Daniel Mayerhoffer

email: daniel.mayerhoffer(at)uni-bamberg.de
Room: Feldkirchenstra?e 21, room FG1/01.09
Office hours: by arrangement






Daniel is a junior lecturer at the Institute for Political Science, University of Bamberg since 2018; he pursues his Ph.D. in the field of Computational Social Modelling. He applies Computational Models mainly to questions in Political Epistemology, Collective Behaviour and Economics. Furthermore, he evaluates these models from an analytical and Philosophy of Science perspective.

Daniel holds an MSc in Social Research Methods form the University of Surrey, an MA in Ethics of Textual Cultures from The University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and an MA in Political Science from the University of Bamberg.



In his free time, Daniel enjoys building (allegedly) non-scientific models out of LEGO and extensive political discussions with friends, where he fancies argumentative rigor.

since 2021 – Associate Member of the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences

2021-22 Project Team: FNK Project Social Comparisons and Inequality Perception in Homophilic Networks

since 2021 – Guest Lecturer at the Philosophy & Law Department, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (Germany)

since 2020 – Project Staff: DFG Project Political Epistemology, Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg (Germany)

since 2018 – Junior Lecturer at the Chair for Political Theory, Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg (Germany)

2019 – Elite Study Program Ethics of Textual Cultures (MA), Friedrich-Alexander-Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)

2019 – Political Science with a specialication in Computational Social Sciences (MA), Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg (Germany)

2017 – Social Research Methods (MSc), University of Surrey (UK)

2015 – Philosophy & Economics (BA), Universit?t Bayreuth (Germany)

Mapping and Impact Assessment of Phenomenon-Oriented Research Fields - The Example of Migration Research.
In: Qualitative Science Studies, 2 (3). (2021) – with L. Rothenberger and M.Q. Pasta

The Impact of Network Structure and Composite Signals on Underestimation of Gender and Racial Wage Gaps.
In: Complex Networks & Their Applications X. Springer. (2021) – with J. Schulz

Equal chances, unequal outcomes? Network-based evolutionary learning and the industrial dynamics of superstar firms.
In: Journal of Business Economics (2021) – with J. Schulz

On the Fate of Protests. Dynamics of Social Activation and Topic Selection Online and in the Streets.
In: Computational Conflict Research (pp. 141-164). Springer. (2019) – with A. Asgharpourmasouleh, M. Fattahzadeh, and J. Lorenz

Raising children to be (in-)tolerant. Influence of church, education and society on adolescents’ stance towards queer people in Germany
In: Historical Social Research, 43.1 (2018)

Play Away! Why Cheating is Morally Okay
In: 360°, 1-2017, S. 66-75. (2017)

Analytical approximation of the results of T. C. Schelling’s Checkerboard Model.
In: Rerum Causae, vol. 7 (1 2015), pp. 16–28. (2015)