We are the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BIG)
Dr. Michael Schleinkofer

Dr. Henriette Neef

Team and tasks
The Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BIG) fosters entrepreneurial awareness and skills and provides consulting for entrepreneurs to aid the development of ideas that emerge at the University of Bamberg into successful enterprises and university spin-out start-ups.
Sarah Dahnen

- Entrepreneurship focus areas: TEACHER TRAINING, WOMEN, and SOCIAL
- Extra-curricular training programmes as part of the project TaC - Teachers as Changemakers
Dr. Roja Dehdarian

- Project coordination in the Factor 5 project and TaC – Teachers as Changemakers
- Contact for internal and external enquiries
Sebastian Hillebrand

- Start-up consulting
- Funding opportunities (especially the EXIST and FL?GGE grant programmes)
- The digital transformation as a focus for entrepreneurship
Dr. Anette Kremer

- Organising BIG’s programme of events
- Liaison on the curricular embedding of entrepreneurship
Kristin Schultze

- Project assistance in the Factor 5 project and TaC - Teachers as Changemakers
- Office organisation
- Events and room bookings
Our auxiliary staff

- Melanie Bauer
- Melanie B?hmer
- Leonie G?tz
- Alexandra Grüber
Contacting us:
Dezernat Forschungsf?rderung und Transfer (Z/FFT)
Kapuzinerstra?e 16, 3.OG
96047 Bamberg
Telefon: 0951/863 1411
E-Mail: existenzgruendung.fft(at)uni-bamberg.de, socialmedia.fft(at)uni-bamberg.de