Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy


Prof. Dr. Sabine Steins-L?ber

Markusplatz 3, Room 03.19
D-96047 Bamberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 951 / 863-1884
E-Mail: sabine.steins-loeber(at)

Consultation hours: by appointment only. Please register at the secretary's office. Please register at the secretary?s office.

Postal Address

Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, 球探足球比分 III
Lehrstuhl für Klinische 球探足球比分 und Psychotherapie
Markusplatz 3
D-96047 Bamberg

Secretary?s office

Theresia Morgenroth
Markusplatz 3, Raum 03.18
D-96047 Bamberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 951 / 863-1885
E-Mail: sekretariat.klinpsych(at)

Opening hours:
During the semester: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 12.30 - 13.30
During the semester break: by appointment only