Prof. Dr. Hans-Ingo Radatz

Romance Linguistics /
Focus on Hispanic Studies
An der Universit?t 5 (U5 / 00.03)
96047 Bamberg
Tel:: ++49. (0)951/863-2262
E-mail: hans-ingo.radatz(at)
Office hours during the semester
Friday from 08:30-09:30
prior arrangement by e-mail is requested

Academic Career
29.05.1961 | Born in Celle (Lower Saxony). |
03.06.1980 | A-levels (Gymnasium Garbsen). |
summer semester 1981 | Enrolment at the University of Hanover to study law. |
summer semester 1983 | Change of subject to the Master's degree programme in English Studies/Philosophy. |
24.4. and 26.4.1985 | Master's intermediate examination in English Studies (Prof. K?nig, Dr. Stark) and in Philosophy (Prof. Majer, Dr. Kiesow). |
24.4. and 26.4.1985 | Study visit to the UK at Coleg Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru in Bangor (Gwynedd, Wales) with Dr Alan Thomas (Welsh, Sociolinguistics), Prof. Andrew Radford (Transformational Syntax) and Dr Frank Gooding (Phonology, Experimental Phonetics). |
20.04.1990 | Enrolment at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main for the Master's degree programme in English / Romance Studies. |
summer semester 1991 | With the summer semester of 1991, Romance Studies becomes the main subject, specialising in "Ibero-Romance Languages and Literatures". |
07.10.1992 | Admitted early to the Master's examination. |
21.11.1993 | Completion of university studies with the title Magister Artium. |
01.01.1994- | Research assistant at the Chair of Romance Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Harro Stammerjohann) at the TU-Chemnitz. |
02.02.1999 | Doctorate (Dr. phil.) |
01.04.1999- | Postdoctoral Fellow at the Heidelberg DFG Research Training Group "Dynamics of Substandard Varieties" |
01.06.2001- | Research assistant at the Chair of Romance Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Otto Gsell) of the Catholic University Eichst?tt. |
01.10.2004- | On leave from the KU-Eichst?tt for the winter semester 2004/2005 to take up a substitute chair at the RWTH-Aachen (ex-chair Baum). |
since summer semester 2005 | Again as an assistant at KU-Eichst?tt |
30.11.2007 | End of the assistant contract at KU-Eichst?tt; continuation of the courses until the end of the semester. |
04.03.2008 | Habilitation colloquium at the University of Vienna. Venia legendi for "Romance Linguistics". |
06.04.2008- | Professorship at Kiel University (summer semester 2008 and winter semester 2008/9) |
since 01.10.2009 | List position unico loco for the Ramon Llull Endowed Professorship in Catalan Studies at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. Start of employment as "self-representation" in the winter semester 2009-10. |
14.04.2010 | Call to the Ramon Llull Endowed Professorship for Catalan Studies at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (declined). |
11.03.2010 | Call to a W2 professorship in Romance Linguistics with a focus on Hispanic Studies at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg (accepted). |
since 01.11.2010 | Full professor at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg. |