Theatre Workshop
Introducing the DaF Theatre Workshop
Every year since 2004, international students have come together in DaF teacher Marion Then’s course to perform theatre together. All kinds of people from a variety of countries with different native languages organise a performance together—in German!
Not only do the students have a lot of fun, they also learn a lot at the same time: from expanding their German vocabulary, to learning typical German intonation, to having the courage to speak German loudly and clearly—even in front of an audience!
The theatre workshop is very popular with Erasmus students and students on other exchange programmes as well as with international students who are completing their entire degree programme here or who are here for their doctoral degrees. Some of them even include the course in their timetable every year. Audiences also enjoy the performances: both scheduled dates are always fully booked.
You can gain an insight into the experiences and impressions of the actors, contact Marion Then, and view photos of past performances.