Ranking certificates

Once you have completed your degree, you can request a ranking certificate from the Office of Examinations. The ranking certificate includes your final mark, the examination date, and your rank relative to candidates who graduated in the same degree programme at the same time.

Ranking certificates for individual examination segments, courses or modules cannot be issued.

Ranking certificates can only be issued once the examinations of all graduates in a given semester have been evaluated and registered in FlexNow. In general, the earliest that this is possible is as follows:

  • For examinations after the winter semester: 15 June
  • For examinations after the summer semester: 15 December


Submitting a request

If you would like to collect the ranking certificate in person, please submit an informal request to the Office of Examinations by email.

  • Please include your name, address, student registration number, and degree programme.



Wenn Sie die Ranking-Bescheinigung pers?nlich abholen wollen, stellen Sie am besten per E-Mail einen formlosen Antrag an das Prüfungsamt.

Bitte geben Sie im Antrag Ihren Namen, Ihre Anschrift, Ihre Matrikelnummer und den von Ihnen belegten Studiengang an.