Dr. Franziska Ganesch

Research Assistant

Chair of Labour Studies
Feldkirchenstra?e 21
96052 Bamberg

Phone: 0951/863-2691
Email: franziska.ganesch(at)uni-bamberg.de
Room: 01.27a

Consultation hours: By appointment

Dr. Franziska Ganesch

Curriculum Vitae

since 02/2016

Research Assistant, Chair of Labour Studies, University of Bamberg
04/2016 - 03/2020Doctoral thesis on spatial mobility in the labour market
04/2013 - 01/2016Master of Arts in Sociology at the University of Bamberg, majoring in ?Labor Market, Organization and Personnel“ 
10/2009 - 02/2013Bachelor of Arts in Sociology at the University of Bamberg, majoring in ?Labor market, work organization and labour studies“

Main Research Interests

Sociology of the labour market, organisational sociology and empirical educational research



Publications and lectures

Ganesch, F., Dütsch, M., Struck, O. (2019): Regionale Mobilit?t am Arbeitsmarkt. Individuelle, betriebliche und wirtschaftsstrukturelle Determinanten von Mobilit?t und Einkommen. In: K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 71, 181-210.

Dütsch, M., Ganesch, F., Struck, O. (2019): Employment trajectories in heterogeneous regions: Evidence from Germany. In: Advances in Life Course Research 40, 43-84.

Ganesch, F. (2018): Regional Mobility and Spatial Inequality: Determinants of Spatial Labor Market Behavior Considering Firm- and Region-Specific Factors. In: Spatial Research and Planning 76, 497-514.

Struck, O., Ganesch, F. (2018): Anforderungen an Datenstrukturen in der Arbeits- und Arbeitsmarktforschung, WSI Mitteilungen, 71, 307-316.