
Our basic research is situated at the intersection of personality and social psychology. Our primary interests are the individual’s social relations and interactions. We particularly focus on self-concept, self-esteem and emotional intelligence as individual traits. Drawing on video analyses, we examine discrepancies in self and other perception as well as individual differences in social interaction.

Our methodological and applied perspective focuses on constructing tests and questionnaires according to classical test theory and item-response-theory as well as conceptualising Assessment Centers and developing gradual procedures for staff recruitment. We are specifically concerned with problems of faking of questionnaires and the development of alternative instruments based on reaction time.

Current projects

  • Assessment and Training of Social Emotional Competences in Vocational Education (SEC4VET),
    funded by the European Commission (further information available here(63.5 KB, 2 pages))
  • Networks of appreciation as Integrated instruments towards Innovation in Personell and Organisational development in the course of Demographic change
  • Usage of virtual reality technology as a means of risk evaluation
  • Emotional Intelligence in close relationships (DFG, Schr 1167/5-1, Dr. M. Schr?der-Abé)
  • Emotional Intelligence as a predictor of flight attendants’ occupational success. (S. Herpertz)
  • Evaluation of a training aiming to raise emotional competencies (S. Herpertz)
  • Development of training and coaching tools to optimise risk-centred communication in high performance teams
  • Self-efficacy, social responsibility and social confidence: Personality factors as a fundament of target audience concepts in environmental communication, marketing and personnel management. ( Dipl. Psych. A. Buba and Prof. Dr. A.Schütz)
  • Authors without Borders (NSF)(7.6 KB)
  • State and Trait Envy. Internal research funding University of Bamberg (contact )

Selected past projects

  • Well-being across cultures (Humboldt Foundation)
  • Internet self-presentation. Presenting personality on private homepages (project as part of the DFG-research group ?Neue Medien im Alltag. Von individueller Nutzung zu soziokulturellem Wandel“ FOR 327/2-1, FOR 327/2-2)
  • Implicit and explicit self-esteem. Measures, discrepancies and correlates “ (DFG, Schu 1459/2-1, 2-2)10
  • Development of a self-assessments for prospective engineers (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft)
  • Participation in the federal initiative for excellence as part of the interdisciplinary project cooperation "Energieeffiziente Produktion" (ESF)
  • Stigmatisation of high performance pupils (Contact: Dr. Katrin Rentzsch)
  • WertFlex: Value-based flexibility – Opportunities in Human Resource Management to maintain and enhance a transformational culture of innovation.

Selected publications

  1. Jacob, H., Kreifelts, B., Brück, C., Nizielski, S., Schütz, A. & Wildgruber, D. (2013). Nonverbal signals speak up: Association of perceptual nonverbal dominance and emotional intelligence. Cognition andEmotion, 27(5), 783-799.
  2. Vater, A., Ritter, K., Schr?der-Abé, M., Schütz, A., Lammers, C.-H. & Roepke, S. (2013). When grandiosity and vulnerability collide: High implicit and low explicit self-esteem in patients with narcissistic personality disorder. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 44(1), 37-47.
  3. Nizielski, S., Hallum, S., Schütz, A., & Lopes, P. N. (2013). A Note on Emotion Appraisal and Burnout: The Mediating Role of Antecedent-Focused Coping Strategies. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
  4. Rentzsch, K, Schr?der-Abé, M. & Schütz, A. (2013). Being called a “Streber”: The roles of personality and competition in the labeling stigmatization of academically oriented students. European Journal of Personality. doi: 10.1002/per.1884
  5. Leising, D., Borkenau, P., Zimmermann, J., Roski, C., Leonhardt, A. & Schütz, A. (2013), Positive self-regard and claim to leadership: Two fundamental forms of self-evaluation. European Journal of Personality, 27(6),565–579.
  6. Nizielski, S., Hallum, S., Lopes, P., & Schütz, A. (2013). Attention to Student Needs Mediates the Relationship between Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence and Student Misconduct in the Classroom. Jounal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 30 (4), 320-329.
  7. Langer, S., Greiner, A. & Schütz, A. (2013). Evaluation of a Stress Management Training Program for Adults with ADHD-A Pilot Study. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 27(2), 96-110.
  8. R?hner, J., Schr?der-Abé, M. & Schütz, A. (2013). What do Fakers Actually do to Fake the IAT? An Investigation of Faking Strategies Under Different Faking Conditions. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 330-338.
  9. Jacob, H., Kreifelts, B., Brück, C., Nizielski, S., Schütz, A., & Wildgruber, D. (2012). Nonverbal Signals Speak Up: Association of Perceptual Nonverbal Dominance and Emotional Intelligence. Cognition and Emotion, 1-17. DOI:10.1080/02699931.
  10. Simsek, O.F. Koydemir, S. & Schütz, A. (2012). A multigroup multitrait-multimethod study in two countries supports the validity of a two-factor higher order model of personality. Journal of Research in Personality, 46 (4), 442-449 Doi: /10.1016/j.jrp.2012.04.005.
  11. Klavina, E., Schr?der-Abé, M., & Schütz, A. (2012). Facets of Self-Esteem at an Implicit Level? Investigation of Implicit-Explicit Correlations and Development of Four IATs. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(5), 693-698. Doi 10.1016/j.paid.2012.05.028.
  12. Koydemir, S., & Schütz, A. (2012). Emotional intelligence predicts components of subjective bell-being beyond personality: A two-country study using self- and informant reports. The Journal of Positive Psychology. Doi: 10.1080/17439760.2011.647050.
  13. Roepke, S., Schr?der-Abé, M., Schütz, A., Jacob, G., Dams, A., Vater, A., Rüter, A., Merkl, A., Heuser, I. & Lammers, C.-H. (2011). Dialectic Behavioural Therapy has an impact on self-concept clarity and facets of self-esteem in women with Borderline Personality Disorder. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 18(2), 148-158.
  14. Lopes, P.N., Extremera, N., Hertel, J., Nezlek, J., Fernández-Berrocal, P., Schütz, A. & Salovey, P. (2011). Emotion Regulation and the Quality of Social Interaction: Does the Ability to Evaluate Emotional Situations and Identify Effective Responses Matter?" Journal of Personality, 79(2), 429-467.
  15. Koydemir, S., ?im?ek, O. F., Schütz, A., & Tipandjian, A. (2011). Differences in how trait emotional intelligence predicts life satisfaction: The role of affect balance versus social support in India and Germany. Journal of Happiness Studies, 12. Doi: 10.1007/10902-011-9315-1.
  16. Rentzsch, K., Schütz, A. & Schr?der-Abé, M. (2011). Being labeled nerd. Factors that influence the social acceptance of high-achieving students. Journal of Experimental Education. 79(2), 143-168. Doi: 10.1080/00220970903292900.
  17. R?hner, J., Schr?der-Abé, M., & Schütz, A. (2011). Exaggeration is Harder than Understatement, but Practice Makes Perfect! Faking Success in the IAT. Experimental Psychology. doi: 10.1027/1618-3169
  18. Schr?der-Abé, M. & Schütz, A. (2011). Walking in each other’s shoes: Perspective taking mediates effects of emotional intelligence on relationship quality. European Journal of Personality, 25(2), 155-169.
  19. Nezlek, J., Schütz, A., Schr?der-Abé, M., & Smith, C. V. (2011). A cross-cultural study of relationships between daily social interaction and the five factor model of personality. Journal of Personality, 79(4), 811-840.
  20. Rudolph, A., Schr?der-Abé, M., Riketta, M., & Schütz, A. (2010). Easier when done than said! Implicit self-esteem predicts observed or spontaneous behavior, but not self-reported or controlled behavior. Journal of Psychology, 218,12-19.
  21. Hertel J., Schütz, A., & Lammers, CH. (2009). Emotional intelligence and mental disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65, 1-13.
  22. Rudolph, A., Schr?der-Abé, M., Schütz, A., Gregg, A. P., & Sedikides, C. (2008). Through a glass, less darkly? Reassessing convergent and discriminant validity in measures of implicit self-esteem. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 24, 273-281.
  23. Schr?der-Abé, M., Rudolph, A. & Schütz, A. (2007). High implicit self-esteem is not ne-cessarily advantageous: Discrepancies between explicit and implicit self-esteem and their relationship with anger expression and psychological health. European Journal of Personality, 21, 319 – 339.
  24. Marcus, B., Machilek, F. & Schütz, A. (2006). Personality in cyberspace: Personal websites as media for personality expressions and impressions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90, 1014 – 1031.
  25. Lopes, P.N., Brackett, M.A., Nezlek, J.B., Schütz, A., Sellin, I. & Salovey, P. (2004). Emotional intelligence and daily social interaction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 1018 – 1034.
  26. Schütz, A., Marcus, B. & Sellin, I. (2004). Die Messung von Narzissmus als Pers?nlichkeitskonstrukt. Psychometrische Eigenschaften einer Lang- und einer Kurzform des Deutschen NPI (Narcissistic Personality Inventory). Diagnostica, 4, 202 – 218.