
??????We advise all students and employees of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration on the various equal opportunity measures at the University of Bamberg, and other opportunities.Regarding the violation or disrespect of boundaries of any kind within a university context (e.g. discrimination, bullying) please contact the Anti-Discrimination Office of the University. Please feel free to contact us too.


If you are not sure whether we are the right point of contact for your questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will take time for you and, if necessary, happily direct you to the appropriate counseling centers at the University of Bamberg.

Conflicts between Researchers

In case of conflict between academic researchers employed at the University of Bamberg the conflict commission can help. Please find more information (in German) on the commission, its members and contact information here.

This is how you can contact us


Step 1: You can contact us either through the general Faculty Women’s Representative email address ( or directly via phone or email through our individual contact details

Step 2: We will discuss how we can proceed together to best provide individualized advice and/or support.

All information from conversations and applications, including personal data, is always treated confidentially.