Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information

The University of Bamberg was one of the first signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information in 2024.

Goals of the declaration

The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information is about ensuring that, in addition to research results and research data, all relevant research information is open and freely accessible to everyone. Research information includes bibliographic metadata, such as titles, authors and abstracts of publications, as well as metadata on the software and other tools used. It also includes information on funding bodies or organizations that support research.

Position of the University of Bamberg

The undersigned are committed to ensuring that research information is freely accessible and use systems that support open research information. They ensure the sustainability of the systems used and support the transformation to open research information. ?Die Unterzeichnung der Barcelona Declaration unterstreicht unser Engagement für eine offene und transparente Forschung“ says Prof. Dr. Kai Fischbach, President of the University of Bamberg. ?Wir sind überzeugt, dass der freie Zugang zu Forschungsergebnissen, Forschungsinformationen und Forschungsdaten dazu beitr?gt, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu verbreiten, Innovationen voranzutreiben und gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt zu f?rdern.“

Transparency with the University of Bamberg’s research information system (FIS)

?Mit unserem Forschungsinformationssystem – kurz: FIS – haben wir ein Instrument, mit dem wir die Verpflichtungen, die aus der Barcelona Declaration hervorgehen, optimal erfüllen k?nnen“ explains Dr. Fabian Franke, Library Director at the University of Bamberg. The FIS contains information on publications, research projects, research data, awards and institutions, which are interlinked and all openly accessible.

With 60,000 entries in these categories, the Bamberg FIS is the most comprehensive and largest research information system at German universities. The FIS is managed by the University Library, the IT Service, the Department of Research Funding & Transfer and the University Archive. Together, they encouraged the signing of the Barcelona Declaration.?Wir unterstützen unsere Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, ihre Daten im FIS zur Verfügung zu stellen, und sorgen für die dauerhafte Verfügbarkeit der Daten und ihre Archivierung“ says Franke. ?Zudem arbeiten wir in regionalen, nationalen und internationalen Arbeitsgruppen mit, um die Systeme weiterzuentwickeln und die Open-Access-Transformation zu f?rdern.“

Further information