For International Students: Organisation

Enrolment Office (Studierendenkanzlei)

  • Enrolment (Immatrikulation/Einschreibung)
    (for detailed information see letter of admission: deadlines, documents)

Study Organisation(Studienorganisation)

Information on e.g. the following points:

Semester Planning




For international students in financial need:

Further Information for your Studies


AEGEE (Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe): International Student Group

What is GaSt-News?

GaSt-News is a magazine written mainly by international students who have studied in Bamberg.

GaSt stands for Group of International Students (Gruppe ausl?ndischer Studierender).

Download GaSt-News as PDF

Search for a doctor/physician:

Search for a doctor/physician with foreign language skills:

  • The 116117 patient service: Doctor search(Der Patientenservice 116117: Arztsuche)
    → enter e.g. 'Hausarzt' (GP) under 'Wen/Was' (who/what) & 'Bamberg' under 'Wo' (Place) → Suchen (search) → Weitere Suchkriterien (further search criteria) → Fremdsprachen (foreign languages) → select 'Englisch' e.g. → Ergebnisse anzeigen (show results)

Outside normal opening hours:

Emergency numbers:

  • emergency doctor/fire brigade: phone number 112
  • police: phone number 110

UniShop of the University of Bamberg: sale of various items with the university logo (merchandise), e.g. t-shirts, bags, beer mugs, etc.