Exchange/Erasmus students

Are you enrolled in a regular degree program at the University of Bamberg, i.e. without an exchange program? In this case, the entire regular EET program is relevant for you. The International Office can also provide you with further information.

? back to the EET homepage
? Information from the International Office for international students

Most of the onboarding for exchange students at the University of Bamberg is handled by the International Office. On its website, it provides information on all the important things you should do after enrolling and before starting your studies at the University of Bamberg. Before the start of lectures, there is usually a three-week preparatory program for exchange/Erasmus students with an intensive German course and other social and cultural events, which the International Office will inform you about in good time by email.

? to the information and services of the International Office

In addition to the offers of the International Office, exchange/ERASMUS students can also take part in some of the events of the first semester introductory days. We classify the following events as particularly suitable. Events are in German by default, English events are marked accordingly.

Also make sure that the target group matches the faculty at which you are spending your semester abroad (Which faculty do I belong to?).

Some courses take place separately for each faculty, which is why it is not possible to provide direct information about the time and place. In this case, look up the exact dates for the event in your faculty's schedule.

informative focus


DescriptionAfter the timetable has been created (or at least attempted), there will certainly still be some unanswered questions – or simply the opportunity for a casual chat with fellow students. The EET Café provides the right atmosphere for this.
Location/TimeSee schedule; separate events for each faculty
Target GroupAll first-semester students except teacher education students; separate events for each faculty
LanguageGerman and English
CategoryHelpful content
  • Introduction to technology and subject-specific tutorial should ideally have been attended
  • Bring a laptop if you have any questions
  • Clarification of individual questions
  • Detailed assistance with timetable creation
  • Exchange with fellow students and tutors for tips and tricks
RegistrationNo registration required, freely accessible throughout the event

Guided library tour (german, Bachelor)

DescriptionIn university studies, literature is not just a minor matter. The library tour focuses on research for numerous books, journals, and other sources in the Bamberg catalog – and how to study from home 24/7.
Location/TimeSee schedule; separate events for each faculty/degree program
Target GroupAll first-semester students; separate events for each faculty
LanguageGerman; also English at the WIAI faculty
CategoryHelpful content
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites
  • Tour of your sub-library
  • Explanation of library services on-site and online
RegistrationNo registration required

Guided ERBA tour (german, Bachelor)

DescriptionThe building at Weberei 5 may look symmetrical from the outside - but inside it has a few surprises in store. We explain which rooms you can use for work, where there are printers and where you can live out your musical side.

Wednesday 09.10. 14:00 - 15:00

meeting point: ERBA foyer

Categorycontentwise helpful
Requirementsno prerequisites
  • Finding your way around the ERBA building
  • Information on the most important contact points and rooms at the ERBA
  • Tips around the ERBA Island
Registrationwithout registration

Feki guided tour (ERBA)

DescriptionThe Feldkirchenstra?e campus is relevant for all students taking business and economics modules, meaning all bachelor’s students and WI master’s students. This tour introduces the most important facilities at Feki.
Location/TimeDetails coming soon
Target GroupFirst-semester students of the WIAI faculty
CategoryHelpful content
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites
  • Getting to know the relevant rooms at Feki
  • Connecting with other first-semester students
  • Getting to know the "real" cafeteria in Bamberg
RegistrationNo registration required

Technical introduction

DescriptionThe various online services of the university can be confusing. In the technical introduction, help will be provided for setting up WLAN, VPN, and other services, along with an overview of the most important tools for studying. For the faculties of SoWi, GuK, Huwi, and Teaching, an introduction to timetable tools is also included. Students from WIAI will learn about timetable planning in the subject tutorial.
Location/TimeSee schedule; separate events per faculty/degree program
Target GroupAll first-semester students; separate events per faculty
LanguageGerman; at the WIAI faculty, also in English
  • Must bring a laptop
  • No prior knowledge of online services needed
  • Setting up WLAN and VPN
  • Introduction to all relevant online services (except for the WIAI faculty: univIS and FlexNow as timetable tools will be explained in the subject tutorial)
RegistrationNo registration required

social focus

First-year breakfast

BeschreibungHungrig in den Tag starten? Nicht mit uns! Es stehen Snacks, Getr?nke und vieles weitere bereit. Und das Beste: Beim Ersti-Frühstück k?nnen die ersten 球探足球比分e zu anderen Studierenden geknüpft werden.
Ort/ZeitDetails folgen bald
Zielgruppealle Erstsemesterstudierende der Fakult?t WIAI und Huwi (ohne Lehramt); separate Veranstaltungen je Fakult?t/Studiengang
SpracheDeutsch und Englisch
Kategoriesoziales Event
Voraussetzungkeine Voraussetzungen au?er guter Laune :D
  • entspannter Einstieg ins Studium
  • erster 球探足球比分 zu den Kommilitonen
Anmeldungohne Anmeldung

Barbecue, fun and games

BeschreibungNach viel Input wird es Zeit für ein wenig Unterhaltung. Die Fachschaft stellt Grillgut, Wikingerschach und verschiedene andere Spiele für den Ausklang des Tages zur Verfügung.
Ort/ZeitDetails folgen bald
ZielgruppeErstsemesterstudierende der Fakult?t WIAI
SpracheDeutsch und Englisch
Kategoriesoziales Event
Voraussetzunggute Laune mitbringen ^^
  • Gemeinsam grillen (auch vegetarisches Angebot auf selbem Grill)
  • neue Erstis kennenlernen und 球探足球比分e zu den Erstis aus den Tutorien verbessern
  • Erkenntnis: zum Studium geh?rt mehr als der Vorlesungssaal!
Anmeldungohne Anmeldung, dafür mit Freigetr?nken und Essen


BeschreibungEin Studium findet nicht nur in der Universit?t statt. Um sich in Bamberg zurecht zu findet, gibt es die Ersti-Rallye. Zusammen mit anderen Erstis erkundet ihr in verschiedenen Aufgaben die Innenstadt.
Ort/ZeitDetails folgen bald
Zielgruppealle Erstsemesterstudierenden; separate Veranstaltungen je Fakult?t
SpracheDeutsch und Englisch
Kategoriesoziales Event
Voraussetzungkeine Voraussetzungen
  • Kennenlernen der Stadt Bamberg
  • 球探足球比分e zu den Kommilitonen knüpfen
Anmeldungohne Anmeldung, dafür mit Freigetr?nk!

Pub crawl

BeschreibungIn Bamberg angekommen zu sein hei?t auch, die vielen Lokale der historischen Altstadt zu erkunden. Nicht nur für Freunde alkoholischer Getr?nke wird hier einiges geboten. Besucht werden an diesem Abend zwei Lokale. Danach k?nnt ihr den Abend selbstst?ndig bei einer der Semesterstart-Partys oder ?hnlichem beenden.
Ort/ZeitDetails folgen bald
Zielgruppealle Erstsemesterstudierenden; separate Veranstaltungen je Fakult?t
SpracheDeutsch und Englisch
Kategoriesoziales Event
Voraussetzungkeine Voraussetzungen
  • Bamberger Kneipenkultur und Nachtleben kennenlernen
  • 球探足球比分e zu anderen Erstis knüpfen
  • genauso geeignet für Nichttrinker!
AnmeldungFakult?t WIAI: Anmeldung erforderlich (Formular siehe unten)
GuK/Huwi/SoWi/Lehramt: keine Anmeldung erforderlich

Guided City tour + food afterwards

DescriptionTogether as a group, you can explore old town of Bamberg and learn more about its history. After the tour of the cathedral, the old town hall and much more, Marcapo invites you to eat together to round off the evening.

Friday, 11.10. from 16:00

meeting point: ERBA courtyard

Categoryinhaltlich hilfreich/soziales Event
Requirementsno prerequisites
  • Get to know the history of the city of Bamberg
  • Finding your way around Bamberg better
  • Exchange with other first semester students
Registrationwithout registration

Guided City tour + food afterwards (WIAI)

BeschreibungGemeinsam als Gruppe kann die Altstadt Bambergs erkundet und dabei mehr über dessen Geschichte erfahren werden. Nach der Tour über den Dom, das alte Rathaus und vielem mehr l?dt Marcapo zum Ausklingen auf einen gemeinsamen Abend mit Verpflegung ein.
Ort/ZeitDetails folgen bald
ZielgruppeErstsemesterstudierende der Fakult?t WIAI
Kategorieinhaltlich hilfreich/soziales Event
Voraussetzungkeine Voraussetzungen
  • Die Geschichte der Stadt Bamberg kennenlernen
  • besser in Bamberg zurechtfinden
  • Austausch mit weiteren Erstsemesterstudierenden
Anmeldungohne Anmeldung

Campus Fair

DescriptionExhibition of university-related groups: Studying is more than just learning and attending lectures. Many students join one of the many groups in the university's orbit. From sports clubs to student magazines, politically active groups to subject-specific societies, everything is included.
Location/TimeDetails to follow soon
Target Groupall first-year students
LanguageGerman and English
Categoryhelpful content/social event
Requirementsno prerequisites
  • Getting to know the recreational/social opportunities beyond the university
  • Introduction of university-related groups
Registrationno registration required