Good teaching produces the top researchers of the future and is thus an important prerequisite for outstanding achievements in science.

That is why the Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts awards the €5,000 prize for good teaching to one teacher from each of the nine state universities in Bavaria every year. It is not only intended as an award for the teachers, but also as a motivation for the universities to invest in teaching!

For the University of Bamberg, the prize for good teaching is an investment in the promotion of young talent. The target group of the Good Teaching Award is therefore members of the academic mid-level faculty.

How is the prize for good teaching awarded?

The prize for good teaching is awarded in a two-stage procedure. The prize winner in the respective faculty is also a candidate for the university-wide prize for good teaching. All members of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences are entitled to nominate candidates for the prize for good teaching. In addition, all faculty-internal quality circles are asked to nominate at least one person for the Faculty Award for Good Teaching.

After the nomination deadline, the nominated candidates will be asked to submit an application.

The internal faculty selection committee, consisting of the Dean of Studies, the Vice Dean, two representatives of the student council, the Faculty Women's Representative (advisory function) as well as a member of the group of teaching academic staff (at the same time award winner of the previous year), prepares a proposal which is presented to the Faculty Council. The Faculty Council then decides on the winner of the award for the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences.

The winner of the prize for good teaching at the University of Bamberg is then selected from the winners of the four faculties.

Who can receive the Good Teaching Award?

The candidate must have taught continuously at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences for at least four semesters - including the summer semester of 2022 - and be a member of the academic mid-level faculty. This also includes junior professors and assistant professors, but not professors and lecturers. At the time of the award, the nominees must still be working at the university through which they are to receive the award.

Where can proposals be submitted?

Proposals for the faculty-internal award for good teaching can be submitted to the Dean of Studies Office.
Nomination deadline 2022: 18 July 2022

Application for the Faculty Award for Good Teaching

Those nominated will be invited to apply by the Dean of Studies Office.

Application documents:

  • Letter of application
  • Curriculum vitae in table form
  • Questionnaire
  • Information on two current courses
  • Teaching evaluations

The letter of application should not exceed 15 pages and should contain information or explanations on the following areas:

  • Type and title of courses held (at least in the last four semesters)
  • Teaching concept
  • If applicable, special teaching formats/use of media
  • If applicable, further and continuing education in the area of university teaching.
  • In its deliberations, the faculty-internal selection committee consults the documents provided on teaching and on the teaching concept as well as evaluation and, in its selection, takes into account the following in particular


  • convincing reflection on their own teaching under the given study conditions;
  • commitment (e.g. offers beyond courses such as special events, excursions);
  • convincing, demanding, innovative and creative concepts of individual courses;
  • certified, advanced training in higher education didactics
  • Student support (e.g. accessibility, special situations, support)

Laureate of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences

  • 2021 Noemi Schmitt, Chair of Economics, esp. Economic Policy
  • 2020 Bj?rn Asdecker, Chair of Business Administration, esp. Production and Logistics and Daniel Mayerhoffer, Chair of Political Science, esp. Political Theory
  • 2019 Miriam Schmaus, Chair of Sociology, esp. Social Structure Analysis and Magdalena Pratter, Chair of Sociology I
  • 2018 Michael Herold, Chair of Business Administration, esp. Banking and Financial Controlling
  • 2017 Mathias D?tzer, Chair of Business Administration, esp. Supply Chain Management
  • 2016 Christian A?mann, Chair of Statistics and Econometrics
  • 2015 Christian A?mann, Chair of Statistics and Econometrics
  • 2014 Christian A?mann, Chair of Statistics and Econometrics
  • 2013 Phillip Rauschnabel, Chair of Business Administration, esp. Sales and Marketing
  • 2012 Sandra Buchholz, Chair of Sociology I
  • 2011 Bj?rn Asdecker, Chair of Business Administration, esp. Production and Logistics
  • 2010 Bj?rn Baltzer, Chair of Business Administration, esp. Corporate Management & Controlling
  • 2009 Johannes Schmidt, Chair of Political Science, esp. Political Theory
  • 2008 n.a.
  • 2007 Felix St¨¹bben, Chair of Economics, esp. economic policy