Transformative skills for sustainability

The University of Bamberg is part of the ‘Community of Practice’ for future skills with a focus on sustainability. As part of the ‘Transformative Skills for Sustainability’ project, an interdisciplinary team is developing new teaching modules that will be used in various degree programmes. In addition to Julia Hufnagl (WiP?d), Dr Jana Costa (LIfBi) and Prof Dr Yelva Larsen (Didactics of Natural Sciences) will also take part in the ‘Communities of Practice’. The initiative promotes exchange between students and sustainability experts and strengthens interdisciplinary dialogue through curriculum workshops. The project is funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation and the German Federal Environmental Foundation and builds on existing sustainability structures at the university, such as the Sustainability Month or the additional qualification focusing on sustainability.

The central aims of this project:
- Respond to the need for future skills with a focus on sustainability through networking and innovative teaching
- Promoting transformative skills for sustainability across all degree programmes
- Strengthening the interdisciplinary exchange of students
- Curricular anchoring of workshops of change

Further information: News: "Transformative skills for sustainability - WiP?d Bamberg involved in successful application"

Dr. Yelva Larsen and Julia Hufnagl were invited to present the project at the conference Interdisciplinary Teaching for Sustainable Development in June 2023 at the TH Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm. More information about the conference can be found here.