New Releases 2021
Centre for Heritage Conservation Studies and Technologies (KDWT): 2016 - 2018 / ed. by Tobias Arera-R¨¹tenik, Stefan Breitling, Rainer Drewello, Mona Hess, Gerhard Vinken
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Kompetenzzentrum Denkmalwissenschaften und Denkmaltechnologien (KDWT): Reports of the KDWT ; 1 E)
Online edition only
The Centre for Heritage Conservation Studies and Technologies (KDWT) was founded in spring 2016 as a central research institute of the Otto Friedrich University Bamberg. The core tasks of the KDWT are the expansion of knowledge and technology transfer to non-university research in-stitutions, business and crafts, the expansion of technical excellence, the supplementation of the range of courses, the support in research, teaching, transfer and service in terms of content and technical equipment as well in the internationalisation of research. The centre is divided into four departments: Monument Preservation, Digital Heritage Technologies, Building Research and Res-toration Science and thus covers both the foundations in the humanities as well as engineering and scientific approaches.
The first volume of the ¡°Reports of the KDWT¡± series presents the technically diverse work of the first two and a half years since the KDWT was established in a format with colour illustrations. Four main chapters represent the four departments mentioned. First, the fundamental aims and focus of each subject are outlined. This is followed by individual presentations of the respective re-search projects, which also would like to bring the content closer to the non-expert reader, especially through the illustrations provided. For a better overview, basic information and thematically linked publications have been added to the projects.
For example, the Monument Preservation department reports on various projects related to the theme, city and heritage conservation, addresses participatory heritage protection, emotions and heritage as well as a municipal monument plan for Bavaria, to name just a few. The digital heritage technologies outline projects in the area of 3D documentation. The building research area analy-ses large medieval buildings, develops concepts for building preservation and improves technical skills in building analysis. Finally, the area of restoration science explains the use of non-destructive methods of investigation and microanalysis based on international and local projects, be they Sin-ghalese temple sites, European cathedrals or medieval textiles from the Bamberg cathedral treasury. The aim of the project presentations is to clarify to what extent each sub-area represents the KDWT with extraordinary, professionally sound experience and expertise in teaching, research and above all in practice.
In order to do justice to the extensive transfer, networking and research activities of the individual members, a fifth main chapter lists all individual services in alphabetical order until mid-2018.
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Infrarot-Thermographie in der Bauforschung : Anwendungsm?glichkeiten und Grenzen = Infrared-Thermography in Building Archaeology : Possible Applications and Limitations / Anna Luib
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Empfehlungen f¨¹r Bauforschung und praktische Baudenkmalpflege ; 1)
Price: 35,00 €
Infrared thermography can be used for a variety of building archaeological research issues and can help to answer many questions in this field, particularly in the area of non-destructive preliminary examinations, fa?ade documentation and structural analysis. It can also aid in the investigation of construction joints and reveal the history of building alterations. The procedure is also suitable for damage analysis and documentation. Under appropriate ambient conditions, cracks and voids, material degeneration, surface changes and moisture can be revealed by thermograms. Especially when used in combination with other non-destructive analysis methods, issues from building archaeological research and heritage conservation, as well as archaeological or restoration questions, can be examined and comprehensively clarified. The aim of this manual is to present both the potentials and limitations of infrared thermography in the field of building archaeology, and to place them in a corresponding scientific context. The intention is to expand the range of available methods for the non-destructive recording, analysis and indexing of complex objects in the preservation of buildings and monuments and illustrate the practical application of infrared thermography.
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Zwischen den Zeilen : eigentumslose Haushalte in fr?nkischen Verzeichnissen aus vor- und fr¨¹hstatistischer Zeit / Thomas Wenderoth
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 37)
Price: 25,00 €
Both the historiography of populations and urban history are dominated by the perspective of property owners. This leads to the unprivileged residents mostly remaining invisible. This study is the first to offer a different approach by taking the perspective of the unprivileged: through a precise analysis of the sources, namely lists of inhabitants from the late 15th to the early 19th century, it is revealed that tenancy existed since the Middle Ages, and that tenants were a regular part of the rural and urban population. The investigation is carried out using examples of Franconian cities. The political fragmentation of the region makes it possible to compare cities that were under various forms of rule. In addition, cities and regions outside Franconia are also included in the discussion. Despite a disparate body of sources, some general tendencies come to light: The proportion of propertyless households has been rising steadily since the Middle Ages. The Thirty Years' War led to a significant decline in the number of propertyless households, with their share only increasing rapidly from the late 17th century onwards. The size of a city was not the only decisive factor for the proportion of tenants among the population. In addition to territorial affiliation, special urban functions, such as the city functioning as capital, turn out to be important factors for the proportion of rental households. Even in pre-industrial times, their share among households was often over 50%. Small households and widowed women's households are especially numerous among the propertyless households. The study makes an important contribution to the prosopography and social history of premodern times. It also provides basic data for an extended discussion in the historiography of architecture and urban construction.
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Kolloquium Forschende Frauen 2020 : Gender in Gesellschaft 4.0 ; Beitr?ge Bamberger Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen / hg. von Judith Rauscher, Mona Hess, Astrid Sch¨¹tz und Renata Szczepaniak
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Forschende Frauen in Bamberg ; 12)
Online edition only
Die Buchreihe ?Forschende Frauen in Bamberg¡° begleitet das gleichnamige Forschungskolloquium der Frauenbeauftragten der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg.
Das Thema f¨¹r 2020 ist "Gender in Gesellschaft 4.0"
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The Laki variety of Harsin : grammar, texts, lexicon / Sara Belelli
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberg Studies in Kurdish Linguistics ; 2)
Price: 21,00 €
This book presents a documentation and analysis of Harsini, the language variety spoken by the people of Harsin, a small urban centre located in south-east Kerm¨¡nsh¨¡h Province, western Iran. The main features of phonology and morphosyntax are outlined, and an extensive corpus of transcribed spoken texts, recorded in situ, is also provided, together with a lexicon. The book also includes comparative notes and discussion of the place of Harsini within Laki, and its relationship to Southern Kurdish. The sound files from the text corpus are available online at
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Z?hlt Wahrheit heute noch? : Theologische und interdisziplin?re Sondierungen in postfaktischer Zeit / Herausgegeben von J¨¹rgen Br¨¹ndl, Alexander Schmitt und Konstantin Lindner
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Theologische Studien ; 42)
Price: 24,00 €
In the current, ?postmodern? times with partly post-factual tendencies in society and politics, the handling of truth is highly topical. On the one hand, truths are defined that force tendentious opinion-forming processes, and on the other hand, traditional convictions are fundamentally questioned. What claims to be universally valid and truthful no longer seems to be self-evident. In the age of plurality, the question arises whether truth-based universality can exist at all. This enforces not only the (Judeo-Christian) theologies in a radical new way to communicate the question of their truth or their claim to truth, of God and ?the Absolute?, and to place their thinking strategies and perspectives in this respect in the public discourse.
Against this background, the contributions in this collection reflect on the theological question(s) of truth with its critical implications not only in the fields of theology and church, but also from the perspective of politics, society and media. This multi-perspective view of how to deal with truth question(s) opens up a pluralistic discourse panorama to the central question: ?Does truth still count today??
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Blick auf Schulcurricula Mathematik: Empirische Fundierung? : Tagungsband des AK Grundschule in der GDM 2021 / hg. von Anna Susanne Steinweg
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Mathematikdidaktik Grundschule ; 10)
Price: 17,00 €
The Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the Research Group on Primary Mathematics Education (Arbeitskreis Grundschule in der GDM) focus on empirical foundation of curricula in mathematics education in primary school. Three invited talks addressed the main theme in plenum. Additionally, workings groups on the research areas arithmetic, geometry, data & probability, as well as groups on early mathematics education, communication & co-operation, ICT education, and last not least on teacher education offered discussions on current research issues.
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Ressourcenaufbau bei chronisch psychisch kranken Menschen : Entwicklung und Evaluation eines kognitiv-behavioralen Gruppenprogramms / von Lisa K¨¹ber
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 36)
Price: 25,50 €
Ein auf die Bed¨¹rfnisse chronisch psychisch erkrankter Menschen zugeschnittenes Gruppenprogramm wurde entwickelt und hinsichtlich seiner Wirksamkeit untersucht. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, verschiedene personale Ressourcen der schwer belasteten Klientel auf- und auszubauen. Die Evaluation des achtw?chigen Gruppenprogramms erfolgte mittels einer quasi-experimentellen Pr?-, Post-, Follow-up Feldstudie (N = 275, IG = 134, KG = 141). Insgesamt konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich mit der Teilnahme an dem besagten Gruppenprogramm eine Vielzahl gesundheitsrelevanter Faktoren signifikant verbesserten (Selbstwertgef¨¹hl, Positive Emotionen, Kognitives, Emotionales und K?rperliches Wohlbefinden, Selbstf¨¹rsorge, Depressivit?t). Im Allgemeinen ist das ressourcenorientierte Gruppenprogramm als gewinnbringende und erg?nzende Methode f¨¹r die sozialpsychiatrische Arbeit mit chronisch psychisch erkrankten Menschen zu bewerten.
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Das Bamberger Kollegiatstift St. Gangolf im Mittelalter / von Lisa Witowski
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger historische Studien ; 19)
Price: 28,00 €
The present volume provides the results of the reappraisal, classification and interpretation of commonly unedited sources about the history of the collegiate church Sanct Gangolf in Bamberg in the Middle Ages. They demonstrate the structure and peculiarities of the community and place it into context of city and church in Bamberg. So it manifests itself as an institution between a strong alignment towards the bishop¡®s church of Bamberg on the one hand and an identification as collegiate community in the suburbian Theuerstadt on the other hand.
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Violence and educational quality : effects of violence on the learning outcomes of students in Cameroon / Abraham Tamukum Tangwe
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Regards crois¨¦s Afrique-Europe. Cahiers supplementaires ; 3)
Price: 19,00 €
This study was initiated to examine violence and its relation to learning outcomes of secondary school students in Cameroon. The study interconnected with educational quality values, and responsible behavior. Violence at school is still observable on a daily basis, not respecting the human rights of children and young learners and hindering them from learning despite the attempts of the government in Cameroon to institute quality service delivery policies, more equitable distribution of learning opportunities, and a strong incentive for greater efficiency in school through legislations. The study was guided by the social interaction theory and the research question focused on the extent of violence in education. The specific objective of this study was to understand the effects of violence on motivation and self-esteem, and its influence on learning outcomes. A model was operationalized measuring the different forms of violence, mediated by self-esteem, motivation and health to the learning outcome, quantified by class repetition, grades and reading enjoyment. The socio-economic context was statistically controlled. The study was designed using a quantitative approach with cross-sectional survey for students. Data had been collected from a sample population of 924 students in grades four to seven in Cameroon. The collected information was analyzed using descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics. The results indicate an acute prevalence of school the various forms violence, and the huge ratio of violence in the life of students in Cameroon becomes visible. The study shows that these experiences of violence affect the self-esteem and the motivation to learn. In addition, the poor school quality and a very discouraging socioeconomic background of students can be shown. Schools are neither an environment of the protection of students nor open spaces for real-world transmission of values. Violence remains a challenge.
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COVID-19 : African women and the will to survive / edited by Helen A.Labeodan, Rosemary Amenga-Etego, Johanna Stiebert, Mark S. Aidoo
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bible in Africa Studies ; 31) (Exploring Religion in Africa ; 8)
Price: 20,00 €
COVID-19 has, like other crises, thrown into relief social injustices and gendered inequalities. BiAS 31/ ERA 8 offers theological responses to and reflections on the COVID-19 outbreak and pandemic. All are by African scholars and authors; some are academic, some experiential, and others creative or impressionistic in tone. Reflecting the ethos and commitment of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians (¡°The Circle¡±) to nurture and promote the publications by and about African women and men committed to social justice and positive change, this issue contains the writings of some established but, predominantly, of emerging theologians. For some contributors, this is their first publication in an international series.
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Afghanistan in der Rekonstruktion : Darisprachige Erinnerungsliteratur des 20. Jahrhunderts / Schayan Gharevi
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Orientstudien ; 15)
Price: 19,00 €
Das weltweite Interesse an Lebenserinnerungen und pers?nlich gehaltenen R¨¹ckschauen ist auch in einer Krisenregion wie Afghanistan zu beobachten. Seit Mitte der 1980er Jahre kann eine eindeutige ?Konjunktur¡° und verst?rkte Publikation afghanischer autobiographischer Erinnerungswerke verzeichnet werden.Zahlreiche bislang unbearbeitete originalsprachliche Quellen werden bibliographisch erfasst, analysiert und in einen gr??eren Forschungszusammenhang gestellt. Im Zentrum stehen die jeweiligen Narrationverfahren und Erinnerungsentw¨¹rfe der autobiographischen Texte.
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Das Parlament als Kommunikationsarena : ?ffentlichkeitsebenen und Kommunikationsmuster in Plenardebatten des Deutschen Bundestags / Annika Geu?
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Beitr?ge zur Kommunikationswissenschaft ; 16)
Price: 20,00 €
Das Parlament ist selten Gegenstand kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Die vorliegende Synthese verbindet Konzepte von Habermas, Luhmann, Ki?ler und Dieckmann im Kontext der Plenarkommunikation und entwickelt zwei Modelle zur Interaktion in Plenardebatten. Die Sitzungs?ffentlichkeit des Plenarsaals wird als ?Kommunikationsarena¡° verstanden, deren Rahmenbedingung die massenmediale Aufmerksamkeitslogik ist. Das urspr¨¹ngliche Arenenmodell wird an die mehrfachadressierte Debattenkommunikation angepasst. Die ?berlegungen sind auf den Spezialfall der Haushaltsdebatte gerichtet: Die Aussprache zum Etat des Bundeskanzleramts wird traditionell als Generaldebatte gef¨¹hrt und stellt den H?hepunkt des parlamentarischen Jahres dar. Die b¨¹rgerliche ?ffentlichkeit nimmt die Arbeit des Parlaments besonders durch die Generaldebatten wahr.
Ausgehend von Burkhardts und Hitzlers Typologien interaktiver Debatteninstrumente wie Zwischenrufe und -fragen werden mit Wei?, Sch?fer und Habermas Aktions- und Reaktionsmuster entwickelt, die das Paradoxon deliberativer und strategischer Kommunikationsmodi offenbaren. Abschlie?end werden Hypothesen zur Regierungs-Oppositions-Interaktion abgeleitet. Es zeigt sich, dass die Beschaffenheit der parlamentarischen Arena als Mehrebenen-?ffentlichkeit zu einem Verst?ndigungsproblem f¨¹hrt und die Partizipation am politischen Willensbildungsprozess durch interaktive Kommunikation simuliert wird.
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Mechanismen eines medialen Tabubruchs : Untersuchung von Tabus zur Erschlie?ung des Ph?nomens f¨¹r die Kommunikationswissenschaft / Melanie Hellwig
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Beitr?ge zur Kommunikationswissenschaft ; 15)
Price: 21,00 €
What is a taboo and what impact does it have on public communication? In the context of research on press freedom, the main approach is to look at institutional influence within journalism as well as from the outside. This dissertation captures and examines the phenomenon taboo as a further parameter in public communication. Based on how taboos work, it will be shown that they apply to all members of the reference group. With regard to a societal taboo, it then applies also to journalists and all other actors in public communication, who can only act in accordance with the taboo. This, however, contradicts the demand on public communication in a democracy to create transparency and to inform, since a taboo, on occasion, prevents talking about something at all. In a content analyses, on the basis of a case study concerning abortion, strictly speaking of the article We had an abortion in Stern from June 1971, it will be analyzed to what extent taboos appear in public communication and how it is possible to examine them.
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Kreativit?t und Migration : Positionierung und Ambiguit?t im ?uvre des russlanddeutschen K¨¹nstlers Georg Schlicht (1886-1964) / herausgegeben von Ada Raev und Susanne Marten-Finnis unter Mitarbeit von Magdalena Burger
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 36)
Price: 40,00 €
The phrase ¡°German by passport, Russian by heart¡± summarizes, but at the same time simplifies the complex artistic legacy of Georg Schlicht. Schlicht was born into a family of Volga Germans, brought up in Saratov and educated in Moscow, but was forced to leave Russia in the aftermath of the 1917 upheavals. His creativity reflects the ideological twists and turns of his lifetime and his legacy mirrors his belonging, in the sense of his whereabouts in Germany, the land of his fathers, and the longing for his spiritual home in Tsarist Russia, a country that had ceased to exist. The aesthetic dichotomy of his oeuvre is the theme of this volume, in which an international team of researchers from Britain, Germany, Russia, Belarus and the Netherlands have undertaken, for the first time, to chart and illuminate the various stations of Schlicht¡¯s life and art ¨C an existence that swayed between his Russian motherland and his German fatherland. Rather than applying the (received) reflectionalist model of the relationship between history and culture, they argue in favour of categories such as settlement and mobility, appreciation and neglect, positioning and ambiguity as three modes characteristic of the artistic legacy of migrating people and ideologies.
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Perceptions du climat d'apprentissage universitaire : une approche emipirique ¨¤ la qualit¨¨ de l'enseignement en R¨¦publique D¨¦mocratique du Congo/Goma / Semerita Kavira Kamundu
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Regards crois¨¦s Afrique-Europe. Cahiers supplementaires ; 2)
Price: 18,00 €
This study focuses on learning climate in universities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Learning climate constitutes one of the most important criteria for educational quality as it influences the learning outcome. The study is conducted in the DRC, one of the developing countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, where the quality of education is very important to remedy the traditional educational system applied in several schools and universities. Using a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews (n = 32) based on a theoretical sampling, following grounded theory, four types of climate were revealed in the data analysis: The climate based on learning where the learner feels better considered, the climate based on social relations where the interactions between the teacher and the learner are positive, the climate based on the teacher where the learner is passive, and the climate based on the use of authority where the learner only submits to the decisions of the authority. These four types are discussed in relation to their functionality to learning and recommendations for the further development of universities are given.
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That all may live! : essays in honour of Nyambura J. Njoroge / edited by Ezra Chitando, Esther Mombo & Masiiwa Ragies Gunda
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bible in Africa Studies ; 30) (Exploring Religion in Africa ; 7)
Price: 24,00 €
This volume of BiAS/ ERA is a Festschrift honouring Nyambura J. Njoroge. She is an outstanding woman theologian whose work straddles diverse fields and disciplines. Inspired by her rich and impressive ?uvre, in this volume friends and colleagues of her (among them celebrities like Musa Dube, Gerald West, Fulata Moyo, Ezra Chitando, and others) explore how religion and theology in diverse contexts can become more life giving. Contributors from many countries and different continents explore themes such as African women¡¯s leadership, theological education, HIV/ AIDS, lament, the Bible and liberation, adolescents and young women, sexual diversity and others. Collectively, the volume expresses Nyambura¡¯s consistent commitment to the full liberation of all human beings, in fulfilment of the gospel¡¯s promise that all may have life and have it to the full (John 10:10)
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Innovationsmanagement im bayerischen Berufsbildungssystem : eine rekonstruktive Studie zur Implementierung von Innovationen an bayerischen Berufsschulen / Matthias F¨¹nffinger
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 40)
Price: 34,00 €
Digital transformation is having an impact on all areas of life. It is now leaving its mark not only in business, politics and society; In education, too, more and more innovation processes are being initiated in order to map and implement topics of digitization in a contemporary way. This concerns above all the most important interface between companies and schools: vocational training.
The present study deals with the design of innovation processes in the Bavarian vocational school system using the example of the obligatory media concept. It considers the organization of the processes from the macro to the meso level and focuses on the actors and their innovation actions in the context of current findings of neo-institutionalism and educational governance research.
After a detailed description of the research field, i.e. the media concept, its prerequisites, its objectives, its development and the framework conditions of its introduction, a reconstruction of theoretical findings on innovation processes in educational organizations follows. . Subsequently, the implementation of an empirical study is described, the results of which should provide clues to the innovation actions of the affected actors from the macro to the meso level. In particular, space is given to the perceptions and assessments of the actors on the conditions for the success of innovations.
Finally, the results of the theoretical and empirical reconstruction are contrasted and obstacles or drivers of successful innovation action in Bavarian vocational schools are identified.
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Literaturskandale in der Weimarer Republik / Martin Georg Kraus
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Medien ; 34)
Preis: 22,00 €
Mit dieser literaturwissenschaftlich beheimaten Arbeit wird ein Beitrag zur Erschlie?ung der Literaturgeschichte als eine Geschichte literarischer Skandale geleistet.
Angesichts der nach wie vor festzustellenden Forschungsl¨¹cken auf dem Gebiet der literaturwissenschaftlichen Skandalforschung muss sich f¨¹r diesen Beitrag zun?chst allgemein mit dem Ph?nomen (Literatur-)Skandal an sich besch?ftigt werden. Entsprechend werden theoretische Grundlagen ausgelotet, begriffliche Kl?rungen vorgenommen und einige Ans?tze skizziert, mit denen die angestrebten Erschlie?ungen produktiver vorgenommen werden k?nnen. Dies erfolgt u. a. im R¨¹ckgriff auf skandalogische Forschungen in anderen Wissenschaften (wie etwa in Politik-, Sozial-, Kommunikations- und Religionswissenschaften) sowie durch Anwendung dieser ?berlegungen auf das sogenannte literarische Feld.
Es zeigt sich, dass konkrete (Literatur-)Skandale ohne eine Beachtung ihrer Umst?nde kaum hinreichend zu verstehen sind. Folglich erscheint es zweckm??ig, eine weitergehende Untersuchung auf eine bestimmte Zeit einzugrenzen. Hier wird der Fokus auf Kontexte, Skandal?sit?ten und Skandale in der Literatur in der Weimarer Republik gerichtet. Angestrebt wird, dass durch diesen Fokus weitere, ¨¹ber die blo?e Theorie hinausgehende Aufschl¨¹sse ¨¹ber Literaturskandale gewonnen werden k?nnen. Au?erdem m?gen dadurch die bisherigen Erkenntnisse zu den Jahren 1918 bis 1933 erg?nzt werden.
Beispielhaft vertieft werden die Ergebnisse zu Literaturskandal und zur Weimarer Republik durch Blicke auf zwei prominente Skandalf?lle der besagten Zeit. Namentlich schauen wir auf die Skandale um erstens Arthur Schnitzlers Reigen als Theaterauff¨¹hrung in Berlin (1920/21) und um zweitens Erich Maria Remarques Roman Im Westen nichts Neues (1928/29) sowie dessen Verfilmung All quiet on the Western Front (1929/30).
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Schluss mit dem Klischee vom draufg?ngerischen Kriegsreporter : Arbeitsbedingungen deutschsprachiger Journalisten w?hrend der Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien / Marie-Kristin Kalich
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Beitr?ge zur Kommunikationswissenschaft ; 13)
Price: 18,00 €
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden journalistische Arbeitsbedingungen w?hrend der Kriege im auseinanderbrechenden Jugoslawien untersucht. Anhand von Experteninterviews mit deutschsprachigen Journalistinnen und Journalisten, die in den 1990er Jahren in den Kriegsgebieten t?tig waren, wird r¨¹ckblickend analysiert, wie sie den vielf?ltigen Herausforderungen begegneten.
Wie waren die Arbeitsbedingungen w?hrend der Kriege? Welche Konsequenzen wurden daraus gezogen? Inwiefern haben die dramatischen Erfahrungen die weitere Arbeit gepr?gt?
Dar¨¹ber hinaus erfolgt eine Charakterisierung und Typisierung der Berichterstattenden auf dem Balkan. Mythen und Klischees, die sich um den Beruf reihen, werden auf den Pr¨¹fstand gestellt.
Im Weiteren wird der Umgang mit der Komplexit?t vor Ort und der journalistischen Norm der Objektivit?t in der Berichterstattung untersucht. Die zeitliche Distanz erm?glicht es, die einstigen Erlebnisse zu reflektieren. Um diese Einsichten zu gewinnen, wurden zehn Journalistinnen und Journalisten aus 球探足球比分 und Rundfunk interviewt.
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Approaches to Arabic Popular Culture / Peter Konerding, Felix Wiedemann, Lale Behzadi (eds.)
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Orientstudien ; 14)
Price: 26,70 €
Over recent years, Arabic popular culture has become a focal point of West Asian and North African studies. Most of the new research dealing with it concentrates on the ¡®popular¡¯ as opposed to an intellectual ¡®high¡¯ culture far from the harsh and hierarchically organized reality many Arabic-speaking societies face today. Popular cultural practices are thus seen as a rejection of the elite and a stance against those who have ¡®something to loose¡¯ within paralyzed and conservative communities. Albeit not denying the subversive political potential associated with these practices, this volume intends to take a more nuanced and broader perspective. Arabic popular culture might engage with emancipatory claims, but it might as easily follow the capitalist rulebook of global marketing. It might fight against oppressive authorities, yet it can equally become their symbol.
Approaches to Arabic Popular Culture therefore closely looks at the aesthetic implications of a topic ranging from Lebanese hip hop over Algerian pop novels to jihadi chants in the ¡®Islamic State¡¯ as well as from Egyptian mahragan¨¡t music over sarcastic stories about hash dens and time travel in downtown Cairo to Saudi-Arabian YouTube-influencers. Thus, the theoretical scope widens and the reader is taken on a delightful journey to the unsettling pleasures of contemporary Arabic art and culture.
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Der Einfluss des wahrgenommenen Alterns auf die Akzeptanz von Smart-Home-Technologien: Wirkung der Future Time Perspective auf das Technology Acceptance Model / Falk Andreas Eichner
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 39)
Price: 32,00 €
The currently rather restrained demand for smart home systems raises the question of relevant adoption barriers. Given the technology¡¯s potential benefits for residents¡¯ lives, particularly with advancing age, there is a need to understand how age(ing) affects the acceptance of technology. Especially perceived age constructs have hardly been studied in technology adoption.
The thesis investigates the determinants of smart home technology acceptance by potential adopters using popular theories and models of individual adoption behavior and moreover paying particular attention to the influence of chronological and perceived age. The research model is based on the widely used and empirically validated Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw, 1989), but integrates additional external variables to explore how chronological age and the Future Time Perspective (Carstensen & Lang, 1996) affect determining factors of home automatization acceptance. The effect on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use is considered as well as mediator- and moderator-effects regarding downstream attitude formation and behavioral intention.
The results support the hypothesis that the subjective future time perspective (focusing on opportunities remaining in life) has greater explanatory power for the individual adoption of smart home systems than chronological age.
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?Heute keine Sitzung wegen zu teuren Bieres!¡°: Die Analyse des Bamberger Bierkriegs von 1907 als Thema der ?ffentlichkeit / Matthias Kast
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Beitr?ge zur Kommunikationswissenschaft ; 14)
Price: 19,00 €
October 1907: In Bamberg, there is a relentless struggle for supremacy over the price of the beer. The producers want to raise the price by two pfennigs per liter in the city, but the public, which loves to drink, sees things differently and rebels. The "Bambergian Beer War" was fought by a variety of parties - beer brewers and beer drinkers, pub owners and the press. Nevertheless, it remains a war without swordplay and bloodshed. The anti-beer price movement relies much more on boycotts and protests and achieves a reversal of the price increase after only seven days.
The "Bambergian Beer War" examined in this book symbolizes how public processes worked in a small German town at the beginning of the 20th century, which people acted at which levels in the public sphere, how protests formed a movement and what influence the press had as the only periodic mass medium within public communication in 1907.
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Mobility in a Globalised World 2020 / Eric Sucky, Niels Biethahn, Jan Werner (Hg.)
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Logistik und Supply Chain Management ; 25)
Price: 23,00 €
The term mobility has different meanings in the following science disciplines. In economics, mobility is the ability of an individual or a group to improve their economic status in relation to income and wealth within their lifetime or between generations. In information systems and computer science, mobility is used for the concept of mobile computing, in which a computer is transported by a person during normal use. Logistics creates by the design of logistics networks the infrastructure for the mobility of people and goods. Electric mobility is one of today¡¯s solutions from an engineering perspective to reduce the need of energy resources and environmental impact. Moreover, for urban planning, mobility is the crunch question about how to optimize the different needs for mobility and how to link different transportation systems. In this publication we collected the ideas of practitioners, researchers, and government officials regarding the different modes of mobility in a globalised world, focusing on both domestic and international issues.
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Unterwegs ins Mittelalter : Zeitreisen in der deutschsprachigen Jugendliteratur des 21. Jahrhunderts / Sarah B?hlau
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger interdisziplin?re Mittelalterstudien ; 16)
Price: 23,00 €
Die vorliegende Untersuchung besch?ftigt sich mit der Darstellung des Mittelalters in sechs deutschsprachigen Jugendromanen der Gegenwartsliteratur, in denen die fremde Epoche innerhalb der Erz?hlwelt im Rahmen einer Zeitreise erschlossen wird.
Die im Ph?nomen der Zeitreise manifestierte Verr?umlichung der Zeit und die in der Jugendliteratur oft erh?hte Bedeutung liminaler R?ume greifen ineinander: Der historische Raum wird zum Schwellenraum, der den Jugendlichen Entwicklung und Identit?tssuche erm?glicht.
Auch Kultur und Gesellschaft sind in der Adoleszenz Konzepte von zentraler Bedeutung, da die Auseinandersetzung mit der Erwachsenenwelt die Entwicklung von Individualit?t und Geschlechtsbildern nach sich zieht. Die phantastische Metapher einer Reise durch die Zeit, in der sich Zeit und Raum verkn¨¹pfen und damit einen neuen Kulturraum zur Entwicklung bieten, er?ffnet so eine Vielzahl von erz?hlerischen M?glichkeiten f¨¹r die in der Jugendliteratur zentralen Themen von Weiterentwicklung und Selbstfindung.
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Mother Earth, Mother Africa and Biblical Studies : Interpretations in the Context of Climate Change / edited by
Sidney K. Berman, Paul L. Leshota, Ericka S. Dunbar, Musa W. Dube, Malebogo Kgalemang
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bible in Africa Studies; 29)
Price: 20,00 €
Climate change and its global impact on all people, especially the marginalized communities, is widely recognized as the biggest crisis of our time. It is a context that invites all subjects and disciplines to bring their resources in diagnosing the problem and seeking the healing of the Earth. The African continent, especially its women, constitute the subalterns of global climate crisis. Can they speak? If they speak, can they be heard? Both the Earth and the Africa have been identified with the adjective ¡°Mother.¡± This gender identity tells tales in patriarchal and imperial worlds that use the female gender to signal legitimation of oppression and exploitation. In this volume, African women theologians and their female-identifying colleagues, struggle with reading and interpreting religious texts in the context of environmental crisis that are threatening life on Earth. The chapters interrogate how biblical texts and African cultural resources imagine the Earth and our relationship with the Earth: Do these texts offer readers windows of hope for re-imagining liberating relationship with the Earth? How do they intersect with gender, race, empire, ethnicity, sexuality among others? Beginning with Genesis, journeying through Exodus, Ruth, Ecclesiastes and the Gospel of John, the authors seek to read in solidarity with the Earth, for the healing of the whole Earth community.
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Letras na Am¨¦rica Portuguesa : Autores ¨C Textos ¨C Leitores / Enrique Rodrigues-Moura (org.)
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Romanische Literaturen und Kulturen ; 12)
Price: 22,00 €
The texts produced in the so-called ¡°Am¨¦rica Portuguesa¡± (1500-1822) cover the most varied fields of Western Literature and Culture ¨C lyric, epic, dramaturgy, historiography, epistolography, homiletics, lexicography, etc. ¨C and follow a common rhetorical-poetic and theological-political model, typical for the Ancien R¨¦gime. Manuscripts and prints were written in various languages (Portuguese, mainly, but also Latin, Spanish, French, Italian, Tupi-Guarani, L¨ªngua Geral, etc.), by a considerable number of authors (Pero Vaz de Caminha, Jos¨¦ de Anchieta, Ant?nio Vieira, Francisco Manuel de Melo, Greg¨®rio de Matos, Manoel Botelho de Oliveira, Sebasti?o da Rocha Pita, Bas¨ªlio da Gama, Ant?nio da Costa Peixoto, Francisco Alves de Sousa, etc.) found a broad reception by readers. Precisely, these texts, these authors and these readers constituted the literary system in the ¡°Am¨¦rica Portuguesa¡±.
Brazilian, Portuguese, and even international historiography has focused for several decades on the study of the colonial states Brasil and Maranh?o e Gr?o-Par¨¢, both from a micro-historical and macro-historical point of view, emphasizing recently their relationship with the rest of the world in the context of global history. Currently, literature is gradually losing its power of legitimising knowledge of the cultural elites of a nation. This forgotten ¡°Parnaso Brasileiro¡± maintained, however, a fluid cultural dialogue with Lisbon as well as with other European cities, a dialogue that the formation of exclusively national literatures, Brazilian and/or Portuguese, came to neglect or even ignore.
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Interpretationskonzepte von Deutschlehrkr?ften und ihren Sch¨¹ler*innen : Eine explorative Studie / Daniela Matz
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Medien ; 33)
Price: 36,00 €
The study explores views of literary interpretation of German teachers and their students. The method of research is based on the triangulation of data (teaching materials, qualitativ interviews, so called ?Interpretationsaufs?tze¡° und the teacher¡¯s feedback) and their content analysis. One of the main research result is, that teachers and their students form groups of interpretation that can be described by different interpretational rules. Teachers are therefore highly effective in der professional work. Students are influencend by the teacher¡¯s language, learning-arrangements and the teacher¡¯s feedback. It can also be stated, that most views on literary interpretation lack in central components of reading literarcy. This has an high impact on teacher¡¯s and student¡¯s dealings with literary ambiguity, since it is very often not taken into account. One of the reasons for this is a well established practice of literary interpretation in German grammer schools.
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Kleine Funde, gro?e Geschichten : Arch?ologische Funde aus dem Bamberger Dom ; Begleitheft zur Ausstellung im Historischen Museum Bamberg / Nelo Lohwasser, Rainer Schreg (Hg.)
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(AMANZ notizhefte; 1)
Price: 14,50 €
Bamberg Cathedral, the most important building in the city, was built more than 1000 years ago. Prof. Dr. Walter Sage, who later became the first professor of medieval and postmedieval archaeology at the University of Bamberg, carried out large-scale excavations from 1969-72. He researched almost the entire nave as well as large areas of the aisles. Foundations of all construction phases were found, as well as many burials and a large number of small finds. Many finds were part of the interior of the first cathedral, allowing a reconstruction of the floor and the wall design.
50 years after the excavations the analysis of these finds is part of a new scientific project. Together with the 40th anniversary of the chair of medieval and postmedieval archaeology this is the occasion for a special exhibition in the Historical Museum Bamberg. The exhibition and this booklet were realized in cooperation with the Bamberg Historical Association, who owns the finds today, and with the support of the Archdiocese of Bamberg. Conception, exhibition texts as well as most of the article were prepared by students of the chair of medieval and postmedieval archaeology.
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Zeichenlandschaften : Religi?se Semiotisierungen im interdisziplin?ren Diskurs / Herausgegeben von J¨¹rgen Br¨¹ndl, Thomas Laubach und Konstantin Lindner
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Theologische Studien ; 41)
Price: 29,00 €
"Space" currently gets high attention in the humanities and cultural studies. It is perceived as a "semiosphere" of inscription - also and especially in relation to religious meanings. The contributions in this book are dedicated to spatial constellations of religious semioses from a theological and philosophical perspective, but also from an interdisciplinary point of view.
The articles are reflecting space in multiple ways by combining exegetical, systematic, and practical disciplines of Christian and Jewish theology with archaeology, philosophy, and sociology. This offers a representative insight into the very different ways in which theologies as well as humanities and cultural studies explore religiously coded landscapes.
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Der satirische Agon : Das erste Satirenbuch des Horaz als agonale Mischgattung und als Dispositiv der Macht / Florian Langbein
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 35)
Preis: 21,00 €
Das erste Satirenbuch des Horaz ist nach einhelliger Forschungsmeinung eine Mischung verschiedener literarischer Gattungen. In dieser Dissertation werden erstmals die Wortgefechte im Satirenbuch untersucht und die Einfl¨¹sse anderer agonaler Gattungen (Epos, Trag?die, Kom?die) festgestellt. Weiterhin wird das Satirenbuch als politisch erwiesen nach Foucaults Dispositiv der Macht.
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Vielfalt vor Ort : Die Entwicklung des privaten Rundfunks in Bayern / herausgegeben von Markus Behmer und Vera Katzenberger unter Mitwirkung von Julia G¨¹rster
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Schriften aus der Fakult?t 球探足球比分 Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg ; 34)
Price: 34,00 €
Since 1973, the Bavarian State Constitution requires broadcasting services licensed in Bavaria to be organised under public control. However, since the mid 1980s the most diverse commercial radio and television landscape has developed in Bavaria. There are local broadcasting stations in every major city and in every government district.
On 600 pages, the anthology offers an overview of how this media scene has developed under the oversight of the Bayerische Landeszentrale f¨¹r neue Medien (BLM), the regulatory authority for new media in Bavaria, over the last decades.
In six chapters and more than 30 articles, historians and communication scientists discuss the broadcasting structure, the legal, technical and economic basics, the program offers and their use, as well as, for example, approaches to promote media literacy and media quality.
In addition, detailed studies provide current findings, for example, on approaches to cross-media work and the development of editorial structures as well as the position of women in editorial offices, campus radio offers, the content of regional news, the growing importance of podcasts, music formats and forms of moderation over the decades and much more.
Thus, the anthology comprehensively represents the diversity of the commercial broadcasting in Bavaria.
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Geschichte von Helden : Beitr?ge aus dem W-Seminar am E.T.A. Hoffmann Gymnasium / herausgegeben von Valentina Ringelmann und Detlef Goller
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(MimaSch ¨C Mittelalter macht Schule ; 5)
Price: 19,00 €
In this fifth volume of the MimaSch series, the development, realization and results of a collabo-ration between school and university that has been repeatedly called for are documented. In the course of the topic- and competence-oriented teaching of Middle High German language and literature of the Chair of German Philology of the Middle Ages, a scientific propaedeutic seminar on the concept of the hero was carried out together with the E.T.A Hoffmann Gymnasium Bam-berg in the grammar school upper level, at the end of which the first scientific papers were writ-ten and presented. In an introduction, the Middle High German Nibelungenlied is discussed as a starting text for an educational examination of the concept of the hero. Furthermore, from the perspective of the supervising teacher, the added value of a cooperation between school and uni-versity is demonstrated, especially with regard to the current competence orientation. Finally, the qualification works of the students are compiled, which impressively show the learning processes and achieved learning successes.
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Verzauberung der Welt? Religi?se Symbolsysteme in Geschichte und Gegenwart / Herausgegeben von Thomas Laubach und Christina Potschka
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bamberger Theologische Studien ; 40)
Price: 18,50 €
Religion disappears in the fog of plurality, vanishes in the heat of profanity. This is a common thesis that ties in with the modern "master narrative" of the disenchantment of the world and the decline of religion. But the postulated megatrend of the disappearance of religion is countered by its return in many areas of social life. The supposed secularization is confronted with a resacralization. Beyond its supposed disenchantment, religion obviously possesses a productive 'glowing core'. The dimension of transcendence, the genesis and enforcement of religiously shaped values, the significance of religious symbol systems in seemingly secularized societies, or even concepts of the sacredness of people, gods, living beings, and things are all worthy of consideration.
The contributions by Klaus Bieberstein, Ernst Peter Fischer, Hans Joas, Thomas Laubach, Angelika Neuwirth, Peter B. Steiner and Reinhard Zintl reflect on this tense situation and offer starting points for a new dialogue between secularization and sacralization.
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Analyse des Gesch?ftsmodells Verkehrsinfrastrukturgenossenschaft aus Sicht der Stakeholder / Melanie Beck
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Logistik und Supply Chain Management ; 24)
Price: 30,00 €
In Germany, numerous infrastructure projects are implemented through cooperation between the public sector and a private company. This is done within the framework of a public-private partnership (short: PPP).
In the area of transportation infrastructure, too, many projects are implemented as PPPs.
Private companies take over the responsibilities of expansion, new construction (if necessary), maintenance and operation of a contractually defined highway section, usually with a contract term of 25-30 years. If the company fulfills the previously defined services, it receives a payment from the public sector. According to current plans of the federal government, approximately 1,280 km of the German highway network are to be renewed through PPP projects. However, there is a controversial discussion of these projects both in theory and in practice. On the one hand, according to the Federal Audit Office, such projects are more expensive than conventional implementation. On the other hand, according to a study by the Technical University of Braunschweig, large contractors in particular benefit from this. Medium-sized, regional construction companies have hardly any opportunities to participate in PPPs.
Goal of the research project was the analysis of a transport infrastructure cooperative, which shows an alternative to the existing PPP projects. The basic idea of this cooperative is the consideration of the midsize contractors sector and to create a regional added value.
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¡°The wounded Beast?¡± : Single Women, Tradition, and the Bible in Zimbabwe / Kudzai Biri. With a foreword by Joachim K¨¹gler
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Bible in Africa Studies ; 28) (Exploring Religion in Africa ; 6)
Price: 19,00 €
BiAS 28/ ERA 6 captures the experiences of single women in Zimbabwe. It brings out the indigenous cultural socialisations that negatively impact on them. The vibrancy of Pentecostalism did not save them from stigma and negative perceptions but rather fuels their challenges and misery. The over-glorification of marriage over and above singlehood and in extreme cases denunciation of singlehood, has implications for single women, especially for those who have divorced. The attitudes and perceptions towards single women in the families, society and Church are largely adversarial and do not attach dignity and value, in a nation where marriage and motherhood remain important and cherished statuses. Therefore, the author adopts a multi-dimensional approach in analysing and critiquing the pitfalls of Shona indigenous cultures, limitations of Pentecostal gender ideology and proffers avenues that can create safe spaces for single women.
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Die Steinmetzzeichen des Ulmer M¨¹nsters : Erfassung und Auswertung 1966 - 2020 / Reinhard Wortmann. Herausgegeben von Claudia Eckstein
Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press, 2021
(Forschungen des Instituts f¨¹r Arch?ologische Wissenschaften, Denkmalwissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte ; 11)
Price: 27,00 €
Die ?steinernen Signaturen¡° der mittelalterlichen Steinmetzen besitzen bis heute einen ganz besonderen Reiz und bergen als pers?nliche Marke des einzelnen am Bau beteiligten Individuums wertvolle Informationen f¨¹r die Baugeschichte. An zahlreichen historischen Objekten wurde ihr Wert f¨¹r die Rekonstruktion von Bauabl?ufen und bauhistorischen Zusammenh?ngen bereits erwiesen. Um die Steinmetzzeichen f¨¹r bauforscherische Fragestellungen nutzbar zu machen, bedarf es im Vorfeld allerdings ihrer systematischen Erfassung und Auswertung.
Als 1966 die Sanierungsarbeiten im Innenraum des Ulmer M¨¹nsters begannen und verschiedene Bauteile mit einer Ger¨¹ststellung versehen wurden, nutzte Reinhard Wortmann, promovierter Kunsthistoriker und langj?hriger Mitarbeiter des Landesamtes f¨¹r Denkmalpflege Baden-W¨¹rttemberg, die einmalige Gelegenheit, die Steinmetzzeichen der einger¨¹steten Bauteile ¨¹ber Jahrzehnte hinweg zu dokumentieren und in steingenauen Pl?nen zu verzeichnen. Nach ¨¹ber 50 Jahren zeugen 92 Pl?ne, etwa 900 verschiedene erfasste Zeichen und deren Auswertung in vier umfangreichen Tabellen von der beeindruckenden und langwierigen Arbeit, der Reinhard Wortmann neben seiner damaligen beruflichen T?tigkeit bis zuletzt mit gro?er Genauigkeit und Leidenschaft nachging. Dieses Buch ist Zeugnis seiner strukturierten Dokumentationsarbeit an auf lange Zeit nicht mehr zug?nglichen Bauteilen des Ulmer M¨¹nsters und kann damit bauhistorischen und kunsthistorischen Forschungen als bedeutende Quelle dienen.
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