The University of Bamberg was awarded the Environmental Education.Bavaria quality seal in 2021. Since 2006, the quality seal has been awarded to non-profit institutions, self-employed persons, and networks that are particularly committed to providing education for sustainable development in Bavaria and actively helping to transform society. The university has an impact on society with projects such as UniGardening or UniBienen (UniBees). The teaching apiary of the Natural Sciences Didactics unit provides students with technical and educational training in setting up and running a school apiary and inspires them with a lasting interest in beekeeping.
“We are delighted that our efforts in the area of sustainability have been recognised in this way and that we now bear the seal of quality for our activities in the sustainability steering group,” says Head of Administration Dr Dagmar Steuer-Flieser. “The university has a social responsibility when it comes to shaping educational processes that lead society and the economy towards a culture of sustainability.”
The university is now allowed to bear the Quality Seal Environmental Education.Bavaria for three years, after which it will undergo recertification. The quality seal is awarded and further developed by what is known as the core team. The core team includes the Bavarian Society for the Protection of Birds (Landesbund für Vogelschutz), the Nature Conservation Association (Bund Naturschutz) in Bavaria, the Bavarian Working Group for Nature and Environmental Education (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Natur- und Umweltbildung Bayern), the State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (StMELF)/Bavarian Forestry Administration and the State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection. The quality seal is sponsored by the State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection.