A Comparative Framework for Process Runtime Environments by the Example of WS-BPEL

In both industry and academia, multiple process languages have emerged, e.g. Windows Workflow (WF), Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL). These standards have been implemented in process runtime environments (process engines) by variant sofware vendors and open source communities. All of these process engines have two thing in common: they implement a standard-based process language and are inherently complex in regard to their inner structure, installation procedures and usage in general. This complexity in both standard and implementation aggravates a deliberate selection of such a process engine for a project in industry or academia. For example, there are eight different implementations for WS-BPEL currently available.

Within this research project, a comparative framework for process engines in general is developed. This framework is applied to and validated with BPEL engines. It focuses on the comparison of standard conformance, performance, error detection as well as automation.


Simon Harrer
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Guido Wirtz