Which faculty do I belong to?
There are four faculties at the University of Bamberg: the Faculties of Humanities (GuK), Human Sciences and Education (Huwi), Social and Economic Sciences (SoWi), and Information Systems & Applied Computer Science (WIAI). A faculty is a part of a university that deals with a specific subject area. In Bamberg, there is also the teaching profession: although the educational science course (EWS) takes place at the Huwi faculty, all faculties contribute to the teaching profession course through the numerous teaching subjects.
Regardless of whether you only take modules at one faculty, or take part in courses at different faculties, for example through the teaching degree or a multi-subject Bachelor's degree, you always formally belong to just one faculty. This assignment is important for you in some areas. On the one hand, you should take part in the right events organized for you by your faculty during the EET and not end up at a different faculty's event. On the other hand, this will also determine at which faculty you are allowed to elect your student representation, and this also goes hand in hand with a tendency which student council you should join (or the LeB department).
Take a moment to find your faculty. Below you will find information on the assignment procedure for the teaching degree (you do not automatically belong to the Huwi faculty!) and multi-subject Bachelor's degree programs. Also make sure you know which subject you are enrolled in, i.e. whether you are a (first) major subject, extended major subject, second major subject, minor subject or didactic subject. This can be important so that you attend the right courses during the EET.
Multi-subject Bachelor's degree programs
With the combination of major & two minor subjects, you will be assigned to the faculty that offers your major subject.
With the combination of extended major & minor, you will be assigned to the faculty that offers your extended major.
With the combination of major & major subject, you will be assigned to the faculty that offers your first major subject, i.e. the major subject in which you are writing your Bachelor's thesis.
Education / Teacher training
If you are studying to become an elementary school teacher (Grundschule) or a middle school (Mittelschule) teacher, you will be assigned to the faculty that offers your teaching subject.
For the teaching degree at "Realschule" and the teaching degree at "Gymnasium", it is a little more difficult: As you are taking two equivalent subjects and it is not yet clear at the beginning in which subject you will write your thesis (or in educational sciences), you will be assigned to the faculty that offers your teaching subject I (i.e. the teaching subject that you first specified when you enrolled).
Are you still unsure?
To obtain final clarity, you can also find out your faculty affiliation in the online system QIS. To do this, follow these steps:
- Open https://www.qis.uni-bamberg.de/ in your web browser
- Switch the language to English
- Log in with your ba number (you received your login details together with your enrolment confirmation by post).
- Select the Administration of study tab on the left
- Now select the category Additional Certificates in the middle
- Finally, select the certificate data check sheet.
On the PDF that now downloads, you will find the faculty assigned to you. If you have any further questions about this assignment, please contact the Registrar's Office.