Ansprechperson Wirtschaftsdeutsch

Wolfgang Thomas
Raum K25/02.15
Kapuzinerstra?e 25
96047 Bamberg
Tel.: +49 951 863-1160


Business German

Business German courses are geared primarily to students from abroad who would like to acquire and deepen specialised knowledge of the German language as part of an exchange programme. In addition, students majoring in an economics and business administration degree who have learned German as a foreign language can expand their written and oral skills to meet the linguistic requirements of a specialised degree programme in German.

As a rule, Business German cannot be selected as an examination subject in economics and business administration degree programmes at the University of Bamberg. In exceptional cases, Business German can be admitted as an examination subject in the bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes Business Administration, International Business Administration, and European Economic Studies (EES) as well as in the bachelor’s degree programme Political Science. You can find the corresponding application form here(49.1 KB, 2 pages). However, please note that the application must generally be submitted in writing to the chair of the relevant examining board immediately after commencing studies at the University of Bamberg, but no later than four weeks before registering for a module examination segment in Business German. Please contact the respective examining board if you have any questions.

There are four Business German courses to choose from. They are all taught at B1 level, but differ in the focus of their content. You will find the content and objectives of the individual courses in the Language Centre's module handbook. The courses take place in the following rotation:
In winter semester: Business German 1 and 3
In summer semester: Business German 2 and 4