Fachsprachliche Ausbildung Wirtschaftsenglisch und Ansprechpersonen

Ansprechperson für den Gesamtbereich Wirtschaftsenglisch ist der Koordinator für Wirtschaftsenglisch, Herr Christopher Jeffries.

New Wirtschaftsenglisch Modules

The modules for Wirtschaftsenglisch have changed:

  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 1 is at B1 level—available WS 2024-25
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 2 is at B2 level—available WS 2024-25
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 3 is at C1 level—available WS 2024-25
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 4 is at C1 level—available from SS 2025
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 5 is at C1 level—available from WS 2025-26

The modules are aimed at students on BWL, IBWL and EES degree programmes. They engage with economic and business topics as a vehicle for developing language skills.

Full module information can be found in the Sprachenzentrum Modulhandbook.

Mandatory Placement Test

Any student wanting to take a Wirtschaftsenglisch module has to take a placement test. The placement test has a diagnostic function only:

  • you do not need to prepare for the placement test
  • the test has no connection to any of the Wirtschaftsenglisch module exams

The Wirtschaftsenglisch Placement Test is held online in this VC:

  • test access begins: 16.09.2024
  • test access closes: 10.10.2024

The test has to be completed within 60 minutes and cannot be interrupted.


Register in FlexNow for the module level you would like to take.

  • FlexNow will direct you to take the Wirtschaftsenglisch Placement Test and give you the VC password.
  • Take the placement test.

Upon ending the test, you immediately receive your result, indicating your current language level.

  • If this result is different to the level of module you have registered for in FlexNow, then de-register from the module, and re-register for the recommended level module.


The Wirtschaftsenglisch Placement Test is not a substitute for nor an equivalent of the Anglistik/Amerikanistik-Einstufungstest. Any students (including Erasmus students) planning on attending courses at the Institute for English and American Studies (in literature, linguistics, cultural studies or TEFL), should take the Anglistik/Amerikanistik-Einstufungstest.

UnivIS & FlexNow Registration / Allocation


Each Wirtschaftsenglisch module consists of two 90 minute lessons per week.

  • The lessons are set up in fixed pairings labelled A, B, C, etc.
  • Check UnivIS to find the day/times involved for each lesson pairing—use the links given below
  • In FlexNow, only select lesson pairs for which you can actually attend both lessons involved

FlexNow Registration

  • opens: 16.09.2024
  • closes: 10.10.2024

In FlexNow, make lesson selections as follows:

  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 1—two selections (from A, B, C)
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 2—three selections (from A, B, C, D, E, F)
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 3—two selections (from A, B, C, D)
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 4—not available this semester
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 5—not available this semester

FlexNow Allocation

On 11.10.2024, FlexNow will allocate you to one of your selections, sending you an email with the details.

  • Occasionally, FlexNow will allocate you to the waiting list—simply follow the instructions you are sent.

Vor- und Nachkorrekturen

Hier finden Sie einen Leitfaden zu Antr?gen auf Vor- bzw. Nachkorrektur(332.7 KB, 2 pages) von zentral organisierten Prüfungen (Wirtschaftsfremdsprachen).