lies on the strategic learning behaviour. The first research question deals with the influence of various characteristics (e. g. learning strategy use) on academic performance as well as with possible interactions between these characteristics. The second research question concerns the Unskilled-but-Unaware Effect (Kruger & Dunning, 1999). For this effect it is characteristic that students with weaker (academic) performance overestimating their own performance. The third research question provides information about the existence of learning profiles among students gained through a cluster analysis. The results suggest, that students' prior achievement (high school GPA) as well as their frequency use of surface strategies are predictive for their academic performance when considered together with other variables. Furthermore, it could be shown that students do not stick to their estabilished plans for time investment (starting exam preparation) and study engagement (attendance in class) over the semester. Furthermore, gender differences were found in terms of learning strategy use (surface strategies, resource-based strategies), metacognitive knowledge, and self-efficacy. The Unskilled-but-Unaware Effect could also be found for students from the educational sciences. In addition, four different learning profiles could be identified among students through cluster analysis.

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Liturgische Bildung : Systematisierung und Perspektiven aus religionsp?dagogischer Sicht / Johannes L?hlein

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Junge Theologie ; 1)

Online edition only

In view of the necessity of liturgical formation, the lack of systematisation of this subject area is surprising. This seems to be especially true in the field of religious education, as an analysis of the research literature of the past two decades shows. Accordingly, it is necessary to systematise the discourse on and to point out perspectives for a contemporary liturgical formation. Four interrelated intentions are addressed by liturgical formation, the most important of which is the self-development of the human being. The encouragement of active participation, one of the liturgical principles of the Second Vatican Council, and a genuine contribution to religious education are further goals of liturgical formation. The fourth purpose of liturgical formation lies in its critical potential. As a further form of systematisation, liturgical formation takes place both outside and inside the liturgy, but because the celebration of the liturgy itself forms participants, it becomes the focus of liturgical formation. This leads Johannes L?hlein to conclude from the perspective of religious education, that a theological liturgical formation must begin with the human being. At the same time, he suggests that the contribution of religious education is to be found in biblical and symbolic didactic concepts. Further focal points for contemporary liturgical formation include worship space and occasional services.

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Die Geheime Staatspolizei im NS-Gau Mainfranken 1933-1945 / Andreas Heinrich Winkler

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 45)

Price: 23,00 €

This paper deals with the history of the Gestapo in the Gau Mainfranken. The administrative term ¡°Gau Mainfranken¡° was used during the period of Nazi Germany for Lower Franconia. After Adolf Hitler's rise to power, the Nazis took control of the Bavarian state police. They split off the W¨¹rzburg police's political department into a separate entity, the Bavarian Political Police.
In 1936, Adolf Hitler gave Himmler the control over Germany's entire police. The Bavarian Political Police in W¨¹rzburg became a part of the Gestapo as Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle W¨¹rzburg.
In the summer of 1941, the Staatspolizeistelle W¨¹rzburg was converted into a branch of the Staatspolizeistelle Nuremberg-F¨¹rth.
The personal and organizational structures are examined: Who were the people who worked for the Gestapo and in which departments were they deployed?
Furthermore, the operation of the Gestapo is analyzed by using various examples: Communists and Jewish fellow citizens were already being persecuted in the early phase. It was already evident here, that the Gestapo was not working with the rule of law. Confessions were extracted with the help of threats and violence.
During the Second World War, many employees were transferred to the Einsatzgruppen (paramilitary death squads of the SS) or police stations in the occupied territories.
The most important sources for this paper were the files of the public prosecutor's offices in Schweinfurt, W¨¹rzburg and Nuremberg-F¨¹rth, which initiated investigations into various crimes after the war.
A special focus was on the handling of the Gestapo with the forced laborers in the ball bearing industry of Schweinfurt. The Gestapo was responsible for monitoring and punishing the forced laborers. It is shown, how successful the Gestapo was in enforcing these penalties.
For this purpose, files of the Gestapo W¨¹rzburg were evaluated. The Gestapo kept files on all persons, who had come forward to the state police. The entire process of the investigation was recorded in these files.

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Vergebung als Neusch?pfung : Die Notwendigkeit der Vergebung im Kontext der S¨¹nde des Menschen / Lisa Martin

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Theologische Studien ; 44)

Price: 22,00 €

?If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.? (1 John 1:8)

Even if guilt and sin are genuinely human experiences that affect everyone without exception, dealing with one¡¯s own guilt or becoming guilty again and again varies greatly: for some, the realisation of one¡¯s own guilt is a burdensome yet not hopeless situation, for others it is a paralysing experience, and still others take refuge in repression and denial. In the history of the Church, it has been established time and again that one's own acknowledgement and recognition of guilt are necessary prerequisites for healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation processes.
People of today also have a sense of guilt and situations of disaster, as can be seen, for example, in the protests surrounding climate change or the exploitation of the so-called Third World by Western civilisations. However, the ecclesiastical practice of forgiveness, which even has its own sacrament in the form of confession within the Catholic Church and thus seems to be particularly specialised in experiences of guilt, is increasingly rarely consulted when it comes to forgiveness, reconciliation and pardon.
A look at church history shows that this has not always been the case. This volume attempts to fathom the causes and reasons for this change and also asks how (sacramental) divine forgiveness differs from purely interpersonal means and ways of reconciliation and what perspectives result from this for the church¡¯s practice of proclamation.

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Gedichte aus dem goldenen Jahrhundert Valencias : Eine Anthologie ; 30 poetische Meditationen ¨¹ber die Angst vor Gottes Zorn, die Unm?glichkeit der reinen Liebe, die Erforschung der eigenen Gef¨¹hle und das Scheitern der Anspr¨¹che an der Wirklichkeit / Ausias March. Aus dem Altkatalanischen ¨¹bersetzt und herausgegeben von Hans-Ingo Radatz

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Editionen ; 19)

Price: 30,00 €

Ausias March (1400-1459) lived in a time of upheaval: the last certainties of the Middle Ages were giving way to the spirit of the early modern age; the bourgeoisie began to seriously compete with the nobility and the ideals of the fin¡¯amors of the Occitan trobadors began to falter. At the same time, King Alfonso V of Aragon set off for Italy to become King of Naples, thus linking the kingdoms of the Aragonese crown in personal union with the Italian south. The resulting lively cultural exchange also brought the ideas and fashions of the Italian Renaissance to Valencia, the largest city on the Iberian Peninsula at the time. This was followed by the ¡°segle d'or de les lletres valencianes¡± - the "golden century of Valencian literature", which can be seen as a precursor to the ¡°Siglo de oro¡± of Castilian literature that followed. In the field of poetry, Ausias March is undoubtedly the most important representative of this Golden Age. This anthology provides an introduction to his life and work and presents 30 selected poems in the Catalan original and in a metrical German translation.

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Mobility in a Globalised World 2022 / Eric Sucky, Jan Werner, Niels Biethahn, Alexander Dobhan (Ed.)

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Logistik und Supply Chain Management ; 27)

Price: 22,00 €

The term mobility has different meanings in the following science disciplines. In economics, mobility is the ability of an individual or a group to improve their economic status in relation to income and wealth within their lifetime or between generations. In information systems and computer science, mobility is used for the concept of mobile computing, in which a computer is transported by a person during normal use. Logistics creates by the design of logistics networks the infrastructure for the mobility of people and goods. Electric mobility is one of today¡¯s solutions from an engineering perspective to reduce the need of energy resources and environmental impact. Moreover, for urban planning, mobility is the crunch question about how to optimize the different needs for mobility and how to link different transportation systems. In this publication we collected the ideas of practitioners, researchers, and government officials regarding the different modes of mobility in a globalised world, focusing on both domestic and international issues.

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Les h¨¦ros dans l¡¯ombre : Leadership scolaire et qualit¨¦ de l¡¯¨¦ducation dans un contexte de pr¨¦carit¨¦ / Jean Kasereka Lutswamba  

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Regards crois¨¦s Afrique-Europe. Cahiers suppl¨¦mentaires ; 6)

Price: 21,00 €

The study focuses on school leadership in nursery, primary and secondary schools in the DRC. In the DRC and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, many schools operate in very poor conditions. Yet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present quality education as a requirement and a right of every child. Precariousness should therefore not be an excuse for quality education. Considering the importance of school leadership in the effectiveness of learning, the study proposes an analysis of the types of school leadership to be applied in order to develop the quality of education even in situations of precariousness. Through a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews, grounded theory and abduction, the study identified five main and ideal types of school leadership: instructional leadership (focus on the teaching-learning process), shared leadership (focus on the involvement of all), entrepreneurial leadership (focus on entrepreneurship), situational leadership (focus on the style of leadership to be applied according to the context) and inertial leadership (focus on procedures and authority). These types were discussed in terms of their respective impacts on quality education. Some suggestions on how to improve the education system in the DRC conclude this study.

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Quality of Teacher Education : Experiences of Student Teachers vis-¨¤-vis Teachers¡¯ Feedback / Christine Nyiramana

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Regards crois¨¦s Afrique-Europe. Cahiers suppl¨¦mentaires ; 5)

Price: 22,00 €

This study focused on investigating the learning situation of student teachers especially their experiences on feedback they receive during their study time including teaching practice. It was conducted in Rwanda. The study was guided by the theories on educational quality which, on one side, places teacher education at the central position of ensuring effective teaching and learning process. In this line, effective training to make sure that teachers are taught in the same way they are expected to teach is essential. On the other side, feedback, which is an important element of the learning engine, is indicated necessary for ensuring that student teachers learn from a conducive environment. This study intended to answer the research question ¡°How does teacher education look like regarding feedback in the Rwandan context?¡±. To answer this research question, the study was conceptualized as a qualitative research where semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 student teachers who have been selected using a theoretical sampling strategy from 13 Rwandan Higher Learning Institutions. Data collection was done in combination with data analysis to maximize all the qualities in the field. Qualitative content analysis using intertwined deductive-inductive approach has been used for data analysis. With abduction process, a deep analysis of the empirical data led to the definition of criteria and then ideal types of feedback experienced by student teachers in Rwanda. With this analysis, three types of feedback namely administrative feedback, correctional feedback, and instructional feedback emerged. Further analysis showed that student teachers in Rwanda experience different forms of feedback. They have divergent understandings of feedback. Delayed feedback leads to increased uncertainty among students, communication of feedback creates different forms of relationships between student teachers and teacher educators. In addition, student teachers learn implicitly from teacher educators how to provide feedback, and there are no common standards regarding internships. The analysis of the results of this study with regard to the discourse on teacher education, feedback, and educational quality indicates that feedback in teacher education has a multidimensional effect.

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Compr¨¦hension de la gestion de classe : ?tude qualitative sur la professionnalisation des enseignants non-qualifi¨¦s du primaire ¨¤ Madagascar / Onja Tiana Raharijaona

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Regards crois¨¦s Afrique-Europe. Cahiers suppl¨¦mentaires ; 4)

Price: 21,00 €

Cette ¨¦tude porte sur la compr¨¦hension de la gestion de classe par les enseignants non-qualifi¨¦s, et ce, ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦gard de leur professionnalisation. Son contexte se situe au niveau de l¡¯enseignement primaire ¨¤ Madagascar. 16,9% des enseignants du primaire ont une qualification professionnelle initiale. D¡¯apr¨¨s le discours scientifique, la gestion de classe constitue un aspect non compensable de la qualit¨¦ de l¡¯enseignement ¨¤ c?t¨¦ de la connaissance de la mati¨¨re. La majorit¨¦ des recherches empiriques sur cette th¨¦matique sont issues des donn¨¦es provenant de pays d¨¦velopp¨¦s et se concentrent sur les enseignants ayant une formation th¨¦orique avant d¡¯entrer dans la pratique. De ce fait, cette ¨¦tude qualitative se focalise sur les perceptions de la gestion de classe par les enseignants non-qualifi¨¦s, en rapport avec leur professionnalisation. Les donn¨¦es ont ¨¦t¨¦ collect¨¦es aupr¨¨s d¡¯un ¨¦chantillon de 30 enseignants non-qualifi¨¦s du primaire en utilisant la m¨¦thode d¡¯interview semi-structur¨¦e via une m¨¦thodologie qualitative. Suite ¨¤ une analyse de contenus, trois types id¨¦aux ¨¦mergent de l¡¯exploration du mat¨¦riau de recherche ¨¤ savoir la gestion de classe bas¨¦e sur une autorit¨¦ hi¨¦rarchique en vue d¡¯une organisation stricte ; la gestion de classe bas¨¦e sur les exp¨¦riences de l¡¯enseignant en vue d¡¯une vie tranquille et la gestion de classe bas¨¦e sur l¡¯implication des ¨¦l¨¨ves en vue d¡¯un apprentissage. Ces r¨¦sultats sont discut¨¦s ¨¤ la lumi¨¨re des th¨¦ories de la qualit¨¦ de l¡¯¨¦ducation, du d¨¦veloppement de la soci¨¦t¨¦ et de la th¨¦ologie protestante. Enfin, les r¨¦flexions sur les r¨¦sultats empiriques obtenus engendrent une s¨¦rie de recommandations vis-¨¤-vis de la recherche et de la pratique ¨¦ducative.

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Kollaborative H?rspielproduktion in einer mehrsprachigen Lerngruppe : Medienp?dagogische und deutschdidaktische Aspekte / Laura Maria Mogl

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 43)

Price: 30,00 €

The study examines the competencies of elementary school students necessary for the collaborative transformation of a picture book into a radio play.
It focuses on a teaching scenario in which elementary school students adapt the picture book ?Hast du Angst?¡°, fragte die Maus by Rafik Schami and Kathrin Sch?rer (2013). It deals with the subject areas of radio play, multilingualism and collaborative writing, which are intended to be meaningfully linked within the framework of such a radio play production.
A teaching concept is being developed in which such a radio play production is to be located in a multilingual learning group in order to show the potential for literature and language didactics.
As part of this study, the resulting text productions of the students are analyzed and evaluated. In addition to the implementation of the text type radio play script, which is new for the learners, the main focus of the investigation includes the text competence which is reflected in the consideration of the recipient in the text product. Since the learners were allowed to use other languages or language varieties in their scripts, these multilingual passages are also examined and systematized.

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Goethes Privatbibliothek im Spiegel der Italienischen Reise : Ausgew?hlte B?nde als Quellen im Schreibprozess / Kimberley Wegner

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Medien ; 36)

Price: 19,00 €

Die Privatbibliothek von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749¨C1832) ist eine der bedeutendsten Autorenbibliotheken der deutschen Literatur, die bei seinen relevanten literarischen Projekten ein essenzielles Arbeitsmittel war und reichhaltiges Quellenmaterial zur Kontextualisierung seiner Werke beinhaltet. Dennoch blieben dezidierte wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum umfangreichen Korpus weitestgehend aus. Dies verwundert, weil die historischen Exemplare mit nonverbalen und verbalen Lesespuren wie Marginalien und An- und Unterstreichungen versehen sind, die zeigen, wie Goethe mit den B¨¹chern gearbeitet hat und entschleiern, was im fertigen Text zun?chst verborgen bleibt. Das Thema bietet reichlich unausgesch?pftes Bearbeitungspotenzial, weshalb im Fokus dieser Forschung die Untersuchung von Lesespuren in ausgew?hlten Werken von Goethes privater B¨¹chersammlung steht, die zuvor nicht unter den Gesichtspunkten sowie in diesem Ausma? analysiert wurden.
Besonders die Entstehung der Italienischen Reise l?sst sich mit Hilfe der B¨¹cher aus Goethes Privatbibliothek nachvollziehen, denn beim Verfassen des Textes wurde Goethe durch andere B¨¹cher aus seiner Bibliothek beeinflusst, in denen sich Lesespuren befinden. Beim literarischen Produktionsprozess waren insbesondere die Reiseberichte Historisch-kritische Nachrichten von Italien von Johann Jacob Volkmann (1732¨C1803) und Voyage en Sicile et dans la grande Gr¨¨ce von Johann Hermann Riedesel (1740¨C1785) elementar. Sie stechen aus der Masse der B¨¹cher von Goethes Privatbibliothek heraus, weil sie diverse Lesespuren enthalten, die Indizien ¨¹ber den literarischen Produktionszyklus der Italienischen Reise liefern. Anhand der Analyse, Interpretation sowie Kontextualisierung der Lesespuren soll untersucht werden, ob bei dem Reisebericht ein Spannungsverh?ltnis zwischen Authentizit?t und literarischem Konstrukt vorliegt und inwieweit die Privatbibliothek Goethes als ein Spiegel der Italienischen Reise fungiert.

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The Bible, Quran, and COVID-19 Vaccines : Studies on Religion-based Vaccine Perceptions (Africa ¨C Europe ¨C Middle East) / edited by Joachim K¨¹gler and Kathrin Gies 

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bible in Africa Studies ; 37) (Exploring Religion in Africa ; 12)

Price: 21,00 €

This volume of the BiAS/ ERA series chooses a multi-religious approach to the religio-cultural aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the attempts to overcome it by vaccination. The book includes contributions focusing on African Traditional Religion, several branches of Christianity in Africa, and Islamic denominations. In contrast to other volumes, BiAS 37/ ERA 12 is not limited to a specific country ¨C not even to the African continent. It gathers papers from the international and multi-religious workshop ¡°COVID-19 and Religion¡± (November 2021, University of Bamberg) and some additional articles. The contributions to BiAS 37 focus on the vaccination debate. ¡°Why should God, Scripture, and Church be against vaccination?¡± is the main question, and there are some indications that social and political factors that regulate the cultural application of religion might be more important for vaccinophobia than faith itself.

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Digitalisierung in der Hochschullehre : Perspektiven und Gestaltungsoptionen / Herausgegeben von Lorenz Mrohs, Miriam Hess, Konstantin Lindner, Julia Schl¨¹ter und Sven Overhage

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Forum Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung ; 11)

Preis: 26,00 €

Die Digitalisierung ¨¹bt tiefgreifenden Einfluss auf verschiedenste Bereiche menschlichen Lebens aus, unter anderem auf Bildung und damit einhergehend auch auf die Hochschullehre. Eine Kultur der Digitalit?t (Felix Stalder) ver?ndert nicht nur die f¨¹r Hochschulen grundlegenden Formen der Produktion von Wissen, sondern ebenso die Umgangsformen und Lehr-Lern-Strategien, die in Lehrveranstaltungen zum Einsatz kommen. Sie wirkt sich auf die Art und Weise aus, wie Wissensinhalte und Kompetenzen vermittelt, erworben und angewendet werden, aber auch auf die Integration digitaler Lerninhalte, die Schaffung neuer Lehr- und Lernmethoden sowie neuer Pr¨¹fungsformate.
Eine Kultur der Digitalit?t er?ffnet Chancen, um die Qualit?t der Lehre zu verbessern ¨C beispielsweise durch die Erh?hung von Flexibilit?t, durch Anpassungsm?glichkeiten an die individuellen Bed¨¹rfnisse der Studierenden oderdurch die Vorbereitung sowie Erm?glichung lebenslangen Lernens. Damit verbunden sind jedoch auch Herausforderungen, die beispielsweise im Verh?ltnis und der Orchestrierung von Pr?senz- und Online-Phasen, in der technischen Ausstattung oder in der n?tigen Professionalit?t der Dozierenden gr¨¹nden. Letztlich kommt es darauf an, die M?glichkeiten der Digitalisierung f¨¹r die Hochschullehre gezielt und sinnvoll zu nutzen, um zu einer Erh?hung der Qualit?t beizutragen.
Dieser Sammelband hat das Ziel zu einer zukunftsweisenden interdisziplin?ren Entwicklung und sinnvollen Gestaltung einer digitalen Kultur der Lehre beizutragen. Die enthaltenen Beitr?ge diskutieren allgemeine Rahmungen zur Digitalisierung der Hochschullehre und pr?sentieren sodann Ausf¨¹hrungen zu digitalen und digital gest¨¹tzten Formaten verschiedener Gr??enordnung: von einzelnen Tools, ¨¹ber die Ebene von Lehrveranstaltungen bis hin zur Studienorganisation und flankierenden Ma?nahmen.

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(Un-)Gerechtigkeit!? : Beteiligung des Christentums an einer (un)gerechten Welt / Herausgegeben von Alexander Schmitt, Lena Janneck, Stefan Huber und Sophia Bertold

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Theologische Studien ; 43)

Price: 23,00 €

Without a doubt, Christianity and the Christian ethos strive for more justice in the world. In the gospels, Jesus¡¯ proclamation of the kingdom of God as well as his actions determine what is just and what is unjust. In the history of Christianity, numerous Christians and theologians fought against the prevailing hegemonic morality for a better world. At the same time however, today¡¯s world is characterised by persistent injustice and inequality: According to the World Hunger Index 2022, up to 828 million people suffered from hunger in 2021. In general, people are often deprived of what they so urgently need for a wholesome life in abundance ¨C in the everyday life of local communities and in the life of the Catholic Church, too.
In view of the central importance of the biblical concept of justice and the factual injustice in the world, Christian theology in particular needs to address the following questions: How is it possible to speak of salvation and justice at the same time and to actually change reality so salvation can be found?
This demand for more justice, however, does not say anything about whether Christianity actually lives up to its mission ¨C to be an instrument and sign of salvation in the world. Therefore, the articles in this anthology address the question of a Christian-theological contribution to more justice, but also more injustice in the world. They cover questions of justice in biblical texts, their theatrical staging, questions of gender equality and sexual ethics, as well as ecological and economic questions and reflections on Christian praxis in the context of law and justice.

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Religion and Health in a COVID-19 Context: Experiences from Zimbabwe / Edited by Molly Manyonganise

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bible in Africa Studies ; 36) (Exploring Religion in Africa ; 11)

Online edition only

BIAS 36 ist an essays collection that explores the intersection of religion and health in a COVID-19 context specifically focusing on Zimbabwe. With the menace of COVID-19 across cultures, this volume places its focus on this pandemic and how it has reshaped the discourse on the way, religion interfaces with health. The book further examines the ambivalence of religion in shaping attitudes towards health-seeking behaviour as well as influencing responses to pandemics. This book, therefore, makes a valuable contribution to the body of knowledge by offering an incisive analysis of how the pandemic has shaped the way religion has contributed both positively and negatively to the discourse on health in Zimbabwe. Such an analysis is crucial in informing policy on the future relationship between science and religion in public health both during this pandemic as well as in the post-pandemic era and the crises ahead. The book contains contributions by Molly MANYONGANISE (ed.) / Vengesai CHIMININGE / Enna Sukutai GUDHLANGA / Bernard Pindukai HUMBE / Angeline Mavis MADONGONDA / Clemence MAKAMURE / Gift MASENGWE / Peter MASVOTORE / Tawanda MATUTU / Tenson MUYAMBO / Bednicho NYONI / Nomatter SANDE / Jane TENDERE / Lovemore TOGARASEI / Lindah TSARA / Silindiwe ZVINGOWANISEI

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Pest und Cholera : Seuchenbew?ltigung und Medizinalwesen in Bamberg in der Fr¨¹hen Neuzeit ; Begleitband zur Ausstellung in der Staatsbibliothek Bamberg, 24. April ¨C 15. Juli 2023 / Herausgegeben von Mark H?berlein

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bamberger Historische Studien ; 20) (Bamberger Buch-Geschichten ; 2)

Price: 28,00 €

Bamberg verf¨¹gte seit dem Sp?tmittelalter ¨¹ber ein differenziertes Gesundheitswesen mit Spit?lern, Siechenh?usern, Apotheken und Badstuben; seit dem fr¨¹hen 16. Jahrhundert stellten die Bisch?fe zudem Hof- und Leib?rzte an. Anders als in protestantischen St?dten wie N¨¹rnberg kam es im katholischen Bamberg jedoch nicht zur Zentralisierung und Kommunalisierung der Gesundheitsf¨¹rsorge, so dass diese von einer Vielzahl von Akteuren gestaltet wurde. Charakteristisch f¨¹r das 16. und 17. Jahrhundert war das Verst?ndnis von Epidemien als Strafen Gottes f¨¹r die S¨¹nden der Menschen, das nicht nur von Herrschern und Klerus, sondern auch von studierten ?rzten geteilt wurde. Gleichwohl sahen Regierung und ?rzteschaft die Untertanen in der Pflicht, sich bestm?glich gegen Epidemien zu sch¨¹tzen, und empfahlen zu diesem Zweck Ma?nahmen zur Verbesserung von Hygiene und Luftqualit?t sowie zur Isolation und Behandlung von Infizierten. Da nicht alle Untertanen Zugang zu ?rzten hatten und die vormoderne Medizin vielen Krankheiten machtlos gegen¨¹berstand, entwickelte sich in Bamberg wie in anderen St?dten ¨¹berdies ein medizinischer Marktplatz, auf dem auch reisende Heiler sowie der ?rtliche Scharfrichter ihre Dienste anboten. Auf eine neue Grundlage gestellt wurde das Bamberger Medizinalwesen durch die Gr¨¹ndung des Allgemeinen Krankenhauses im Jahre 1789, das sich der Behandlung heilbarer Krankheiten widmete. Obwohl nach 1800 auch eine medizinisch-chirurgische Schule und eine der ersten Nervenheilanstalten Deutschlands entstanden, blieb das Gesundheitswesen bis weit ins 19. Jahrhundert hinein von vormodernen Strukturen und Vorstellungen gepr?gt. Diese Entwicklungen werden in einer Ausstellung in der Staatsbibliothek Bamberg, die in einem studentischen Seminar konzipiert wurde, sowie in diesem Begleitband anhand von rund 40 Exponaten nachvollzogen.

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Daring Patriarchy? :  Biblical Engagement with Gender Discourses on Political Participation in Post-colonial Zimbabwe / Molly Manyonganise

Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2023
(Bible in Africa Studies ; 35) (Exploring Religion in Africa ; 10)

Online edition only

Dominant religio-cultural discourses on political participation have deployed biblical texts in ways that have shaped Zimbabwe¡¯s political terrain to be gendered space. BiAS 35 argues that the challenges women face in their endeavor to participate fully in politics in Zimbabwe are not only embedded in culture, but have also been reinforced by the way biblical interpretation pertaining to women¡¯s public roles has been done. The study shows the influence of the Bible in shaping gender relations, even in ¡®non-religious¡¯ areas. This volume, therefore, seeks to open up more political space for women by examining how the everyday is suffused with politics, that is, politics as affecting interactions between individuals and groups thereby facilitating women¡¯s participation in politics at all levels.

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