Theses at the Professorship of Sociology With a Focus on Digital Media

If you are considering writing your Bachelor's or Master's thesis at the Professorship of Sociology With a Focus on Digital Media, please note the following information:

  • We supervise theses with an empirical analysis section (qualitative or quantitative) as well as theses that answer a research question using theoretical means and analyse the existing literature. For Master's theses, however, we recommend that you conduct your own empirical analysis.
  • Your topic should be located in the research areas represented by the professorship. This includes the sociology of digital media and media sociology in general as well as parts of political sociology.
  • Please contact the person you would like to be your supervisor in good time - i.e. 2-3 months before you start your thesis - by e-mail. It is advisable to choose someone you already know from a course.
  • When making initial contact, you should already have a rough idea of the topic of your thesis as well as initial ideas for its implementation, and share these in the email. Multiple topic proposals are also possible
  • An exposé of 3-5 pages is a prerequisite for registering the thesis. You can find information on writing an exposé in the relevant introductory books on academic writing.
  • Part of the examination requirement is the regular attendance of the colloquium. There you will present the status of your thesis at least once and discuss it with the other participants. Depending on when you start your thesis, it is also possible to present your exposé in the colloquium.
  • Registration for the colloquium is done via FlexNow.


Please also note the following general information: