Golnaz Elmamooz
Research Associate
Research topics
- Spatio-temporal data analytics
- Context-aware activity recognition
- Indoor location-based services
- Sensor-based data analytics
Short CV
Since 2016, Golnaz Elmamooz is Research Associate at the University of Bamberg, Germany, in the Chair of Mobile Systems. She obtained her Master in 2013 from Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran, in computer software engineering, working on predicting Diabetes type 2 using bayes-based classifiers.
Her research interests are analysing and learning from the sensor-based data. She focuses on the continuous management of location-based data from sensors and other active data sources and their incorporation in so-called context-aware applications. Currently, she works on data stream management technologies. These technologies can be applied to the domains of smart cities and smart farming.