Doctorate and habilitation
Doctoral Committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences
If you have any questions or need information about a doctorate at the faculty, please contact the doctoral committee.
Graduate schools at the faculty
Regulations and documents for doctorates and habilitations
Please note: These documents are in German!
- Promotionsordnung
- Habilitationsordnung
- Vereinfachter Ablaufplan für Promotionsprojekte(149.7 KB, 3 pages)
- Formblatt zur Anzeige eines Betreuungsverh?ltnisses
- Formblatt zur Erkl?rung gem §3 Abs. 1 Promotionsordnung
- Nacherhebungsformular
- Erteilung von Auflagen
- Kumulative Dissertation
- Guideline zur Erstellung von Gutachten
The responsibility for habilitation programs is at the faculty level. If you have any questions regarding habilitation, please contact the Dean's Office. The currently valid habilitation regulations can be found on the pages of the Department 2 - Studies and Teaching.