When I use my chip card or ServiceCard, a message pops up on the terminal saying "Fehler 218 Eingaberichtung". ("Error 218 entry direction")
Unfortunately, your card is faulty and has to be replaced.
You can find out all the information about how to proceed with faulty cards here.
When I use my chip card or ServiceCard, a message pops up on the terminal saying "Fehler 448 L?schkarte". ("Error 448 Delete Card").
This message pops up whenever a transaction between your card and a terminal or a cash charger was not completed properly. It may be that the card was removed too early from the chip card slot. If that happens, "delete card" is written onto your chip card and it will be deactivated. As a result none of the functions related to paying by card can be used anymore.
In order to reactivate your card, you will need to reconnect with the terminal (copy machine, cash charger, coffee machine...) which locked your card. Normally, it will be the device at which the card worked properly the last time.
By inserting your card into any copy terminal, you can find out at which station your chip card was locked. The terminal may then display the following message:
- Fehler 448
- 18/46 --> N5-Nr. / HC
A current list of all available terminals can be found here(254.5 KB).In the "Terminalnr." columnin the list you should be able to find the corresponding combination of numbers from the error message.
The first item is the N5 number and shows the location; the second number is teh type of device (HC). In our example, it is the SmartOne copy terminal (HC=46) at Markusplatz 3, Computer room K10 (N5-Nr. = 18). By inserting the card into that terminal, the chip card should work again. If you are unable to reactivate the card this way or the terminal has already been dismantled, the student services (Studentenwerk Würzburg) can help you. The cashiers in the canteens and cafeterias in Bamberg can unblock the deletion card.