What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is a form of violence primarily (but not exclusively) against women usually acted out as a show of power. It can take many forms—for example, sexual innuendos, obscene words or gestures, unsolicited messages with sexual content, or acts of sexual violence (translated from the Federal Office for Family and Civil Affairs).


Sexual Violence at Universities

More than two-thirds of all women have already been sexually harassed at work by colleagues or superiors (cf. the Federal Office for Family and Civil Affairs). Universities also have hierarchies that can encourage sexual harassment, discrimination, and violence. For example, a study by the University of Oldenburg shows that, of the individuals surveyed, 54.7% of students and 58% of employees have experienced various forms of sexual harassment. You can find more information on the topic of sexual violence at colleges and universities in our Quick Guide titled “Violence against Women”(724.2 KB, 5 pages) (in German).


In addition to providing information about sexual harassment, it is particularly important to us. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with Anti-Discrimination Office of the University of Bamberg if you need any assistance or advice. We are also available to you as a contact point on this matter.???????

??????Respecting Boundaries – Guidelines for the Prevention of Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying, and Stalking

The guidelines for respecting boundaries to prevent harassment, discrimination, bullying, and stalking set standards so that the working atmosphere at the University of Bamberg remains open, interactive, and communicative. It describes the process for addressing all cases in which boundaries set by any member of the University of Bamberg have been disrespected.


Harassment, discrimination, bullying, and stalking, as well as any other kind of disrespect against someone’s boundaries, are unacceptable and have no place at the university.


If you have any questions, concerns, or problems within the context of disrespecting boundaries, we encourage you to take advantage of the counseling services of the University of Bamberg.

Tips and Resources related to Disrespecting Boundaries